When there's motion in the ocean inside you, and there's some BIG FEELS splashing around like a rising tide... get out and M O V E.
Dogs are masters at letting their body move and express, releasing and experiencing things in the moment. That means, in real time. Until we put them on short leads, keep them in confined spaces, tell them to suppress their behaviour. But, more about that in another post.
What if, our dogs actually have something huge they want to show us? About feeling and expressing honestly? What if, by watching them and what they want to do naturally, we could learn some super amazing things. About our internal landscape, and the interactions we share with others.
During some intense interactions between a group of people and dogs, Bird had a rather loud emotional outburst, that was completely inline with the actual energy and stress in the situation. But interestingly, not according to how the PEOPLE were behaving, at least outwardly. Me included. After, Bird and I went out to find some wide open air.
Because, this little lady, is teaching me that rather than squashing your feelings and trying to hide them deep down inside, maybe let them be what they are... energy in motion.
We ran, we frolicked and explored. We got wet. We rolled in the sand. Notice there, it's a 'we' thing. I did all that, right alongside my very own fraggle-esque movement teacher.. I snapped some pics, so we could share with y'all.
One of the challenges we are facing as a species, is about disconnection. From ourselves. Each other (people, animals, plants). The planet. Lasting change grows from the inside out. Our animals are asking us to listen, so they can guide us home to ourselves. One riverside, sunshiney, throw yourself around frolic at a time.
We're dreaming up some workshops, the first of which looks like it'll be on what is often termed self care. Yesterday, for us, that looked like this.
Feelings are meant to move us. Let them xx
I'm lucky enough to have several dog friends, who I see for regular Bowen.
This is Tallulah, aka Miss T. I always feel especially honoured by the trust she places in me, when we do a session. She is very wise, expressive, and I really enjoy working with her.
We're deep in the moment together, in these shots. Thank you to Carolyn, T's person, for the action photos♡
One of the aspects of a Bowen session that I really dig, is the way it invites everyone to come together, the people and the animals. We talk, listen, sit, share. Everyone gets still, drops into the present, connecting to self and each other. There is a sense of ceremony about it♡
I reckon Bowen is awesome for supporting the body and helping to keep it moving and feeling well. But, it's so much more than that. It's an opportunity to slow down, look at each other, exchange that feeling of "I see you" with your loved ones.
Sessions will often include Animal Translation work too, which adds an extra element to the conversation.
If you know a dog who needs a Bowen Therapist, or have any questions, please get in touch xx
Have you ever noticed how sunlight glistens on water?
The poo's and I visited the Canning River this afternoon, just down the road from the house where I grew up. It feels like home to me, and helps me remember my Mum and Dad, who have both left the world.
Today, I noticed the sunlight on the water, in a way I haven't seen it before. The way it dances and twinkles, with the energy of life.
Sitting in contemplation of death, delving into that feeling. The gaping void of loss of those we love, and are loved by. The memories that live on, after someone dies. Some of which, feel warm and perfect, some we'd prefer to forget, or change if we could.
Sometimes the pain is so big, it can hit like a tidal wave, soaking you to the skin, threatening to drown everything in it's path. Mostly, it's more mundane. A familiar friend, quietly lapping at your feet, softly reminding you of how much you've loved, and been loved.
Loss feels like one of the less desirable aspects of love. But, grief is a watery treasure trove, filled with jewels that money could never buy. Some of the most profound gifts from our loved ones, show up in this space. We only need to know how to uncover them, and make use of their power and value, in our lives.
Today, in the wake of death, I couldn't help but feel very lucky indeed. That I can sit by the river, and witness such simple beauty. It reminded me to just be really f**king grateful, that like the sunlight on the water, I'm filled with the sparkling energy of life xx
Feeling Spring with my body♡
This video is a snippet of the expressive movement practice I've been enjoying almost daily, for a good while now. Part dance, part stretching, some yoga, a lot of feeling the connection to my surroundings, but mainly just waiting for my body to tell me how it feels like moving. Or not. Listening, then letting it happen. Letting my body play. Sometimes it's slow and gentle, sometimes frenetic. I throw in things that challenge my whole self: balance; ways of moving and what I can do with my body; gently rearranging my movement edges, and my ideas of what I'm capable of.
