WAVES dermatology

WAVES dermatology Dr Meng Siak is a specialist veterinary dermatologist consulting in Success, Western Australia.

Anaphylaxis to bee and wasp venom. đŸđŸŒ»Like in humans, bee and wasp stings can result in severe allergic reactions includi...

Anaphylaxis to bee and wasp venom. đŸđŸŒ»

Like in humans, bee and wasp stings can result in severe allergic reactions including anaphylactic shock in dogs and cats.
Having an action plan is important for owners so they are trained on what to do if their pet develops anaphylaxis.

At WAVES Dermatology, we provide owners with this plan, which includes

1. Administration of adrenaline (such as Epipen or Anapen auto injectors)
-should be considered in every case of anaphylaxis (this is true in human medicine) especially if there is cardiovascular dysfunction such as collapse and pale mucous membranes
-this is the only effective treatment for anaphylaxis (not antihistamines nor corticosteroids) to treat clinical signs and prevent further progression
-further reading
-for dogs less than 7.5kg, we draw up the desired dose/volume in individual syringes for owners

2.How to effective remove a bee sting
-reduce amount of venom injected
-look around mouth and feet (most common locations for bee stings)
-scrape using fingernail or piece of gauze
https://www.aad.org/public/everyday-care/injured-skin/bites/treat-bee-sting #:~:text=If%20the%20stinger%20remains%20in,cold%20pack%20to%20reduce%20swelling.

3.Watch for biphasic reactions
-recurrence of symptoms
-more likely in pets that had severe anaphylactic reactions.

-highly effective in reducing risk of subsequent anaphylaxis
-further reading

At WAVES dermatology, we have helped many dogs and cats with desensitisation. Recently we received an email providing a positive feedback! *posted with photos of Georgie with owners’ permission*

If you have a pet that developed anaphylaxis to a bee or wasp sting, please consult with your primary care vets to discuss if a desensitisation program is an option.

Happy birthday to Felicity, our latest addition to the derm family!Felicity has  joined the team after extensive experie...

Happy birthday to Felicity, our latest addition to the derm family!

Felicity has joined the team after extensive experience in general practice. She has taken to derm like a fish to water!

Happy birthday again! We hope you enjoyed the cake as much as we did 😆

Congratulations to Dr Amelia Ho who has successful passed her membership exams in Small Animal Medicine via the Australi...

Congratulations to Dr Amelia Ho who has successful passed her membership exams in Small Animal Medicine via the Australia and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists (ANZCVS).

The exams involve both rigorous written and oral components and test veterinarians on their understanding on the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting dogs and cats. Most veterinarians take 2 years to study for the exams.

Passing the exams now allows Dr Amelia to have an all rounded knowledge to supplement her speciality training in veterinary dermatology! Only vet dermatologists that undertake the ANZCVS training program are required to pass this exams.

We are very proud of Dr Amelia for working full time, studying on veterinary dermatology AND studying for her membership exams.

Perianal furunculosis can be a very debilitating autoimmune disease commonly affecting German Sherpherd Dogs and crosses...

Perianal furunculosis can be a very debilitating autoimmune disease commonly affecting German Sherpherd Dogs and crosses.

They can present with straining to defecate, pain during defecation, blood in faeces and in severe cases, inappetance and reluctance to play/exercise.

The good news is with prompt diagnosis and treatment, this terrible disease can improve very quickly, providing immediate relief!

Dr Amelia consulted on a severe case recently and has seen dramatic improvement within 2 weeks.

If you have a pet that may have perianal furcunulosis or is not improving on treatments, please check with your primary care vet if they would benefit from a referral to a veterinary dermatologists.

Happy birthday to Dr Amelia! Hip hip hooray!Dr Amelia has been a pillar within the team and has been working very hard m...

Happy birthday to Dr Amelia! Hip hip hooray!

Dr Amelia has been a pillar within the team and has been working very hard making a difference to pets with skin and ear diseases.

We are so thankful to have her as part of WAVES Dermatology.

Happy birthday Dr Amelia!


Head arching and ear scratching in a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

Coco started displaying some strange behaviour recently (video 1) and her resourceful owners suspected she may have Chiari like malformation and syringomyelia.

