One of many good exercises to include in your training, is that of ground tying...especially with transitioning the Racehorse
Though there is a build up of other training to start on this..
It’s a good way to visually gauge where they are with not so much just control .. but how they are starting to relax and engage with you ..
The ability to ask them to lower their head and relax upon request .. is a good indicator they are starting to become comfortable to do so with you ..
First session with this gelding who only recently ceased his career in racing
Learning to follow light contact and flex is one of the primary foundation requirements.
In the initial stages of educating to halter and control,
you can never ever cheat or dismiss.
Without the ability to control their direction without resistance, you’ll be spending your time fighting a resistant foal and create a fighting horse.
Add good hip and shoulder and poll control.. life gets simpler
I’m not saying everything is easy .. but pretty much all you need is timing, patience and tolerance.
I find at the end of every good session or when anxiety builds up .. the ability to fold them into a hug and rub them down helps move past it
Here’s a short clip recorded that is supplementary to the previous “Handling Foals”
Not many will have the opportunity or need to handle foals..
But for those of you that do, and have encountered anxiety or moments that have set you back in their initial stages.
And you have the issue of not being able to get them to engage with you again is what works for myself and others.
Though this was my second session with this filly. The first few moments will give you an indication of where she was..
It’s all about your energy and confidence .. watching for any movement away that is telling you they are uncomfortable, and instantly backing the pressure off..
At first you may need to do this completely, but you need to build to the point that a simple few inches of your body is enough..
Feel them out .. you need to tune into the energy they are giving off.. And they do give off energy...
As I always emphasise, reward the smallest give.. Quit for ten min or so and return..
When you can engage them in foal hugs, ensure that you can place your body into them or they into you..
Become their security blanket ..
Don’t over ask any circumstance, push, or want for more at the early stages of building trust and connection..
Be happy to take that bit longer and recognise that within yourself and them.
You will know the moment you have gained.. it will come in the form of them relaxing into your body and hold.