Our Story
Welcome to K9 SWiM’s page
You will see us sharing stories of our clients and what we do at K9SWiM, including events and other information related to our four legged friends (dogs).
K9 SWiM has a Canine Hydrotherapy Centre and Wellness Centre where we offer services in Canine Hydrotherapy, Canine Underwater Treadmill Photonic Therapy along with Natural Therapies for dogs. Programs for
are individually planned for your dog so they can gain the maximise health benefits and for your dog to have fun.
We love to share content that we think you will love.
We like to share and connect with people so if you have a relevant story to share or a question please post it on our page.
Sharing your feedback is also encouraged, good or bad, but please do so politely.
*** House Rules ***
Please be mindful of others. Comments will be removed if considered offensive.
Keep language clean. If your post is threatening, abusive, defamatory, indecent, menacing, harassing, offensive, infringes any person’s intellectual property rights or is unlawful in any way, we' remove it.
Treat others fairly and respectfully. Any comment or wall post that includes swearing, bullying, personal attacks (on any business or individual), contains a political agenda, is offensive, defamatory, racist, disrespectful of or misleading to others will be removed.
Post lawfully. We will remove any content that may put us (or you) in legal jeopardy. This includes potentially defamatory comments, material or links posted in potential breach of copyright as well as offensive profile pictures that contain profanities or indecent imagery.
Don’t spam. Off-topic or overtly promotional posts don't support the purpose of the community. Posting the same content more than once in a thread or across multiple threads may be considered spam, whether from one person or multiple people. We may remove third party links which do not relate to K9 SWiM.
We moderate this page and reserve the right to delete any post or block/ban any users at our sole discretion. We understand moderation can be subjective, so we will make every effort to keep our guidelines clear.
If you ever have any concerns that there are posts not in the keeping of this page, please go to http://www.k9swim.com.au/contact-us We will treat every contact with seriousness and confidentiality.
Like our K9 SWiM - Canine Hydrotherapy Centre this page is a place to share and connect and all are welcome.
**Posts on this page do not necessarily reflect the views of K9 SWiM and we do not endorse any user submitted posts