They quickly organised an MRI which confirmed Chiari like malformation but thankfully no syringomyelia. They did however found fluid in both middle ear cavities.

Being a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, they suspect the middle ear fluid could be Primary Secretory Otitis Media (PSOM) and got a referral to WAVES Dermatology.

Dr Meng performed myringotomy (surgical drainage of middle ear) using the video otoscope and flushed out large amounts of mucous material (video 2).

Emptying the middle ear cavities is important to prevent excessive build up and compression of adjacent inner ear and brain structures. These can lead to otogenic meningitis and development of neurological signs such as head tilt and loss of balance. More severe cases can develop central (brain) signs such as dull mentation, inappetance and seizures.

PSOM most commonly affects Cavalier King Charles Spaniels with a similar condition sterile middle ear effusion affecting brachycephalic (flat nose) breeds such as French bulldogs. If you have a pet that develops similar behaviour, it is important they are examined by your primary care vet to discuss the possible causes.

Eyelids are considered skin too!The WAVES dermatology team also sees patients with skin diseases affecting the eyelids.G...

Eyelids are considered skin too!

The WAVES dermatology team also sees patients with skin diseases affecting the eyelids.

Georgie developed acute swelling and masses affecting her eyelids. She was immediately seen by her primary care vet and her eyes were found to be normal. Georgie also did not respond to steroids and antibiotics . When the eyelid masses worsened, she was promptly referred to WAVES Dermatology.

Dr Meng examined Georgie and performed diagnostics. Georgie was subsequently diagnosed with an immune mediated disease called Sterile Pyogranuloma.

Georgie was started on immunomodulatory therapies and has responded very well within 3 weeks.

The prognosis for Georgie is great and her medications will be slowly reduced and hopefully withdrawn.

Eyelid diseases can be mistaken for eye issues. If your pet develops lesions around the eyes and/or eyes, it is important they get examined by your primary care vet.

They can help differentiate between eyelid/skin vs eye diseases and recommend further diagnostics that may include referral to a veterinary dermatologist.

We are thankful to see dogs and cats with various skin and ear diseases.Today we saw Droid for a 4 weeks recheck of his ...

We are thankful to see dogs and cats with various skin and ear diseases.

Today we saw Droid for a 4 weeks recheck of his ulcerative skin disease, diagnosed by Dr Meng with “sterile panniculitis”. This is an autoimmune disease that attacks the fat layer of the skin, resulting in deep ulcerative lesions.

Prompt diagnosis and treatments are ideal to avoid irreversible destruction of the adnexal (hair) structures, which would result in permanently hairloss and skin scarring. These areas would then be predisposed to sun damage.

Droid is feeling much better and his owners are happy with his progress!

Recently, we have been seeing a lot of “dermergencies” or dermatology emergencies 😅Effie was referred to the WAVES emerg...

Recently, we have been seeing a lot of “dermergencies” or dermatology emergencies 😅

Effie was referred to the WAVES emergency department for acute onset of bruising on her skin. After ruling out a bleeding disorder, she was referred to WAVES Dermatology.

Again, we collected a detailed history and suspect an autoimmune disease. We performed diagnostics and started on empirical treatment based on clinical suspicion.

10 days later, another successful response as the biopsies revealed changes consistent with deep eosinophilic and neutrophilic dermatitis. These are commonly termed “Well’s like Syndrome” and “Sweet’s like Syndrome” respectively.

We will now gradually reduce the medications and hopefully withdraw them.

Naturally Effie and her owners are very relieved to have a happier Effie again. ✌

Recently we saw a very interesting case at  Reuben was referred to Dr Meng for a non healing wound on his chest (photo 1...

Recently we saw a very interesting case at

Reuben was referred to Dr Meng for a non healing wound on his chest (photo 1). It started off with a pressure sore/comedonal cyst that resulted from prolonged weight bearing from Reuben lying in a sternal position.

Surgery was previously attempted to remove the comedonal cyst but the wound was unable to heal. This was further complicated by Reuben being on oral corticosteroids for his chronic stertor (snoring) resulting in delayed wound healing.

Dr Meng and his team of innovative nurses examined Reuben and formulated a plan.

This includes treating the secondary bacterial infections, withdrawing the corticosteroids, placing a doughnut (photo 2) bandage and lifestyle changes ie encouraging Reuben to lie on soft bedding vs hard flooring.

