Junior’s Legacy🕯️
Rescue is incredibly emotionally taxing at the best of times and it’s our duty to put the welfare of the animals first. 🤲
We often see awful neglect cases…..how ever there are differences between wilful neglect and extenuating circumstances, which lead to owners not being able to afford veterinary care or euthanasia.
We occasionally come across situations where dogs have been loved and cared for, but due to changes in circumstances and socio economic reasons, their owners are no longer in the position to provide the level of veterinary care they had hoped to.
We can all agree there is plenty of judgement to go around, but very little in the way of support for vulnerable people who find themselves unable to cover their pets vet bills or euthanasias, even when they ask.
Which leads us to Junior’s story, who you may have read about last week. The truth is Juniors dad did love him, but he is simply not in a good place in his life. He lost his job due to a business closing, is about to become homeless as the rental is being demolished, no longer has a car and he himself has medical issues, which combined has left him at rock bottom. Emotionally he is a broken man who was devastated to lose his boy, who he has had since a pup, and at not being able to provide him what he needed at the end of his life. There is also a second senior dog that he is facing losing as well. He has expressed to us that he doesn’t know how he is going to cope moving forward. If we could take a moment to put ourselves in his shoes, imagine the state of mind that would leave you in, faced with one blow after another.
So to share some insight into this situation, here are some facts that we would like to clear up:
• Junior was an outside dog as the two dogs started fighting and the other dog couldn’t be left outside unattended
• He had decent protection from the elements and a big single mattress to sleep on
• Junior was fed daily and had play time with his dad
• He had a yard with shade to run around in and while it isn’t perfectly manicured, it was a grass yard
• Junior received vet treatment and the vet had been out to the home in September
• He did have antibiotics and meloxicam prescribed to him while in the owners care
• The vet records were forwarded on to the rescue’s vet
• Junior’s owner had asked for help and stated he couldn’t afford the euthanasia fee
• His owner had reached out to a number of rescues previously who didn’t reply or couldn’t help
• The decision to euthanase Junior was made when he went down hill after being moved
• His owner was not informed of Junior being euthanased and when he asked for explanation, his text messages went unaswered
• Junior was being sent for communal cremation
• We intervened and asked for Junior to be returned to his owner
• We have paid for a private cremation cost so Juniors dad could have him back
Junior was a senior dog who clearly had cancer, and was undoubtedly at the end of his life. He did have a number of tumors and the kindest outcome was for him to be give him his wings.🪽
We suspect his dad struggled with the timing of making the decision to euthanase Junior, due to the fact he was still very mobile, eating well and playing. Plenty of owners wrestle with timing and we know many choose not euthanise, leaving their dogs to pass on their own. Juniors dad knew that was not in his best interests and did the right thing asking for help, so his boy could receive treatment or his wings.
His other senior dog that wasn’t taken into rescue also needs our help. His name is Axel, a desexed, 11 and half year old, Staffy x Shar Pei.
On the weekend we dropped off supplies to Junior’s dad to assist Axel. Axel also has a golf ball sized mass on his back inner thigh, a couple of other small lumps, arthritis, some skin allergies and other relatively minor health issues.
Unfortunately Axel has significant behavioural challenges and after assessing him we believe he will not cope being rehomed. His behaviour is likely a result of a number of factors including witnessing his dad be assaulted in a home invasion. Their dad has been looking for a rental, but most houses are out of his reach. If suitable accomodation can be found we will cover the removal of the lump and other veterinary care. If a rental cannot be found we will sadly need to cover Axel’s euthanasia and private cremation as well. 💔
In the worse case scenario, we negotiated with the owner of the property to extend the vacate date, so Axel can be given his wings in the comfort of his home. This was because the veterinarian who treats both dogs isn’t due back from holiday until the day that Junior and Axel’s dad was meant to move out.
Axel is an inside dog, who is very well fed, has a bed, and is given play time outside every day with the ball. The supplies we provided to help Axel were immediately given to him and his dad sent us a photo of him post bath, with his new toys. Their dad has been polite in all conversations with us and appreciative of the assistance provided. He feels guilty that he couldn’t afford the care both dogs need at the end of their lives or to have Junior peacefully euthanised.
Sometimes owners just need a helping hand and gentle education. We get it - it’s upsetting that he had cancer and was outside, but there were valid reasons. Owners who lack empathy for their pets, don’t reach out for help, accept support, or take on board feedback and advice. We need to save our judgement - it really doesn’t benefit anyone in these cases. The only thing Axel and Junior’s dad needs right now, is our support.
The cost of both cremations will be $660 (including paw prints) and the cost of Axel’s euthanasia at home will be $527. It will be around double that for the lump to be removed if they can find a home together. So if you would like join us in supporting two deserving silver seniors, Junior and Axel, please consider donating:
Commonwealth Bank
Canine Welfare Alliance of Australia
BSB: 066 131
ACC: 1073 3178
REF: Junior and Axel
We could all use a bit of kindness and understanding from time to time. Especially during current state of the country, when many people are doing it tough. 🕊️
If you can help out with accomodation please get in touch.
Rest peacefully Junior. 🌈🐾