We promise this cat is not drugged in any way! 😜
Ragnar just simply doesn’t mind being grooming and happily lets us do what’s needed.
We even had to move him off the table when we were finished so that we could clean it and pack it away 😻
We had a scare with one of our senior foster boys today!
Carbucketty loves grooming other cats so ingests a lot of hair.
We have him on a hairball biscuit for this.
Today Daniel heard him trying to throw up.
When he went to check on him he found him collapsed and choking!
He checked inside his mouth to see if there was anything he needed to clear out of his mouth/throat but found nothing.
He then performed a Heimlich Manoeuvre on him and a massive fur ball dislodged and came up.
It had been obstructing his airway completely.
We are so thankful he was home as the outcome would have been devastating otherwise!
Carbucketty recovered quickly like nothing happened 😻
We will be adding Laxapet to his diet to better help the fur he insists on ingesting by grooming other cats!
This demonstrates several important things!
Hairball control is very important through dietary means, good grooming and supplements that help hairballs pass.
Some cats can choke like Carbucketty did and others can end up with intestinal obstructions that need surgical removal.
This is why some opt to have their cats lion clipped to prevent life threatening events.
It’s also very important to know basic pet first aid.
To learn how to help a choking animal see the link below:
**** VOLUME UP ****
Toby absolutely hates being groomed. So much so that he has it done with Gabapentin to chill him out.
His mum found that he had spat the tablet out just before we were to arrive for Toby’s groom!
We decided to try anyway using the Dine squeezy treats and although he did a lot of angry eating he allowed us to groom him all over 😻
Minty was an absolute star having his lion clip on the weekend 💜
At one point he just rolled on his back as if to say, pamper me!