'This method doesn't work for my dog.'
Is a very common response I get and only rarely actually is correct.
The main issue is that the brand new technique is practised straight up at the trickiest places.
I see it all the time even in my training sessions with clients.
I show them the technique - it goes well.. and the owner instantly goes 'okay lets go to XYZ he really struggles there'.
Its a natural response I suppose, you want to fix the behaviour in the spot where it's the worst.
But you can't skip all the in between steps! Its important to practise all the small steps and build muscle memory.
Before tackling busy streets or parks, practice training in your backyard or a quiet area. This helps your dog focus without the pressure of distractions. Once they succeed in calm environments, gradually add distractions to build confidence.
See it as a driving test. Do you do your driving test on day 1 when you've never been the driver of a car before?
Or better yet: lets do a pilot. Would you want a pilot on his very first day flying your commercial flight? F U C K no!
You want them to practise in simulators for AGES and then they practise in small planes and bigger planes until they've got enough experience to fly the commercial jets.