🤔 Why don’t humans wear METAL shoes?
Ok this might sound a bit ridiculous because we can’t actually nail metal shoes permanently to our feet, but WHY do we wear rubber soled shoes and boots - not METAL?
What would happen if we tried to walk or run with metal covering the bottom of our shoes?
We wouldn’t feel at all SAFE.
We would be forced to acknowledge that the metal was slippy, non forgiving, unable to flex as we walked.
👉 We’re not comparing horse to human foot anatomy here... we’re comparing the EFFECT of the metal ON our anatomy.
As humans, if we were to wear metal shoes, we would experience a definite immediate IMPACT on our joints and soft tissues throughout our bodies, and anything above a walk would be treacherous.
We would change our gait to compensate... unnaturally.
We all know it would hurt us - so we can't even imagine doing it.
And yet... for some reason... we feel this is totally acceptable for horses 🤷♀️
We have CONVINCED ourselves it’s absolutely fine to put a metal shoe on a horse's foot.
But shouldn't the old thinking be gone now?
Haven't we moved on from when people believed that, because horses hooves were ‘hard’, nailing metal to them wouldn't be a problem?
If the hoof is hard - then it's ok to nail into it! 😐
It would ‘PROTECT’. 😐
It would stop the hoof from 'WEARING OFF'. 😐
But that shoe of metal, nailed onto the hoof, stops it FLEXING, expanding and working properly.
It STOPS the hoof mechanism from working correctly... but that is only the TIP of the iceberg.
Now we know, without a shadow of a doubt, metal nailed on shoes cause pathology in hooves, and bodies too.
The fact that we even feel horses need shoes to ‘help’ the horse, is a STARK REMINDER of how the domestic world is failing horses by not acknowledging that the reason we use them...
.. is because WE have created the sore foot - NOT the horse.
We have FAILED in our understanding that a sore footed horse is our creation not theirs.
We blame genetics... bad breeding... inherent weaknesses.
A horse is a flight animal and movement and running are paramount to their very existence.
A natural bare hoof has PROPRIOCEPTION... it feels the ground and sends vital feedback to the rest of the body.
Horses are CAREFUL where they place their feet and legs. If you are in any doubt about this, watch horses take time to walk around areas they’re not sure about.
👉 They need to FEEL the ground.
It is widely acknowledged that shoes cause horses to excessively SLIP... so studs are applied, usually only on one side of the shoe 🤷♀ causing even further disruption to the vital natural form and function of the hoof.
Put on a slippy object... then add something to try and stop it slipping. Hmmm 🤔
Shoes HARM horses. Period. They are metal. If you think they don’t, then please go and put some metal on the bottom of YOUR rubber soled shoes.
Think about it.
Spend just ONE DAY walking around in them. But even that wouldn’t begin to scratch the surface of the true impact of a nailed on shoe.
We have no clue what it feels like to feel contraction. The loss of use of the back of our foot. The ATROPHY of our soft tissues over time.
But horses feel it.
There is not one single shod horse on this planet that is not experiencing the NEGATIVE effect of the metal shoe.
Not one single horse. But because horses can’t ‘talk human’ we don’t ‘hear’ it.
But those who know how to read BODY LANGUAGE can SEE it!
Shoes are nailed onto the foot. The foot grows CONTINUALLY, so immediately it is applied, the shoe is working against not with the hoof.
And yet even though we know all of the above...
.. we still shoe horses with metal and nails.
Saying things like...
"it helps horses, and is a KINDER OPTION than letting them walk on their own feet"
"all horses are individuals, and some horses just cannot go barefoot, so a shoe is a KINDER OPTION"
Really? 😳
Serious issues are developing in our horses at a younger and younger age...
👉 Incidences of ARTHRITIS are rising
👉 Incidences of NAVICULAR are rising
👉 Incidences of CONTRACTION are rising
👉 Incidences of BONE MALFORMATION are rising
If we walked around with metal on the soles of our shoes for long, we’d experience a lack of confidence and the painful REALITY of the devastating impact it would have on our bodies... and minds.
Humans don't have metal soles on their shoes or boots for a VERY GOOD REASON.
It would soon negatively impact our behaviour and our MENTAL HEALTH.
That’s why we wear rubber soled shoes and boots. Because frankly, metal would be RIDICULOUS.
So if you’re going to put hoof protection on a horse, why would you even contemplate metal over a HOOF BOOT?
Or better still, give the horse the ability to grow its own healthy, sound hooves. Free of pain. Free of pathology.
The EXCUSES can only go on for so long. 🙊🙉🙈
Here at this magazine we don’t make any excuses, because we believe in empowering owners to give horses their own hooves back.
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Metal shoes WILL be obsolete one day... why not help your horse sooner rather than later 😉
The BHM Team ❤️