I had become rigid, holding tight, gripping, with my body. And my mind. I held on, rather than letting go. I expressed less, told my body to be quiet, to restrict it's movement, so I wouldn't draw attention to myself by looking weird. I shut my body down. Emotions lost their motion, were curated and stored "safely" away, in my muscles and joints and bones, which just led to more stiffening and holding. Moving helps me remember how to be fluid, how to experience and release. Express and be present. Listen and be still. Which is rad for me, on all levels, including the work I do with animals. In fact, it's the animals who remind me how important this stuff is.
The sound in the background is The River, rushing by. Bird is with me, just out of shot. She's always with me when I dance, she's kinda my muse, for all things frolic related. Sister knows how to shake it.
*notice this vid starts with a full body shake. Dogs do it, on the reg. It's called a shake off. They use it to release tension, so that tension doesn't become trapped in, and absorbed by, the body. It's a reset for their nervous system. A shake off puts a full stop behind something, like a particular interaction with another dog or person. They also use it to signal a request for a break or to slow down play. How cool. I do shake offs all the time now, I try to let my body do them whenever it wants to. Dogs
Happy Sun☉Day Everyone
Today, I thought I'd let The River speak for herself.
The River, and the Black Cockatoos. They always have a lot to say.
Blessed are we, for we are aLIVE. Blessed are we, for we walk in THIS world, full of perfect places, as we are ourselves also... full of perfect places.
May we care well for these lands, and those we share them with. May we nurture and honour all the perfect places, inside and out.
Love to you all ###
This morning we are creating, with the help of our friend, The River♡
We've had a catfish friend come to say hey. And so many Black Cockatoos, calling out as they fly over where we sit.
The world around us is full of wisdom, just waiting for us to stop and listen, to pay attention. Nature holds symbolic messages for us which speak to our true selves, the part of us that is deeply connected to all that is, the part of you and me, that lives in harmony with ourselves, each other and the environment. Which is a pretty nice place to access, as often as possible.
Next time you have an encounter with a friend, be they animal, plant, mountain or River, maybe stop to listen for a moment. See how they behave in your presence, what you recognise in yourself in theirs. What thoughts or feelings arise? Let your intuition out to play.
Have a wonder-filled day☆♡☆
Much love
The Doc-tor and Rach xx
Bird and I, getting our dose of River wisdom for the day♡
Have you ever noticed how rejuvenating it feels to sit by, get in, gaze upon, listen to, connect with, a river? Bliss.
Bird. She knows xx
This morning, Birdie and I sat, pondered, danced, wrote, stretched and rolled around in the grass together, down by the river side.
It made me think how I'm not much different from when I was a little girl. I still play, in nature, with dogs, just like I did back then.
What do you and yours share, that makes you feel alive, gives your heart joy, restores balance and peace? Please tell♡
Much love to you all, from me, Birdie and the River ###
The Prince. Showing off his jumping skills♡ took only 3 attempts before he knew the aim was to jump over the little rocks, rather than walk through them. The most magic things happen when a dog is allowed to express themselves and have fun. Abel's person Susan is the best at providing him with opportunities to be himself♡ That sense of being loved for who he is, just shines right out of him, in everything he does.
Thank you Susan and Abel xx
These two. Pretty sure this is puppy love, at it's finest ♡
Abel and Taffy gave me fabulous demonstrations of top notch dog language during our walks earlier this week. They are so fluent in their communication with one another, it's beautiful to observe, so natural and easy.
I may enquire if they'll run a series of workshops, as I reckon they'd be great teachers for many of us in the ways of speaking and listening, give and take, the nuances of what makes a good conversation ♡
Wish I'd captured more of the magic on video, was too busy enjoying the show.
Today is Daddy Daughter Day for Joey and Birdie from Co-Conspiriteurs, pictured here making a special guest appearance in this morning's Perth Paws Adolescent to Adult class ♡