A Little Kingfisher more than ready to be released. He was found on the ground stunned. Painkillers and rest gave him back his energy. #wildliferescuedarwin #kingfisherbird #ntlife
This Barking Owl came to us from Batchelor with a head trauma. It had an x-ray and painkiller and started to show signs of improvement after 48 hours. It will now go to a Wild-Care member for rehab and release with a check up in a week's time. Such special birds. Our clinic offers free wildlife treatment as we believe in helping. #wildliferescuedarwin#wildlifevet#owl
This Torres Strait Pigeon came into us a few days ago unable to fly. With a bit of TLC in hospital, he certainly can now! Great to be able to get wildlife back out where they belong!
The baby bird season truly has started. If possible please reunite with parents as these little ones can be quite demanding :-)
This Black Flying Fox came to us unable to move and eat. A couple of days later, nearly fully recovered, painkillers and tlc was all she needed.
Release of a baby carpet python
This little carpet python had a close encounter with a cat. All better now he’s ready for release.
Founds by member of public- near corner of Arnhem hwy concussed and injured - stitched up and treated in our hospital and ready for release, we love happy stories #wildliferescuedarwin#australianwildlifeconservancy #wildlifevet #kite
Body worms in a carpet python
We often find small lumps on snakes, lizards and frogs. They are the intermediate stage of a tapeworm (Spirometra sp.) if they are eaten by a cat or dog they can get up to three meters long.
All of these Little Red Flying foxes have been treated in our clinic and after being in care are now ready to be released back into the wild. Best feeling ever #wildliferescuedarwin #Bats #australianwildlife #wildlifevet #flyingfoxes
Today is international Frog day - here are some of the frogs who have needed help from us.
This Kingfisher was so keen to get out, he nearly hit our staff member. But we are very happy as Kingfisher are tricky patients and don't do especially well in rehab. This birdie came in when he was hit by a car #wildliferescuedarwin#wildlifevet#australianwildlife #kingfisherbird
Waiting for food. This owl was Hit by a car and is now on painkillers for recovery. X-ray showed no broken bones. Lucky! 🍀