When your Sydney clients bring the rain with them 💦💦
The young horses coped incredibly well, it is a very high roof though @rimini_park
I wish I felt so feather-light & lofty after my runs. Grace, my running buddy 💕🐶
When your young horse is your bareback ride. I adore the boy, so comfortable and improving all the time. Bareback gives you the opportunity to feel where you are tending to immediately because you will move off the centre of the spine. Also the contact is much more refined, the horse feels the benefits enormously. I encourage it! @rimini_park #younghorse #barebackfreedom #balancedriding
Self Carriage ~ Successful Foundation
It was such a lovely evening to lunge Spooks and he is progressing beautifully
I encourage all of my students to learn how to achieve balance on the lunge, it really is such a valuable exercise. This is the short version since he was so focused and rhythmic.
Plenty of fun at my WE clinic last weekend. Maria finding her wings on her gorgeous Rammi 💕💕
@rimini_park #workingequitationteacher #jumpschooling #classicalcoachingsolutions
The gorgeous Joey and Erica perfecting the lengthened frame/neck extension in working trot following simple fundamentals. If you would like to know more, the steps involved to achieve this healthy, sustainable (as opposed to incorrect spectacular) position comment or DM me.
It gives me immense delight to help all levels of horses and riders define and work towards goals 🐴🐴🐴 @rimini_park #classicalcoachingsolutions #ecoledelegérètévictoria #postureforhealth #besttrot # dressagecoach
…cuddles before he gets his teeth…😬😬😬
#juliofoal @rimini
My beautiful Monza pure Lippizan mare with her beauty Julio @rimini_park #dreamscometrue
It is mutual 🐴💙 Spooks n me.
@rimini_park #lovewhatyoucreate
Maybe it is mosquito protection? Like Zebra stripes….😯
#dustystallion #oncewaswhite @rimini_park
Jack and Robyn taking their first steps around the forehand which will progress to shoulder-in.
Teaching the isolated leg aid first on a square is a great and easy way to be precise.
Jack is doing this so nicely for his first lesson, I rode him first so that Robyn could see and video this for future reference, carrying a headset I also talked her through what has happening when and how I was explaining it to him.
Very exciting times ahead, well done❤️
@rimini_park #classicaldressagetraining #reformingtrailhorse #walkgymnastic #clarity