Don't expect your your dog to be an expert at a skill that you've only just taught them.
Teach your dog each skill in every environment under all distractions. one step at a time.
Then practic. practice practice in those situations.
Just like us, dogs need practice and time to learn new skills.
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Obedience doesn't work if you haven't built a connection with your dog.
Build a connection based on trust and respect first.
You need to be relevant to your dog.
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Why are trainers so against dog parks.
They're like a swimming pool with no life guard, playground with no supervision, night club with no bouncers.
They might be full of diseases from dogs not vaccinated.
If you don't have 100% recall under any situation your dog should not be in an off leash area.
You don't know if the other dogs have recall. if they are not social, if they've just been rescued and the handler doesn't know them and they diddle small dogs, big dogs, white dogs, black dogs or.....
If you do attend a dog park, check the dogs already in there. So you think it's safe?
#dogtraining #dogtrainer #dogbehaviour #dogpsychology #dogbehaviourtraining #dogtrainingadvice #puppytraining #puppytrainingtips
The truth you didn't want to hear.
You need to change your Behaviour before your dog can change their behaviour.
Your dog doesn't know too change their behaviour until you indicate to them that it needs changing.
Perhaps you've tried without success. Reach out, convent below, and we can help you.
In my book Molly Meets Tildy, Tildy changes her behaviour and tells Molly 'no' after Molly gives her a little bite. Molly was getting overexcited so Tildy changes her behaviour.
Molly Meets Tildy is a great book for clients with young children. It has lots of positive messages for interacting with puppies and equally baksheesh if you have young children.
The book is not expensive and is available works wide on Amazon, Booktopia and Barnes and Noble.
Any comments or questions, leave them below.
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When bringing home a new dog or puppy into the home, it's important to establish rules and boundaries straight away.
When we have a dog or puppy, we are taking on the role of pet parent. it is our responsibility to keep them safe by teaching them how to be safe.
One way is to limit their access to our home. Dogs and puppies don't always need access to the entire home.
It's good for them to have their own space, especially when we go out. if they have full access to your home when you're away, they are likely to get bored and chew on things. They don't know the difference between their toys and a $400 pair of shoes.
in my book Molly Meets Tildy, you see Molly has a safe, secure area with her water bowl and a comfy bed.
If you want help setting up for your dog or puppy, comment below.
If you have any questions or comments, leave them below.
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Crate Training is often unpopular.
Crates work with the instinctual brain of a dog.
They feel safe because nothing can come at them from above or behind.
Crates are also used by vets, so if your dog already uses a crate, it makes fine at the very less stressful of they need to stay.
In my book Molly Meets Tildy I refer to the crate as a cubby house. The terms we use can make such a difference. Who didn't have a cubby house under the table as a child?
Molly Meets Tildy is available world wide on Amazon.
If you want to know how to introduce your dog to a crate or you have any questions or comments: leave them below.
#dogtrainer #dogbehaviour #puppytraining #puppytrainingtips #childrensbooks #dogtrainingadvice #dogtraining #cratetraining #dogpsychology
Recall is so important to keep your dog safe when off leash.
Always make it a positive experience with praise. a pat, a massage, or a treat.
Practice it in different environments.
Practice with obstacles to go over or around.
Always use a leash when training to support your dog and provide guidance.
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#dogtraining #dogtrainingadvice #puppytraining #dogbehaviourtraining #puppytrainingtips #dogtrainingadvice #noosadogs
Molly Meets Tildy. A children's story for raising a puppy
.Molly Meets Tildy.
A glimpse in the book.
Why does Molly use 'doggy wheels'
Getting out in Doggy Wheels keeps Molly safe until she has all of her vaccinations.
This provides a safe way for Molly to experience the sights, sounds and smells during her rapid neural development phase.
Do/ did you get your puppy out during this time?
Vet's advise people to keep puppies indoors until fully vaccinated. This is a safe way to let your puppy explore the world around them while building a strong connection with you.
What other messages are in my book book?
Purchase from Amazon, Booktopia or Barnes and Noble today.
#childrensbooks #puppytraining #puppytrainingtips #dogtraining
Molly Meets Tildy.
A glimpse in the book.
Why does Molly use 'doggy wheels'
Getting out in Doggy Wheels keeps Molly safe until she has all of her vaccinations.
This provides a safe way for Molly to experience the sights, sounds and smells during her rapid neural development phase.
Do/ did you get your puppy out during this time?
Vet's advise people to keep puppies indoors until fully vaccinated. This is a safe way to let your puppy explore the world around them while building a strong connection with you.
What other messages are in my book book?
Purchase from Amazon, Booktopia or Barnes and Noble today.
Hope to see you this morning.
Plovers have a chicken so be considerate of that.
Training in the Park
I'm setting up for training in the Park.
I have children's books and leads for sale.
see you soon
Pre order Mollg Meets Tildy. Tildy adopts a puppy and so begin their adventures. This book is written to teach children correct and safe ways to interact with dogs and puppies. Watch as Molly learns ans has a balanced and happy life.
#trainingcesarsway #dogbehaviourtraining #childrensbooks