One month update of corals added to this 96L Nano Aquarium. Lighting by Micmol G4 THOR Light.
A fish's eye view of what goes on during some aquarium maintenance!
The fish always happy after a water change!
A good friend of mine has decided to give fish rearing a go, raising electric yellow cichlid fry from eggs. Using an egg tumble gives the eggs and fry the best chance to survive.
Very happy to help maintain this 96L Ocean Free Nano Marine aquarium. Looking forward to seeing it evolve as new fish and corals are added!
Just added some new tank mates to this aquarium!
It is always welcome when someone wants to change things up and explore different sides of the fish keeping hobby. This aquarium was redone from housing goldfish with artificial aquarium ornaments, painted blue gravel and plastic plants, to a variety of tropical fish, live plants and natural rocks.
If you live in the Perth area are looking to make a change or refresh your aquarium, give us a call on 0405 735 542.
These Lemon Cichlids (Neolamprologus leleupi) need good water quality to thrive and always enjoy regular water changes.
One of my favorite aquariums to work on.
I'm going to enjoy seeing this 60L Nano Marine aquarium evolve as we add new corals and inhabitants!
Had the pleasure set up this nano marine aquarium, we will be adding new corals over the coming months!
Looking around the 6x2x2, I think I need more fish!