
Co-Conspiriteurs Services for Animals and their People Services to help, guide, support and empower animals and their people.

This is Tash ❤Tash has some concerns about the wide world. One of my fave things to do, is watch as Tash explores new pl...

This is Tash ❤

Tash has some concerns about the wide world.

One of my fave things to do, is watch as Tash explores new places.

Here, she's checking out the boat harbour, which means a myriad of brand new sights, sounds, and SMELLS.

I do my best not to interfere.
So she can create her own experience.
I also do my best to ensure Tash knows I'm there, quietly in the background, if she needs me.
She doesn't need her hand held, to have her every move directed and guided.
She does like to know help is available, should she need that.

I relate to this.
I'd say a lot of us do.

Freedom to experience life under your own steam, of your own volition, in the way you chose.
That's important.
It's huge.

What else is important?

Knowing you have someone to turn to.
Especially during times where you're in brand new territory.
When you're wondering what the hell is gonna happen next.

It might feel exhilarating.

Or daunting.

Or things might be a bit (or a real fu***ng lot) scarey.

At those times.
Times like we're in.

We need each other.

Yesterday, Tash showed courage.
She used initiative.
She tried new things, and moved through fear or apprehension when she felt it.

She grew in her confidence in herself.
In her ability to face the unknown.

I was lucky to share in that experience with her

Felt like something to pass on ###

Hi everyone❤🐩 (I'm so happy there's a poodle emoji!!!)I've decided it's time to wake this space up again, so we can make...

Hi everyone❤🐩 (I'm so happy there's a poodle emoji!!!)

I've decided it's time to wake this space up again, so we can make some love here.

In the coming days and weeks, I'd like to utilise this place to share useful info, insight, and just make sure we all know we're not alone out here in this rapidly changing world.

This virus is turning us all upside down and inside out. If there's anything I can do to offer you support, anything you'd like to ask or have me talk about on here, please let me know.

Before you do anything else, can I please invite you to take a moment, take a breath, and look at the dog/s or other animals who share your life. It may be one who is physically in the world with you, or one who's passed. As you see them, sense them with you; thank them. They will provide us with untold support through this. They have been showing us the way, and will continue with us, wherever that path leads.

Our love to you all xx

Cow conversations❤

Cow conversations❤

Academic dubs research similar to ‘Google translate’ for cattle

This week, the dogs have told me a bunch of amazing, sweet, painful, joyful, funny, difficult, inspiring, daring, silly,...

This week, the dogs have told me a bunch of amazing, sweet, painful, joyful, funny, difficult, inspiring, daring, silly, courageous, kind, awful, loving, confusing, horribly honest, heartful things.

Some of them hurt.
Some felt triumphant.
Some made me afraid (*Grief, why am I so scared of you, still! Even after all this time, all our meetings, all that we've shared. Still, YOU frighten me with your straight talk and that way you fix me with THAT unblinking, oh s**t, I can't escape now, stare. I think it's known as 'the death stare', for that reason).

They talked about control.
About anger.
About freedom.
About being misunderstood.
Being heard.
About being deeply loved.
About those pesky BIG FEELINGS.
The ones that will let us breath again.
If we agree to stop drowning ourselves, long enough.

They shared about how they weave their magic in our lives.
In our families.
In the world.

They asked me to show up, and strip off.
They told me it's time.
To get fu***ng real.

One of the big messages for me, that has shown up, again and again, is this:

Until I stop looking for validation from the outside, I won't be able to serve the animals in the way they are asking me to.
What that means is...

I have to trust my knowing.
I have to find, and use, my voice.
I have to express my self. In order to hear them.

When I'm caught up in asking "is this okay? Am I allowed to be this? Am I too much, or too crazy weird? What if I get it wrong?", that voice inside my head, drowns out what is real.
What they say.
What they know, and want us to remember.

I'm sharing this today, because the animals want us all to come clean, about who we are.

And not just on social media, but in the deepest places of our selves. Show up in our lives, and in each other's.
And with them.
WITH them.
Read that again. Then, go find an animal to sit with♡
Or a plant. They're in on this too.

My heart is sweetly full, of love for you all.
And the animals.
The dogs.
The dogs.
They've moved me to tears so many times, and in so many ways this week.
I guess I must be getting the message xx

Nature/Nurture♡Dogs+Wild Places = Co-Conspiriteurs

Dogs+Wild Places = Co-Conspiriteurs

I have a confession to make....I'm not really a dog trainer :-) Though I have often masqueraded as one. I'm a Vet Nurse....

I have a confession to make....

I'm not really a dog trainer :-) Though I have often masqueraded as one.

I'm a Vet Nurse. But that job doesn't resonate for me.

I'm qualified in "Equine Management". I don't even know what that means.

I'm not really a Bowen Therapist either. Though I often show up as one.

I'm not even an Animal Translator. Though I guess I identify most comfortably with that label.

That, and something to do with relationships, that I've never even found a label for.

