Josie, Poppy & Maverick on this beautiful Sunday afternoon
We try to give our weanlings the best start as most of them have a long trip to their new homes.
Axel by Yallawa boys night out from Three v dark enchantress is heading to South Australia in 10 days time.
Callie aka Ironhorse Black Opal just back from the breakers and is showing her beautiful temperament.
We’ve been following Courtney since she bought Callie as a foal so it’s makes us so proud to see how much enjoyment she is getting from her.
By Yallawa Boys Night Out from Ironhorse Spoton Dixie.
What a great day for a country show 🎡
Took Orion ‘Ironhorse Stolen Victory’ to the Cobargo agricultural show this morning before the storm hits.
Bill got to take him past the cows, poultry and all the ponies, great experience being his third show.
He was placed champion western bred out of QH’s and Paints, was a great day and a well run show ⭐️
Do you guys remember Memphis?
By Smokin Aces from Cayuse Mighty Surprising.
This is his first ever ride with his owner Adam. The temperament on these horses is incredible.
Good Luck Adam and Lucy💙❤️
Baron and Chato having their first trip in the horse float.
Both went really well.
Baron will be off to Victoria in a week and Chato to New Zealand so they will be seasoned travellers by that time.
Both colts by Yallawa boys night out.
The two weanling colts. Having just finished their lessons for the day
Chestnut is by Yallawa Boys night out from She’s Simply Divine. ( heading to Victoria)
The dark one is Chato by Yallawa Boys night out from Ironhorse Uptown Girl ( heading to NZ )
The two fillies in for weaning are going really well.
Having tie up and feet picked up lessons.
Delta ( by Smokin Aces from Ironhorse Tigers Legacy)
Mariah (by Smokin Aces from Cayuse Mighty Surprising)
Barons turn for handling. He’s a lovely big colt
By Yallawa boys night out from She’s simply divine.
He is going to a show home in Victoria.
Had another 3 inches of rain last night. Total of 9 inches so the creeks are up.
Little Mariah is learning to lead and she’s coming along well. Has her moments 🙄
By Smokin Aces from Cayuse Mighty Surprising. This filly had been retained.
Amos is growing well.
He seems to have spots on spots🤠
By Yallawa Boys night out from Cayuse Lady of the Lake.
Axel is getting taller. By Yallawa Boys Night out from Three v Dark Enchantress.
Still trying to get a good registered name for him.
He is now a gelding and will be weaned in about a month.