About 4 weeks later, Reuben’s wound is looking much healthier and finally healed over. Thankfully, we can avoid further surgery.

Comedonal cysts occur over dependant areas and are result of chronic irritation to hair follicles resulting in blocked follicles/comedones (“blackheads”) formation. The hair shafts subsequently ruptures and free hair fragments are irritating and incite further inflammation. These are then complicated by secondary infections leading to a cycle of inflammation and reinfections.

Early interventions such as providing cushion/padding and topical therapies to treat the comedones.

More severe cases may need surgery but care must be taken post operative to ensure optimal healing.


Video otoscopy and foreign bodies in ears Part 2/2

When we examined the other ear, we found more foreign material. Can you guess what they are? See comments for more photos!


Video otoscopy and foreign bodies in ears Part 1/2

One of the most common reasons for ear infections in dogs is presence of a foreign body eg grass seed. They can cause moderate to severe pain and risk perforation of the ear drum. This is why ear flushes in dogs and cats should be performed under a general anesthesia, where the lumen of the trachea is sealed by the endotrachel tube, to prevent potential aspiration of any fluid that may travel from the external ear canal through the perforation ear drum then to back of throat.

Bentley was referred to Dr Meng for persistent ear pain and head shaking. He previously had two grass seeds removed but the pain and head shaking did not resolve.

Dr Meng used a video otoscope, which allows thorough examination of the ear canals and also allows gentle yet thorough flushing and precise removal of foreign bodies.

Are you able to guess what we found from Bentley’s ears? (See comments to see what we found in one ear!)

Thankfully the ear drums are intact! Dr Meng will treat the secondary infections and a full recovery is expected!

A video otoscope is vital in all cases of recurring and chronic ear disease and reinfections. The video otoscope allows thorough examination of the ear canals and ear drums, allows flushing/removal of pus and wax plugs/foreign bodies etc. It also allows collection of material from middle ear cavity and flushing of the middle ear cavity in cases of otitis media/ middle ear disease and infection.

This means we are more likely to be able to treat the most severe and complicated chronic ear infections!

The very fashionable Yooka, pictured here at her fur-parents’ wedding day, sees the WAVES Derm team for anaphylaxis due ...

The very fashionable Yooka, pictured here at her fur-parents’ wedding day, sees the WAVES Derm team for anaphylaxis due to bee sting.

Yooka went through a desensitisation program and his parents reported that she was stung last week BUT only developed mild reaction (facial irritation)!

We are pleased to offer bee and wasp desensitisation as a treatment option for dogs or cats that developed severe life threatening anaphylactic reactions. We also offer advice on immediate treatments including use of adrenaline, insect removal and avoidance.

If you have a pet who looks as cool as Yooka and is allergic to bee/wasp, who you gonna call?


Interesting case of the week.

A golden retriever was presented to Dr Meng for recurrent ear infections.

Using the video-otoscope, there was focal wax plugs in both ears. We managed to flush away these plugs and ensure the ear drums are intact ie not damaged.

While excessive wax production in dogs is often due to underlying allergies, a clue to why this Goldie has these wax plugs can be found from the skin.

The skin contains numerous large scales (“dandruff”) and the dog is not itchy at all ie not due to self trauma.

Do you know what condition affecting young Golden Retrievers can result in these large scales and excessive wax production?

Are you a highly motivated vet nurse with keen interest in vet dermatology? We would love to hear from you!

Are you a highly motivated vet nurse with keen interest in vet dermatology?

We would love to hear from you!

Another success case to finish a very busy and rewarding week at WAVES Dermatology.Boots was referred to Dr Meng for acu...

Another success case to finish a very busy and rewarding week at WAVES Dermatology.

Boots was referred to Dr Meng for acute swelling over his right face with ulcerative lesions around his eyelids.

Dr Meng performed diagnostics and confirmed a diagnosis of sterile panniculitis and myositis. This is an immune mediated disease that attacks the fat layer (panniculitis) and if severe the adjacent deeper muscle layer (myositis).

Potential triggers include diseases that affect the fat metabolism eg hypothyroidism, pancreatitis (chronic Vs acute), primary hyperlipidemia or drug reactions.

