The Adventures of Whippy ๐ค ๐
#horsetraining #ranchy #ranchhorsesdownunder #ranchversatility #cowhorse #cremellohorse #marepower #coltstarting #offseasontraining #showprep #ladytrainer #aussiecowgirl #queensland
Last few pics of my girls at the Tropicana Classic by Ev Lagoon Photography
Last few pics of my girls at the Tropicana Classic by Ev Lagoon ๐ฅฐ
Willows Treasure aka Whippy starting her bridle training.
For me, making a bridle horse starts at the very first ride - start them right, ride them correctly in the snaffle bit with a lot of leg and the rest will come.
And never forget - smooth and slow will become fast and correct in no time ๐ค
#horsetraining #horsetrainer #sunshinecoast #queensland #quarterhorse #willowstreasure #myshiningashwood #bridlehorseinthemaking #furthereducation #drywork #ladytrainer #aussiecowgirl #marepower #ranchriding #ranchversatility #ranchhorsesdownunder
I've been logging all the horses here for years - whether it's for the show pen or just getting useful around the property, it's one of those life skills I want my horses to have.
Aside from the basics, here are my top tips to elevate your logging game!
- You'll have to have enough hip and shoulder control to step your horse out of the rope if they get caught
- Make sure your horse is comfortable backing up with the log in front
- Get your horse used to having the rope come over their butt - it'll happen one day and preparation beats panic!
- Trot and even lope them while dragging a log - it'll change the way the rope and drag move behind you
Below is Willows Treasure showing off her dragging skills - that trot at the end is pretty cute ๐ค
#horsetraining #ranchriding #ranchversatility #ranchhorsesdownunder #ranchy #aussiecowgirl #hinterland #horsetrainer #quarterhorse #willowstreasure #competitivetrailriding #lifeskills #gettinghandy #gettingembroke #furthereducation #coltstarting #trainertip
What's Connie up to?
Connie arrived 4 weeks ago presenting with some undesirable habits and training issues including
- Ear pinning and biting when getting saddled or mounted
- Running through the bit
- No steering
- Crow hopping and bucking in the lope
- Not picking up the right lead
- Choppy trot and canter
After a couple of weeks of putting some solid ground work on and laying her down, we've spent the last fortnight getting her comfortable under saddle, working on her forward and leg aids.
Below is the "before and after" video and I'm super proud of both Connie and her rider Imy - it takes some balls to get on a horse that's bucked you off, throw the reins at her and learn how to ride the body rather than the head, and watching those two lope around just makes my heart sing ๐ค
PS: also look out for that flying change at the end - I wasn't expecting it but it goes to show what a relaxed horse can do for you!
#horsetraining #horsemanship #redmare #problemsolving #problemhorse #aussiecowgirl #ladytrainer #flyingchange #quarterhorse
Stop....draw... turn.... ๐ด๐ฎ
#oakieslittlecoyote #cutting #reinedcowhorse #herdwork #bridlehorse #onehanded #workingcowhorse #workinprogress #redmare #marepower #wazzacowcutter #flagwork #sunshinecoast #hinterland #aussiecowgirl #horsetraining #myfavouriteplace
Willows Treasure showing off a really nice little exercise to get those hindquarters going!
You'll likely encounter this exercise during a Ranch Trail class and judges will look at your smoothness and rhythm through the backup. For my future bridle horses, I'm also looking for some shape throughout in preparation for maintaining shape and bend once we do it one-handed.
This is also a great little exercise if you're struggling to maintain backwards momentum when working on that cutter turn - it builds your horse's confidence and your own coordination!
#trainertip #horsetraining #sunshinecoast #horsetrainer #aussiecowgirl #ladytrainer #queensland #quarterhorse #myshiningashwood #willowstreasure #gettinghandy #gettingfancy #gettingembroke #riseshineandgrind #ranchy #ranchhorsesdownunder #ranchtrail #ranchversatility
Step by step and round we go ๐ค
Willows Treasure aka Whippy showing off her new spin skills!
Owned by Diane Mew
#spin #sunshinecoast #showprep #horsetraining #horsemanship #horsetrainer #drywork #myshiningashwood #marepower #ladytrainer #aussiecowgirl #reinedcowhorse #workingcowhorse
Bridle horses in the making
Oakies Little Coyote is one of only a few horses in Australia to have competed and placed in Reined Cowhorse Events one-handed in the bridle.
It takes time, dedication, correct training and technical skill to train horses to this level, but there ain't no better feeling once you get there!
If you're keen on elevating your Cowhorses and your Horsemanship, come train with me!
Lessons, Clinics, Training and Campaigning - over 2 decades of professional experience, I always put your horse first.
To learn more, simply DM us or contact [email protected]
#bridlehorse #cowhorse #cutting #CowHorseTraining #fencework #fancybroke #queensland #quarterhorses #showhorses #reinedcowhorse #archa #nrchaa #ranchhorses #horsetraining #horsemanship #ladytrainer #clinics #coaching
Born to cut ๐ฅ 4th time out for Raz - she sure can read a cow like no other!
Born to cut ๐ฅ
4th time out for Raz - she sure can read a cow like no other!
#cutting #snafflebitcutting #cuttingbred #queensland #quarterhorse #horsetraining #aussiecowgirl #showprep #cattlework #superstitiouscatt #redmare #marepower #schoolingshow
No halter? No worries! ๐ฅฐ
#oakieslittlecoyote #redmare #buildingtrust #mybestfriend #cowhorse
Baby Reno getting handy around the cattle...
#horsetraining #horsemanship #horsetrainer #sunshinecoast #hinterland #ranchhorsesdownunder #ranchy #ladytrainer #aussiecowgirl #queensland #quarterhorse #3yearolds #doreymefilly #gettinghandy #workingcowhorse #furthereducation #greenhorsedevelopment