Little red belly from Redgate.
Gidday folks . Been a busy couple of days. Sorry for the lack of content as I’m not one for really filming the captures. This red belly was playing the coiling game with me . Some just relax and stay on the ground. Some just go mental and coil and come back at you.
Customers did a terrific job at keeping an eye on the snake and made my job easy. It’s the first time I’ve actually ever asked a customer to hand me the bag . He kept coiling himself though so he was a bit of a handful.
Remember Christian has moved from the area so this site and Kingaroy snake catchers are both mine and they will be amalgamated in the next week to stop the confusion.
Also my number is 0498177734 .
Hope you all have a great weekend and if you would like more capture videos I will start posting them.
Small carpet snake at Booie that needed to be removed before he created a problem with the gentleman’s dogs.
Received a call today after work from a stressful lady regarding a cheeky red bellied black snake...remember always call if you need a snake removed whether you think it maybe harmless or not. Alot of venomous snakes can look like harmless species and vice versa... 0435736924... Treat our snakes and other animals with the respect they deserve...feel free to share the video..
I've often been labelled as the controversial snake catcher due to what I've posted in the past. The thing is though I may not pull any punches, but the thing is I back it up with facts ...this video is no exception...I think it's about time I rattle the cages again.... lol clearly states under our dmps that you should NOT interfere with the snake once it's been captured and then it could cause undue stress to the animal as I clearly state in this video. Now I'm all for one to educate the public but I've seen way too many "show ponies" in this profession that want to prove themselves to the public as being top notch...the snake catching industry is a competitive one and also displays lots of backstabbers as well. So before any of you catchers want to have a crack at me...17 years this November not one bite...the record speaks for itself and I'm self taught too..
Flighty rbbs
Possibly the flightiest rbbs I've ever handled... I wasn't in the right head space for this one yeah still doing the odd callout here and there..
Possibly my last video for a while or ever
I Need to concentrate on my family , job and music career I know you've all heard this before but both Darryl and myself are sick to death of people's attitudes...You expect us to drop everything and come running to save you from the snake, and if it can't be found you get really shirty and refuse to pay the callout fee which you've already agreed upon... jesus over 15 yrs going onto 16 yrs and I haven't had one holiday, missed my kids bday parties and other events...lost my job at the peanut factory cause I put your needs first instead of mine.
.so we've both had you the decent ones can thank those others for bringing us to this decision...
JUST today I missed a call and the voice mail said this lady expected someone to remove a 20 foot python😂 from up a tree in her back yard sorry they don't get to 20 foot..
If they did they'd need a custom shoe designer😂😂😂😂 sorry a bad joke..
Anyhoo enjoy this last video...and enjoy your snakes.
We're done
Texti in bin
"Snakes Can Be Found In Compost Bins"
Hey everyone yesterday Darryl sent me a text saying get ready bro brown snake call coming your way, no longer had I read that the phone rang. A distressed gentleman was telling me his daughter had a large brown snake slither right past her near her feet. She then watched it disappear inside a compost bin.
When we arrived there they showed me the last place they saw it so I lifted up the compost bin and used my hook to sift through the compost but couldn't find anything.So then I decided to shake it around that's when I caught a glimpse of yellow so as you'll see it all happened extremely fast, with their neighbour looking on and it turned out I caught a snake for him 3 years happy customers all around... remember there's no excuse to handle a snake situation yourself as you've got myself and Darryl...0435736924 and yes callout fees apply... feel free to share and get the message out there and remember...a venomous snake is not dangerous until you interact with it.
Red belly
Ok so this video is a little more exciting than the last one, if you get envenomated by this red belly there's a very good chance that you may end up in hospital. Even though no recorded deaths are attributed to this species, patients have described the loss of taste and smell and in worse cases amputation may be needed. The elderly and children are more susceptible to the effects of this venom and in some cases may actually cause renal failure.
What gave this guy's position away was a cheeky magpie lol birds are the best snake alarms always pay attention. The clients couldn't believe how I spotted this snake curled up inside a hole in one of the besser bricks. When we rocked up there I heard a familiar voice say "There's not many snakes Christian can't catch, he's the man for the job"
I looked up to see a mate I haven't seen in about 5 after bagging the snake I attempted to jump the fence in the process my calf cramped up and I went all gangly arse onto the ground 😂 so a bit of a scraped knee and a bruised ego I was all good, unfortunately for you all my friend didn't capture that on video, maybe next time for all your viewing pleasure.... huge thankyou to Pestilence for being my videographer don't you all think they did a ripper job ...anyhoo remember if you need a snake removed and some light entertainment give me a call 0435736924 now located in Wondai...or give Darryl a call
0498177734 available 24 hrs for your convenience