Dash visited The Haven for some fun training today. We finished off with a dam swim and (unexpected) stick retrieve. Always lovely to see you darling Dash! #dogladyorange #enrichment #givethemchoice #waterdogs #trainingshouldbefun #takethepressureoff #professionaldogtrainer #thedogladyorange #buildingconfidence #thehaventrainingandenrichmentcentre #hungarianvizsla #dogswim #swimming #dog #swimmingdog
Memphis was nearly‘ unstoppable’ today when he caught a scent (rabbit?) and ducked through a fence with his nose to the ground. We have had off leash play and runs in this paddock many times before and he has never run off. Luckily I had my whistle handy for recall, yummy treats in my pouch and a long line to attach for safety. On this occasion it took us a while to get his attention with this distraction. There are 3 x D’s we add in training ( distance, duration and distraction). I thought I had practiced whistle recalls pretty well with Memphis but clearly we need to revisit our distraction training. In the meantime, am always prepared for ‘ just this once’. #dogladyorange #whistlerecall #whistlerecalltraining #whistlerecalls #longleadsniffs #dogleashfree #leashfreearea #safaetyfirst #safetyfirstalways #dogsafety
A girl having fun 😊🐾🐶❤️ #marybellethegoldie #thedogladyorange #buildingconfidence #takethetime #girlsjustwannahavefun #goldiepuppy #retriever #goldenretriever #beachfun #dogsatthebeach
If there’s water around, MB is in it! That’s what happens when you have a Goldie in the house…It’s important to understand the breed of the dog you invite into your home, as well as the dog’s individual likes and dislikes, interests and needs. Dirty floors and muddy paws are part of the deal with Goldies, Poodles, Labs, Spaniels, Terriers … Most dogs in fact if they get the chance to just ‘be dogs’ 🐾 #debidoglady #wetdogs #muddypaws #happydogs #goldies #goldenretrieverpuppy #goldenretriverpuppy❤️
Wally and Sam have been practicing snake avoidance and recall. The dogs are often off lead on their property so we have been working on ‘whiplash turn and follow’ if they see or smell a snake, as well as on their special recall cue. They are both doing very well. The key now is to practice ‘everywhere they go’ to generalise this behaviour. Well done team! 👏🐾🐶 #dogladyorange #trainingshouldbefun #debidoglady #takethetime #thedogladyorange #professionaldogtrainer #thehaventrainingandenrichmentcentre #snakeavoidancetraining
Noodles is learning to walk nicely next to a pram so the entire family can go out and about together safely. We started our first training session without any children in the pram which allows us to focus on Noodles’ body placement, lead handling and reinforcement. A great first session l reckon👏Noodles is very much loved and just oozes sunshine. The kids named him of course and his name suits him well! I look forward to our next session together soon🐾 #childrenanddogs #looseleadwalking #trainingshouldbefun #debidoglady #takethepressureoff #takethetime #buildingconfidence #thedogladyorange #thehaventrainingandenrichmentcentre #thepuppyspecialistorangensw #thepuppyspecialist #givethemspace
My lovely client Lyn has a home filled with pugs that have found their way to her. We have been doing some training and fun activities with her newest addition Frankie. Lyn heads home after our sessions and implements lots a new fun activities with all family members. What lucky pugs 🐾❤️
I had the privilege of watching my friend Lesley and her Cattle Dog Ace play in Perth this week. It was raining and windy but they still had loads of fun together. Their smiles say it all… To me, this is what a great dog- human relationship looks like 🙏🐾
Little pocket rocket Arnold (aka Arnie) visited The Haven this week. Arnold is a very ‘Cav like’ Cavoodle weighing in at just 1kg. Arnie makes Mr Wicket look huge! Lots of a chewing and shredding of course being a puppy. He is such a confident and happy puppy #dogladyorange #enrichmentfordogs #thepuppyexperience #cutepuppiesoforange #buildingconfidence #thedogladyorange #professionaldogtrainer #thehaventrainingandenrichmentcentre #thepuppyspecialistorangensw
Wally and Sam are progressing nicely with their snake avoidance training. We worked on recalling from different objects and movement today. Their responses are instantaneous. Well done everyone! 👏👏👏( Please excuse the video quality)
And then there were 3! Box chewing decompression is a nightly ritual at The Haven #dogladyorange #enrichment #enrichmentfordogs #chewing #boxes #thedogladyorange #thehaventrainingandenrichmentcentre
A wonderful walk with Teddy today. Teddy can be a bit worried about other dogs so this was a massive breakthrough. Well done Team Teddy. A huge thank you to my assistants Dame Dakoda and 11yo Jackson for the filming 👏🐾 #dogladyorange #givethemchoice #leadwork #debidoglady #buildingconfidence #thedogladyorange #privatetraining #professionaldogtrainer #thehaventrainingandenrichmentcentre