With the right treatment plan, Boots has improved very quickly and is much happier in himself!

Happy Friday everyone!

Dermergency at our Vetwest Whitfords satellite clinic.Bailey was referred to Dr Meng for acute onset of angry red blotch...

Dermergency at our Vetwest Whitfords satellite clinic.

Bailey was referred to Dr Meng for acute onset of angry red blotchy skin (erythemic plaques). These lesions developed within 2 days and Bailey has been quite unwell.

After collecting a detailed history, we suspect Bailey has a drug reaction. We performed diagnostics including biopsies and due to severity of skin disease, started on empirical immunomodulatory therapies whilst waiting for results.

The biopsies confirmed Bailey has neutrophilic dermatosis, an immune mediated disease that has similarities to Sweet’s Syndrome in humans. The triggers include an infection or drug reaction.

We are pleased to see that Bailey has improved significant within one week. We will now modify his immunomodulatory medications and avoid potential triggers.

Thanks to the quickly thinking of our vet colleagues in referring Bailey to us, we are able to start empirical immunomodulatory therapies based on our clinical suspicion. In severe cases in dogs, the prognosis can be poor.

If you have a dog or cat that develop acute and unusual skin lesions, it is important that you present them to your local vet. If they suspect a severe disease, they can refer you to a vet dermatologist. #

Apart from operating at WAVES Dermatology at Success, the derm team also does a satellite clinic once a month at Vetwest Whitfords.

Happy International Women’s Day! One day is never enough to appreciate the wonderful and strong women that has help buil...

Happy International Women’s Day!

One day is never enough to appreciate the wonderful and strong women that has help built the foundation and pillars for WAVES Dermatology!

Thank you all so much!

Allergies in older dogs. Unfortunately allergies in dogs often worsen as they age. Some owners may feel there is “nothin...

Allergies in older dogs.

Unfortunately allergies in dogs often worsen as they age. Some owners may feel there is “nothing more we can do because they have allergies all their lives and now they are old.”

Molly is a perfect example of how we can still make the lives of allergic geriatric dogs more comfortable. She is an older lady who came to see Dr Meng for severe skin itching, thickened greasy skin and hairloss. She has also recently been diagnosed with diabetes.

Dr Meng examined Molly and started a treatment plan that includes treatment of secondary skin and ear infections, medications to provide immediate itch relief as well as diet change to investigate for food allergies.

Thanks to the dedication of Molly’s owners, she is now feeling much better, less itching and her skin has improved significantly. Her diabetes is also better controlled (due to insulin resistance from her allergies and infections).

We can now further adjust her management plan for the allergies so that we can control against flares.

So age is just a number! If you have an older dog or cat with itchy skin and general bad skin or ears, please consult with your primary care vet. They can help formulate a treatment plan, which may include referral to a vet dermatologist.

We can work together to help your pets’ skin so they can feel less itchy in their golden years!

Thank you to our friends and colleagues at Ascot Equine Vets for referring their wonderful horse patients. Did you know ...

Thank you to our friends and colleagues at Ascot Equine Vets for referring their wonderful horse patients.

Did you know Dr Meng had to learn about equine dermatology as part of his specialist training?

He even did an externship in the UK and visited the word renowned Rossdale Vet Surgeons, the largest equine vet practice in the UK!

This is why veterinarians like to tease our human counterparts with “real doctors treat more than one species!”

Cats with allergies.Cats can suffer from allergies too! Unfortunately itching cats with subsequent hairloss are often mi...

Cats with allergies.

Cats can suffer from allergies too! Unfortunately itching cats with subsequent hairloss are often misdiagnosed with psychogenic over grooming , which is extremely rare!

Most of these cats have allergies ie environmental and/or food. Instead of treating them with “antidepressants” or “mood modifying medications”, a thorough investigation into allergies should be recommended.

Binx is a very handsome boy from who was referred to Dr Meng for itchy skin and hairloss. After a thorough exam and diagnostics, Binx was diagnosed with an environmental allergy and started on anti allergy medications.

Fast forward and Binx has stopped itching with full regrowth of his hair. The wonderful staff at sent us these photos recently. We are so proud of Binx and thankful for all the hard work and dedication of all the staff at

Necrotising vasculitis.This is a severe autoimmune disease that can result in deep abscessation very quickly. Tui was in...

