Hi all, another update. It turns out Lemmy has a heart murmur, so they didn’t feel comfortable keeping him under aesthetic today. So he now has to see a specialist anaesthetist. And have a heart echocardiogram. So I have no idea what that is going to cost me. I’m devastated for Lemmy, and for my family. I will keep the go fund me running, as it will work out higher, and provide updates when I get them. Thank you again.
Thank you all who have donated. I can’t tell you what it means. It’s just so much money. But he is worth it. I am trying all avenues I can to get money, but being on a disability pension makes it very hard to get credit. So this help more than you could know. Thank you
My kitty brother Lemmy, got himself into a a great deal of bother. If you could possibly help out at all, I know all my family would appreciate it. I’m trying my best to help by whining at him. I am pretty sure he loves it. I also try and sleep on the couch next to his crate, as much as I can.
We all love him immensely.
Hi Lemmy and Bonnie’s mum here. I am so sorry to be asking this. But I truly need help. My cat Lemmy managed to injure himself and now needs surgery worth $6500 AUD. I have tried charities, low cost loans, however I am on a disability support pension, so I am unable to get credit. I can’t get vetpay as the interest payments alone would kill me. I have two children to support too. my boy Lemmy has helped me through pregnancy, living in and finally leaving a DV marriage. The night I have spent crying into his fur, I can’t even count. He has been my boy’s best friend as they were born in the same year.
any little thing would help. Thank you and again, I apologise for asking
i really hate doing this. But I am hopelessly desp… Mindy Hughes needs your support for My best guy Lemmy needs vet orthopaedic surgery on his leg