What I really am, is a woman who hears animals. Who listens to nature. Who feels the deep connectedness of things. Who knows how to move energy. And when to be still. To re-energise what lies stagnant, open what lies dormant, acknowledge what calls to be made present.

I see the things that aren't being said. I read between the lines. Understand the cycles of life. And death. Of relationships. Of self.

I'm an advocate for choice. For voice. For honesty and trust.

I work with grief as my guide. I know how to befriend it, uncover it's multi-faceted gifts. And help you do the same.

The roles above, the skills I've learned and experience I've gained through them, have been invaluable. And will continue to inform what I do. But, to try to put a label on it, and squash it all down into some neatly prescribed little box, feels dishonest. Not real.

Above all, I like being fu***ng real.

To do this work, and do it well, requires freedom and movement to create. To express. To flow with what wants to come. To step outside the lines. To follow the thread. Dive under the waves. To breath in the deep.

To feel.

My job, is to show up in whichever guise will be of most benefit to you and your animals, no matter which version of me you call on.

Dog trainer.
Bowen Therapist.
Relationship Facilitator.
Animal Translator.

And, just like they called you so you'd find each other. When it's time, the animals reach out. They call me in, in whatever way they know will be most effective. To allow for the most magic.

You know who creates that magic? They do. For you.

And, P.S.... it ain't always that feel good, love story magic we hope for. Sometimes, it's the kind that scares you right outta your pants! That's the story of love. Bird reckons, who needs pants anyway ;-)

So, happy Sunday. I'm gonna spend the day rejoicing. I'm gonna open my arms, and my heart, and feel how lucky I am, to share my life with animals. I hope you get to do the same.

I'll leave you with this msg from Doc, to take with you, in your day...

"Can you love me more xx"
*that's a multi-faceted question. He's that kinda guy :-)

8 years ago today. When he was Oli Bopper. Before.After.Now he's The Doc-tor. His name, and his white coat, have seen ma...

8 years ago today. When he was Oli Bopper.
Now he's The Doc-tor. His name, and his white coat, have seen many incarnations since then.
Precious gent. Damn, I love him so much.
He's 14 now. Every bit as handsome still.
And wise. So wise.
He makes my heart grow big, as his grows weary.
I know I'm watching, as he lives the last piece of time that belongs to him. And I want to rush now, to be with him. To know him. To soak him up, breath him in, hear his soft whispers. To touch him, and even more, to be touched by him. So he can leave his truest mark on my life. I don't want to miss it. I still don't feel like I know him. And I'm afraid he'll leave before I get to. So I want to fill up on as much of him as I can, while he's still here.
But he doesn't want me to panic. Or get all weird about it. He knows that would ruin it.
He just asks me the same questions, over and over:
Can you be present.
Can you stay with me.
As the time winds down. And the familiar feeling of grief starts to come.
Can you love me more, each moment. Even when you're afraid of how much it will hurt.
Can you love me more xx

When the path isn't easy to follow. When it seems you can't see where you're meant to be going.When you think you won't ...

When the path isn't easy to follow.
When it seems you can't see where you're meant to be going.
When you think you won't find your way.
When you're afraid of what you might come across there, in those wild places.
Follow your heart.
Keep going anyway.
That's my heart.
The part of it that exists, outside my body.
Just there, in the middle of the shot.
Shaped like a poodle♡

Bird and I are taking part in The School of Canine Science's   challenge. That means, for 30 days I've committed to a da...

Bird and I are taking part in The School of Canine Science's challenge.
That means, for 30 days I've committed to a daily practice with Bird, which will mean learning and increasing skills, for us both, and having a cool time together along the way. If I can remember to breath and not get toooooo serious.
For me, it also means new info to share with the people and dogs I meet through my work.
I'm kinda nervous, as I'm thinking I'll have to hone in on my least favourite part of what I do: the technical aspect of training with dogs. The how's and why's behind the doing and feeling. The protocols. Systems, step by step. Record keeping (I literally started to sweat as I typed that). All important. But not where I naturally flow.
So, that's why I'm doing this. Because it's out of my comfort zone. Because I wonder if it'll help Bird and I have clearer conversations, and allow me to do the same, with all the dogs I work with. It'll give me new perspective, increase my vocabulary, maybe show me new ways of structuring sentences, or asking questions. Or listening.
And I get to do it, with this hairy lady♡
This is not all we're working on together right now. She's accompanying me on a deep journey, into myself. So, we're pretty fu***ng busy.
Taking the Challenge. One step at a time ###

Got questions about your dog or cat's diet? Wondering about the benefits of raw feeding and how to go about that? Alread...

Got questions about your dog or cat's diet? Wondering about the benefits of raw feeding and how to go about that?
Already feeding raw, and looking for inspiration or tips?
Then, this is the place to be next Thursday eve. The girls from Skinny Dog are a wealth of knowledge on all things nutrition related. They share what they know, because they want you to have access to this info too.
Why? The saying "you are what you eat" exists for good reason. Diet impacts quality of life, and not just from a nutritional aspect.
I'll be popping in, to brush up on my raw knowledge. Hope to see you there so we can chew the fat ;-)
(Yes, I really just did that).