Necrotising vasculitis.

This is a severe autoimmune disease that can result in deep abscessation very quickly.

Tui was initially referred to WAVES emergency. After stabilisation, Tui was internally referred to WAVES Dermatology.

Dr Meng performed diagnostics including biopsies and confirmed the diagnosis of necrotising vasculitis, an autoimmune disease attacking the blood vessels resulting in tissue devitalisation and death.

With immediate treatment aimed at stopping ongoing inflammation, promoting wound healing and treating secondary infections, Tui improved very quickly.

3 weeks and 3 days later, Tui is much happier and his skin lesions are significantly improved. We will continue to manage the inflammation and identify triggers factors.

If you have a pet with severe skin lesions, the prognosis is often good with immediate diagnosis and treatment. If your primary care vet has diagnosed your pet with a rare and severe condition, WAVES Dermatology can help!

The link between mind and skin. In humans, atopic dermatitis causing skin inflammation and itching can cause sleep distu...

The link between mind and skin.

In humans, atopic dermatitis causing skin inflammation and itching can cause sleep disturbances and deprivation. These in turn can result in neuropsychiatric morbidities such as ADHD and psychological stress.

This may explain in part why dogs and cats with chronic itching due to allergies may present with anxiety and other behavioural issues.

More reasons appropriate management of allergies are so important in our pets!

Journal link: open access https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/all.15818?campaign=woletoc

Merry Xmas to all of you! Thank you for all your support in 2023 and see you in 2024!

Merry Xmas to all of you! Thank you for all your support in 2023 and see you in 2024!

Ho Ho Ho! Merry Xmas from Newt, Dr Amelia and Eaden.Early celebrations and feasting thanks to Newt’s owners, who have ki...

Ho Ho Ho! Merry Xmas from Newt, Dr Amelia and Eaden.

Early celebrations and feasting thanks to Newt’s owners, who have kindly brought along yummy treats for the WAVES Derm team.

Newt is currently receiving treatments for bee and wasp allergies and is such a wonderful patient in clinic.

We are thankful for all the Xmas goodies from our wonderful pet owners.


Not all dogs with hairloss have allergies.Hairloss affecting dogs is commonly due to self trauma from itching/chewing/bi...

Not all dogs with hairloss have allergies.

Hairloss affecting dogs is commonly due to self trauma from itching/chewing/biting due to allergies.

However, hairloss can be spontaneous due to hormonal or non hormonal causes.

Lilli has been losing a lot of her beautiful poodle curls. Standard anti itch medications have not been helpful and she was referred to WAVES Dermatology.

Dr Amelia consulted on Lilli and given the clinical history and breed, suspect Lilli has an autoimmune disease commonly affecting Standard Poodles, called sebaceous adenitis. Skin biopsies were ordered and diagnosis confirmed.

Dr Amelia started oral and topical therapies and Lilli has since regrown all her amazing luxurious hair!

We love seeing our patients do well and we are thankful to our referring vets for supporting WAVES Dermatology in 2023!

Happy birthday to Tegan, one of the pillars of WAVES Dermatology! 💃🎂

Happy birthday to Tegan, one of the pillars of WAVES Dermatology! 💃🎂

Today, the WAVES Dermatology team were at our monthly satellite clinic NOR at Vetwest Whitfords. We saw the very handsom...

Today, the WAVES Dermatology team were at our monthly satellite clinic NOR at Vetwest Whitfords.

We saw the very handsome Cooper, whom we are treating for hypothyroidism or under active thyroid gland.

Cooper’s owner reports he has been acting like a puppy again and is full of energy!

The team also received a personalised Xmas card from Cooper himself ❀

The derm team consults one day a month at Vetwest Whitfords. If you have a pet that would benefit from seeing us (all clinics welcomed) please contact us at [email protected]

The team at WAVES Dermatology celebrated our Xmas brunch today with our beloved partners. It is such a pleasure seeing t...

The team at WAVES Dermatology celebrated our Xmas brunch today with our beloved partners.

It is such a pleasure seeing the team grow in numbers and as a family!

Cheers to 2023 and we look forward to 2024.



1/640 Beeliar Drive
Perth, WA

Opening Hours

Monday 12:30pm - 9pm
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 6pm




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