Amber cracks the toy, carriers the ball back to make it whole again. She gives up and carries it over to her litter tray. What a smart kitty 😺!
The relaxing sound of a heart beat toy ❤️.... Lil Megs and Pickles are play fighting and then suffocating each other.
Time for our raffle draw 😀
Yesterday I went and collected this tiny kit. A five week old kitten alone in a toilet block. She was collected by a cleaner who bought her to the vets. I have been looking into names for her. She was found in Maddingley, so Maddi? Or Lou Lou, as she was in the toilets. Send names, please 🙏.
Our tiny kit is scared, a few hisses, but happy to play. We are learning about litter trays and trialling formula and slurry. I am doing my best to keep interactions positive. She has been ok with flea combing. Hopefully, she will settle in soon.
Tiny 🐈⬛, Big ❤️
Can you see the third kitten?
Being ever so helpful with planning my enrichment ❤️
Sometimes, you just need to sit and chill with the kittens. It's called Purrtherapy. Meow, it is the best 🐈🐈⬛️🐈🐈⬛️🐈. Amber didn't participate she is still recovering from surgery, she watched cat TV later on my phone.
Baileys and Amber have no idea where their sisters went. They decided to make some fun with my washing pile. Too cute 😍
Getting ready for a 🍼 feeding time = screaming time 😱🙀
The Tiny Kit Committee would like to extend our thanks to everyone who contributed to our kitten shower in September, commissioned a Meowloween Masterpiece in October, sent cans and bottles our way or have a regular donation cycle. Jan and Jaci thank you for the kitty litter. Sallyanne and Frank thank you both for the 2 slabs of babycat wet food. Tammy for the mountain of tissues.
With all the funds raised or donated in the last few months we have purchased:
1 website, 2 flea combs, 2 kitchen scales, some vasoline, 2 bottle racks, 8 tissue boxes, 10 make up wipe packets, 3 formula containers, 2 protein shakers, 2 thermometers, 2 cleaning sets for bottles, 2 F10Sc sprayers, cotton swaps, 4 foster care pack toys, 2 litter scoops, 100 x 1mL syringes, 10 mini miracle nipples, 24 x 120mL bottles, 1kg of in-sideout probiotics, 2 play pens, 2 cat scratchers, 12 litter trays, 2 x 5kg wombaroo powdered kitten milk, karo syrup, 6 toothbrushes, 18 x 30L bags of breeders choice litter, 23 packets of baby wipes, 10kg mother and baby cat dry, 13kg kitten pro, 156 sachets of royal canin - gravy kitten food, 108 sachets of royal canin - jelly kitten food, 108 sachets of royal canin - loaf kitten food and 72 cans of royal canin babycat wet food. Along with all our vet appointments have been paid for.
We appreciate all you have done, small or large to get us ready to face kitten season. Thank you to all the generous souls in our tiny kit community you inspire us to keep caring for these vulnerable kittens who deserve to be loved, warm or cool (depending on the temp), safe, healthy and fed.
Some of Morti and Tas outdoor adventures yesterday.