Do you like the idea of raw feeding but think it will be too much work? Are you worried that your dog might not get a balanced diet? We’ll answer all these questions and more in this workshop covering the basics of raw feeding. The workshop will conclude with a hands-on session where you will make...

Following on from the last post. They sure do know some things about life xx

Following on from the last post.
They sure do know some things about life xx

Mastering the art of unselfconscious presence.


When there's motion in the ocean inside you, and there's some BIG FEELS splashing around like a rising tide... get out and M O V E.

Dogs are masters at letting their body move and express, releasing and experiencing things in the moment. That means, in real time. Until we put them on short leads, keep them in confined spaces, tell them to suppress their behaviour. But, more about that in another post.

What if, our dogs actually have something huge they want to show us? About feeling and expressing honestly? What if, by watching them and what they want to do naturally, we could learn some super amazing things. About our internal landscape, and the interactions we share with others.

During some intense interactions between a group of people and dogs, Bird had a rather loud emotional outburst, that was completely inline with the actual energy and stress in the situation. But interestingly, not according to how the PEOPLE were behaving, at least outwardly. Me included. After, Bird and I went out to find some wide open air.

Because, this little lady, is teaching me that rather than squashing your feelings and trying to hide them deep down inside, maybe let them be what they are... energy in motion.

We ran, we frolicked and explored. We got wet. We rolled in the sand. Notice there, it's a 'we' thing. I did all that, right alongside my very own fraggle-esque movement teacher.. I snapped some pics, so we could share with y'all.

One of the challenges we are facing as a species, is about disconnection. From ourselves. Each other (people, animals, plants). The planet. Lasting change grows from the inside out. Our animals are asking us to listen, so they can guide us home to ourselves. One riverside, sunshiney, throw yourself around frolic at a time.

We're dreaming up some workshops, the first of which looks like it'll be on what is often termed self care. Yesterday, for us, that looked like this.

Feelings are meant to move us. Let them xx

p;lo0000000000000000000000000@?LLBird really wanted to get involved in this post directly, to share her message with you...


Bird really wanted to get involved in this post directly, to share her message with you all. Above is her commentary. She typed it herself.

I was typing, while she repeatedly touched my hand, trying to draw it away from the keyboard. Then began digging at my leg, whacking me with her paw, looking intently at me, trying to get me to connect with her. Each time I'd touch her, listen to her. Each time I'd then come back to what I was doing here, she'd begin again. Finally, she started hitting the keyboard with her paw, resulting in that message up there. Now, she's sitting next to me quietly, as I add my bit.

Bird has BIG feelings. About things that are important.

Anyone want to share what you think she's saying? What that jumble of letters might translate as, if we turned it into people words?

We're off to meet some trees now. We hope you get to meet some today, too xx

On this day in 1799, one of humanity's most visionary artists penned his sublime defense of the creative spirit: (I reread it once a month at least, to keep myself from losing perspective.)

Doc♡He never ceases to amaze me. The way he just gets on with what he wants to do.Despite not having working eyes these ...

He never ceases to amaze me.
The way he just gets on with what he wants to do.
Despite not having working eyes these days.
Here, he's found the ramp in our current home.
He's gone up and down a few times.
Then decided he might have a sit.
Intrepid explorer.
Enjoyer of experiences.
Interested in things.
Eyes. Not the soul requirement, for seeing xx

I absolutely MUST always remember this. If I don't know how to do this, and practice it for myself (it's something that ...

I absolutely MUST always remember this.

If I don't know how to do this, and practice it for myself (it's something that is still a work in progress for me), I can't advocate successfully for the dogs I work with, or their people, to do the same for themselves.

We all need to feel like we are not only permitted, but encouraged and supported, in voicing ourselves into the world. Whether through our words, actions, or what we create.

If you're a dog, or a human. Same same.

To feel heard, is a huge part of knowing you matter. You are safe. You belong.

May your Saturday bring you ample opportunities to use your voice, and give others space to use theirs. Whether you are talking to another being. Or to yourself.

When we all sing in harmony, the world gets just a little bit nicer♡


Repeat and repeat. 💚

I love what I do. One of the reasons for this? It has made me a more resilient learner. I get to meet many dogs and peop...

I love what I do. One of the reasons for this? It has made me a more resilient learner.

I get to meet many dogs and people. We build relationships, across time. Some of us have known one another, for years now.

Every dog and person teaches me. Each skill I learn, has to be expanded and altered, for each individual I work with.

I can never say "Oh, I know how to do xyz now" as there's always something new to discover.

Each dog has their own things they want to show me, about what works for them, what they like and don't like, what they need and want, for themselves.

They have their own fears, and desires. Their strengths, and stuff they need support and more information about.

They have their feelings. Their experiences. Their wisdom.

I love my job. To do it well, I have to be open to new ideas, and be willing to have what I think I know, challenged and changed. I reckon that's good, for us humans♡

I currently have some spaces open for walking sessions. If you'd like more info about these, get in touch.


Perth, WA


0437 977 733



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