Piglets in the Flowerpots
Its school holidays and the Premier has announced unjabbed families will not be allowed to go to museums and the Zoo.
Merri Bee Organic Farmacy are planning a farm tour where we will welcome all children regardless of medical status to experience farm life. We won't ask for your private information that should only be between you and your family doctor. We have 2 mother sows who have 7 piglets each, a gaggle of geese, 6 little ducks ( just hatching today) some sheep, chooks and 2 jersey cows we hand milk. We hope to provide an interesting morning for kids and their parents and with any luck we will wear them out for you too. Look out for the ad for this event, coming soon.
Such a beautiful sight, a nectarine tree humming with bees, butterflies and even a bird, all sipping nectar. But sadly the human world is on turmoil. Link to a really good explanatory vid in the comments, one to share.
Meat stock part 2
Part 2 of the meat stock demonstration. GAPS is a powerful healing protocol but is gentle and takes time. All ingredients must be organic to be medicinal and not harmful. Kitchen scissors are great for cutting up skin and so fourth. Skin contains collagen which is a building material the body will seize upon to rebuild damaged connective tissue, excellent for all types of arthritis from rheumatoid to osteo. What we are aiming for with the diet is to: 1) stop the irritaion to the damaged gut lining, 2) starve out the pathogens, 3)to heal and seal the gut wall to prevent undigested food and toxins released by pathogenic microbes passing into the bloodstream causing allergy trouble and 4) build up the biomass of beneficial gut flora . Meat stock does all this. It is a de toxifying and probiotic.It provides the easily digested, bio available nutrients needed to give birth to new cells, like chubby healthy enterocytes and the tight junctions between them; and it is an ideal food for the beneficial microbes to multiply on, while pathogens breed on fiber and disaccharide sugars found in starch, grains, lactose and processed sugars. It tastes absolutley wonderful and a cupful of warm meat stock with a spoonful of home made yogurt and sauerkraut can be eaten whenever hungry. Get as much saturrated animal fat into it as possible, simmering the soup with the fat in it will ensure it does not float to the top again.
Meat stock, a most healing food.
Just part one of a 3 part video on Meat Stock. You can live on it for months. Add some eggs and you can live on it for decades in perfect health. Some people are so sensitive to the toxins in veges, both natural and pesticides, that they have to avoid fruit and veg for a long time. Yes, that's right, they remain in perfect health on fatty meat for decades, as long as no plant food passes their lips. So says the clinical experience of Dr Natasha Campbell McBride, the independent science and the personal experience of people like Mikhala and her father Jordan Peterson, Matt Powers, Dr's Paul Saladino and Shawn Baker to name a few. It doesnt even have to be organic to give significant health improvements, but of course organic means the animals have a happy life ín a thriving ecology ecology and your food is a carbon sink. I should have said JUST cover the boney meat with the water, bring to the boil then turn down to simmer.
Monarch butterlies fluttering by
Geisher girl flowers smell like vanilla and attract bees, birds and butterflies this afternoon
piggies eat a lot of grass
So impressed with these young pigs, grazing like sheep and not digging. They are enjoying the green grass the rain in February blessed us with. They leave the little section brown but well covered, and there are many little green paddocks yet for them. However it has been a long time since rain now and re growth will be slow unless we get some rain soon. There are very few people willing to spend twice if not 3 times as much on organic grain as we do, but grass fed organic meat is a good diet for the planet and human health. Nothing else is sustainable , nothing less will make the world a better place, nothing less will reverse climate change or give our grandkids a future.
if you can eat mostly organic lamb and beef and wild caught roo and fish you r doing your part for the environment. A bit of Merri Bee Organic Farmacy bacon, cheese and salami is perfectly good too, as is Margaret River organic farmer's eggs.
Millions marched against medical mandates across Australia !
Calves growing well at Karridale.
"Stay Home and Garden" Bill Mollison, co-founder of Permaculture
Happy Easter from the Farmacy