🐴 On the 22nd of August, at 6:00pm the Western Australian Horse Council held their AGM which has inspired & focused all who attended on what the future holds for the WAHC, in standing for you, the equine community as your voice to legislation.
If you have wondered what the WA Horse Council is, and what we do - this is who we are!
If you are interested in becoming a valuable supporting member, you can join here:
If you have anything that you feel the WA Horse Council needs to know about, we want to hear from you.
If you would like to express interest in getting involved in what we also do, or as a volunteer, so please reach out!
Contact us on:
[email protected]
The Elected office bearers for 2022/2023 are:
Chair - Diane Bennit
Vice Chair - Dr Kathy Klein
Secretary - Margaret Langan
Your Committee is:
Sharleen Jordan
Sandy Hannan
Christina Slater
Chris Horvath
Shauna Alban
Nancy Ellison-Murray
Nikki Brooks
Jenni Bowman
Peter Gill
Reach out with your questions - we want to hear from you :D
#wahorsecouncil #westernaustralialianhorsecouncil #westernaustralianhorsecouncil #WAHorseCouncil #equinewelfare #horsewelfare #equestrian #horses
**Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this communication and any discussion relating to it further from committee members representative of the WAHC, or the authors, administrators, editors or owners of this page directly or indirectly are those of the Western Australian Horse Council Inc. 1986 and do not reflect the views or positions of any individual member of the Western Australian Horse Council Inc 1986 or the entities they as individuals represent.
COVID-19 WA ~ Your responsibility as a horse owner/carer
🦠 The care, welfare & feeding of horses falls under the responsibility of the owner, or contracted carer even in the case of the owner being required to isolate due to COVID-19 exposure or infection.
🐴 Requirements to isolate do not permit the directed persons to leave their place of residence, even if this is to attend horse’s location to provide care.
🚨 The responsibility falls on each person who owns, or is contracted with the care of horses (Agistment providers, or land owners where horses are kept) to have a COVID-19 Equine Care Plan in place to implement when required. This will potentially involve another person caring for the horses.
🦠 More information will come out over the next few days on how to develop the right plan for your needs.
🦠 In the meantime, familiarise yourself with your responsibilities to your animals, and the requirements of COVID19 Isolation.
For more information head to:
▪️https://www.healthywa.wa.gov.au/Articles/A_E/Coronavirus ▪️www.wahorsecouncil.com.au
#wahorsecouncil #covid19WA