Free to a good home!
Tanzi would be A worthy addition to any breeding home! Sadly she did her front ligaments as a baby and therefore can only be ridden lightly.
Shes very sound in paddock, has talent to burn, no shoes required and an excellent doer!
Shes by Calavino and out of a TB mare.
15.2hh, 6yo.
BROODMARE FOR SALE: ‘Darwin park Tanzania’ ‘Tanzi’ is a 15.2 5y.o warmblood/tb by ‘Calavino’ out of a tb mare. Tanzi is a very talented mare who has unfortunately had to retire due to injury to ligaments (not related to confirmation/breeding) Tanzi is extremely quiet to ride, handle, catch, shoe, float etc… She has 3 outstanding paces with a very careful jump! She’s a very good doer and an absolutely lovely type! We believe that with Tanzis lovely type and nature she has the potential to produce lovely horses! She is only offered to the very best of homes. We bred her so this is a particularly hard sale! Vet report welcome. Not lame in the paddock! We are heartbroken to retire her from ridden work. $5k🥕 🥕 🥕
Lexi and falcon being superstars on this beautiful evening!
So great watching all the kids progress!
Click book now to find out more!
New pony stinga!!
Only jumped a few times ever and he pops over the barrels like a pro!
Love this 💎
Proudly dressed by @horselandnarrewarren
Smiley Savannah working on her skills!
Riding our ‘megastar’
Always having fun 🤩
We cater lessons for all ages and abilities!
To check out our pricing and availability please click ‘book now’ to find out more!
Showjumping coach- adam is back for more action this Friday!
Last chance to book in!
Please text 0419865051 for all enquiries!
A few participants from last week!
@tinaavgerinos_equestri @wanikapark
Look forward to seeing everyone again this week!
Some of our attendees for lessons with adam!
@hayleycrane @ftimmins.eventing @josieparkequestrian @em_riseley @hannahvetoo
Adam is back next friday, come join the fun!
Bella and Charlii practising their canter work!
Girls are going so well thanks so coach @hannahvetoo
Group lessons are great fun to make friends and learn to ride!
Click on ‘book now’ for all enquiries!
This could not be any cuter!!! Keep an eye out for this years ‘kinder kids’ days! Dates out soon!
Everyone meet our new little man ‘megastar!!’
He is an absolute gem and lives up to every bit of his name 🥰
About how tired I’m feeling today… #darwinparkchandilier
I miss taking the horses out! I miss competing, but most of all I actually miss lessons! I miss the highs and lows of training horses!!! Fingers crossed it won’t be long now til we can all get back to normal or closer to normal life!