I was so pleased to have the opportunity to chat with Councillor Sandra Ruck - City of Moreton Bay and the Rangers yesterday at the 'Pets In Public Spaces' pop up in Newport yesterday. This is such a great initiative from council to promote dog safety and education. Best Dog Behaviour look forward to supporting council with these pop ups and build awareness and help to educate.
We loved hearing Lincoln read our new book 'Molly Meets Tildy' which is written for young children, designed to be educational and fun reading. Molly Meets Tildy is about a young girl who adopts a puppy, Molly. This book begins to guide you with how to raise the perfect puppy and how to safely interact with dogs and puppies. This is the first book in the series available on booktopia.com.au and e-book available on amazon.com.au.
I look forward to seeing you at future pop up events.