Is she trying to tell us something? 😂 this came straight out of the laying box just like this
We usually post bright and colourful pictures, but for this, it must be done in the dark - or a very dark room….. Thursday nights are when we candle the eggs which are due to hatch early next week. This process involves shining a bright light into the egg in a dark room to see what’s inside. You can actually see in this video the chick moving inside which is pretty amazing!
For all you experienced candlers out there, you will notice this egg looks a little under developed to be at day 18, and you are right. This particular egg is a week behind. The eggs due next are hard to see movement in on a video like this, which is why I chose one from this lot instead.
On Tuesday, we will have;
🐣 pure breed andalusian chicks
🐣 pure breed Aussie line cream legbar pullet chicks (these are autosexing)
🐣 just for fun mini rainbow coloured range chicks
🐣 just for fun standard olive range chicks
🐣 just for fun standard rainbow coloured range chicks
These will all be available in our Narre Warren North farm shop on Tuesday morning and yes - we are open on Cup Day!
There’s plenty of chicks in our brooders, just waiting for you to take them home!!
Also a few off heat, that are not in this video.
Our Narre Warren North farm shop is open from 10am to 12noon today
Have you seen our hatch ready ranges of eggs?
These eggs are partially incubated in our incubator at home and have been individually candled by us to ensure the embryo is growing and developing correctly, prior to you collecting them.
They are available for you to collect each week from us, on day 16 - 18 of incubation and will hatch on the next Sunday night and Monday morning.
Collection days are Tuesday (day 16), Wednesday (day 17) and Thursday (day 18).
On collection, we place the eggs in a padded, pre heated carton, and wrap them with a bottle of hot water in an insulated bag for transport.
We recommend that your drive home is no longer about an hour to an hour and a half and you place them under your hen, or in your incubator as soon as you arrive home.
These eggs are laid by our purpose bred, multi generational hens, who have been specifically chosen for their unique egg colours. The chicks you hatch will lay a similar colour to the egg they hatched from.
Eggs from these breeding teams are by far our most amazing and brilliant colour mix available.
NB - We don't post these eggs as that just wont work, and even though we carefully candle each one, we can not guarantee the hatch rate due to there being too many factors out of our control once the eggs leave us.
Order yours here 👉