The art of astrology involves a number of different essential components. The Planets, the Signs , the Houses, and the Aspects (or Links) between the planets.
There are ten planetary bodies in all. With some new ones still debated by astrologers. These are : The Sun, The Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
Each planetary body represents a particular energy in the world. This is backed up by many years of observation, literature, mythology and indeed words in common use in our language. For example Mars was always known as the God of war and strength, the color red epitomizes energy and sexuality. Words like martial derive from it and are associated with a military order. Mercury on the other hand was always seen as a force of communication because of how quickly it moved and hence it's nickname Quicksilver and the word Mercurial meaning changeable. In mythology Mercury was the messenger of the Gods. Jupiter on the other hand gave rise to words like Jovial. It is an enormous gas giant with many orbiting moons. It has always been deemed to have an expansive, positive, lucky force. Indeed many times the earth has been saved from meteors by Jupiter absorbing them on to it's surface.
As the planets epitomizes these energy forces so does the individual have those principles within his nature. Some of us are larger than life like Jupiter, others great communicators like Mercury and some great athletes and soldiers or even despots as epitomized by the Martian principle.
Each of us have these same planetary forces within us so why do people express these forces in different ways ? It is to do with where in the Zodiac the planets are to be found.
The Zodiac is divided into twelve equally sized signs. They each compose 30 degrees of the total 360 degree Zodiac. The signs beginning from late March are Aries, Ta**us, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn , Aquarius and Pisces. They approximately although not exactly correspond with the named constellations in the sky. The Zodiac is the backdrop or canvas on which the planets are to be seen. For example Mars could have lay in the constellation of Aries at the time of someone birth. Essentially this means that looking at Mars from the point of view of the earth, the backdrop of stars behind Mars would be those of the Aries part of the Zodiac. Similarly each of the planets have a backdrop to them and depending on your birth time each can lie in any of the 12 Zodiacal signs. Conventional astrology just deals with which constellation the Sun lies in at the time of your birth.
There is more to come folks: