Animal Happiness Vet

Animal Happiness Vet Unhappy pets, unhappy home! Seeing dogs, cats, birds and all exotic pet species, Gary Beilby is a vet with a difference.

A full range of vet services for all dogs, cats, birds, poultry, reptiles & Aus natives +
Fear-free care
Behavioural solutions
Manning Hospital & home visits across Perth Gary welcomes all your animals - no matter how scared or angry they are. Addressing both medical and behavioural disorders you are assured happier, healthier animals without all the traditional veterinary stress levels.


Content warning: real footage of a dead kangaroo in this clip.
But also important advice about how you can help if you see injured wildlife in the side of the road.

A wonderful thing about my job as a mobile vet is that I get opportunities to have a peek at all sorts of wildlife hotsp...

A wonderful thing about my job as a mobile vet is that I get opportunities to have a peek at all sorts of wildlife hotspots around Perth on my travels.
This little ephemeral lake behind Cannington is teeming with life today. So beautiful.

Thinking of our colleagues at Foothills Animal Hospital today, as well as our own much loved Dr Richard Whitehead who al...

Thinking of our colleagues at Foothills Animal Hospital today, as well as our own much loved Dr Richard Whitehead who also suffered a nasty bite today.
If you own a fearful dog with a history of aggression - maybe you've been turned away by your previous vet - please know that we will still help you, and that process starts with muzzle training. This is a simple and kind process that makes everything better and safer for all - including your dog.
Talk to us today to get started.


At Foothills Animal Hospital, we love caring for your pets and we strive to always provide a safe working environment.

We place the safety of our valued clients and their pets alongside with our team as our highest priority.

We sadly had a traumatic incident last week, where two of our team members, a Veterinarian and a Nurse, suffered a severe and unprovoked dog attack, one of them requiring emergency surgery for a broken bone. They were fortunate to receive excellent medical care and are now thankfully recovering, however, this incident has highlighted again the importance of our safety.

At our hospital we help many large, unsociable and aggressive dogs that present a danger to our team. These dogs often do not venture outside their properties, nor do they encounter other dogs or people. It is important for the owners of these dogs to understand the stress a vet visit can cause. Due to the unpredictable nature of our interactions, we need the Owners of these pets to have full control of their animals while visiting our hospital including the carpark and particularly in the small confines of their consult room where a pet is more likely to feel trapped and stressed.

With this in mind we would like to share our hospital guidelines to help minimise the risks associated with working with animals.

• Please understand the risks we take at work and never be dismissive of a team member that is careful around your pet, until we know your pet, we might be cautious and that is ok.

• Never dismiss a Vet or a Nurse that is cautious around your pet, they might have had a traumatic experience in the past.

• When making an appointment, please advise if you have any concerns about your pet’s past behaviour and experience at home or in a public setting. We will tailor your pet’s care to ensure they feel comfortable and at ease.

• A friendly pet can behave very differently at the vets as fear overrides their trust.

• Please warn us if a pet is likely to bite or has snapped in the past.

• We ask that you bring all dogs likely to bite muzzzled, and to call ahead so that we can plan your visit in the safest manner.

• Chat to our team about calming pills for your pets to reduce their fear and make our interactions safer.

• Help us by always having your pet on a leash whilst at our hospital or safely contained in a pet carrier.

• Always present your pet with the most capable handler and never send a pet to the hospital with a minor.

• Our team will always advocate for your pet. If at any time during your visit with us, a team member advises that we need to stop what we are doing, please understand that this is in the best interests of your pet.

• If you fail to disclose the risk, you are putting our team directly in harm’s way and can be held responsible.

Our team are trained to handle pets with compassion, aiming for a fear-free experience that fosters a positive and reassuring atmosphere. We implement various measures to provide a high standard of care whilst keeping our patients’ stress levels to a minimum.


Thank you,
Foothills Animal Hospital 🐾

So this...

So this...

“I won’t take wildlife to a vet or wildlife carer as they just kill it”, is something the wildlife caring community hears often.

Please read what Amy Wregg, a wildlife carer/rescuer and wildlife vet nurse feels when she hears such comments.

“Empathy burnout and compassion fatigue are a real thing. This week it has been particularly tough on me, maybe all trauma is catching up.

The biggest thing that boils my blood and has gotten to me is constantly defending my job and those of the amazing vets and vet nurses I work with daily. Even from fellow animal rescuers 😳We are told that we only just euthanaise them so I won’t get the animal the help it needs.

This is the most disrespectful thing any one can ever say to us, not only do we not enjoy euthanasing animals, it is done as a necessity for the animals welfare. Some animals are so badly injured and sick no amount of vet care can bring them back so the best outcome is to let them pass peacefully and pain free.

For those who have been guilty of saying or thinking that take a minute to think about the actual people who have to make the tough decisions. You do not see any of us in tears or upset in the moment because we are professional, what you don’t see is the tears we shed in silence, the agony of not being able to help an animal or ease its pain fast enough while it looks into our eyes struggling to breathe.

Be kind to us animal folk🙏”

Thank you Amy for everything you do for wildlife 🥰 and hopefully people will think twice before they say such things again. 😞


New cat furniture!

Do you have a pet bird at home? I see lots of home aviary setups in my travels. From tiny benchtop canary cages to massi...

Do you have a pet bird at home? I see lots of home aviary setups in my travels. From tiny benchtop canary cages to massive walk-in outdoor aviaries. I still lots of cage set ups that really don't provide their inhabitants with their best lives.
Take a moment to read my latest blog post on "Housing Parrots Better"

Share the HappinessHello, fabulous feathered friends and their devoted humans! This is my second post in a series focused on taking better care of our birds. 3 minute read. Let’s chat about our avian pals’ homes. We see it all—from the teeny-tiny budgie boudoirs to the massive mansions for maj...

Take a moment - sign this...

Take a moment - sign this...

A 30-year ban on trophy hunting of elephants is under threat but we have a plan. Will you help save Africa's most majestic elephants?

"Learn to Earn" – How can this help my pupper?Want to strengthen your bond with your dog while improving their behavior?...

"Learn to Earn" – How can this help my pupper?
Want to strengthen your bond with your dog while improving their behavior? Check out our blog post on the "Learn to Earn" program! Developed by Dr. Sophia Yin, this training method uses positive reinforcement to teach your dog that good behavior earns rewards. Learn how to implement this effective strategy at home and see the benefits of a happier, well-behaved pup.

Share the HappinessNothing in Life is Free If you’re a dog owner, you’ve likely heard of the importance of positive reinforcement training. Sophia Yin, a veterinary behaviourist, developed a program called “Learn to Earn” that can be a great way to train your dog and strengthen your bond wit...


UPDATE: We're back online! 🙂

We are currently having technical issues with our landline phone service and have been advised that it will be out of service temporarily! Please call our mobile phone on 0434 743 744 until the issue is resolved. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Curious about the benefits of keeping your cat indoors? 🌟 Check out our blog post for expert tips on how to create a hap...

Curious about the benefits of keeping your cat indoors? 🌟 Check out our blog post for expert tips on how to create a happy and stimulating environment for your feline friend while keeping them safe from outdoor hazards. From ideal litter box setups to fun play ideas, we’ve got you covered. 🐱✨
Post below and tell us what you do to make your cat happy!

Share the HappinessWhat you can do to keep them happy and healthy Ohio State University developed this absolutely brilliant resource checklist to help you learn what indoor-housed cats need to enjoy their lives with you. If you keep a cat(s) Read this! Essential resources include: Our unique feline....

Do you have cats? If you have a cat - whether you keep them indoors or not - have a read of the wonderful RSPCA "Safe an...

Do you have cats? If you have a cat - whether you keep them indoors or not - have a read of the wonderful RSPCA "Safe and happy cats" web resource. It's a gold mine of useful stuff!

So beautiful...

So beautiful...

My dad is bigger than your dad ♥️

📸 Dragonflydreams - Emu and chick (Dromaius novaehollandiae)

We have heaps of these large styrene eskies at our hospital. They have a thousand uses and we would welcome anyone who w...

We have heaps of these large styrene eskies at our hospital. They have a thousand uses and we would welcome anyone who would like to come and grab some.

Stray kitten found in Como. Female, roughly 3-4 months old. Not microchipped, not sterilised and no collar tag. Please g...

Stray kitten found in Como. Female, roughly 3-4 months old. Not microchipped, not sterilised and no collar tag. Please give us a call if you’re missing a kitten - proof of ownership is required 😊

When you know it's time to spay your kitten...

When you know it's time to spay your kitten...


How good is this dog transport setup?!

Vale Gary the cat. Traveled all the way here from Canada many years ago, survived TC Damien, and made it to an estimated...

Vale Gary the cat. Traveled all the way here from Canada many years ago, survived TC Damien, and made it to an estimated 19 years. Such a beautiful boy. 😢

Such sadness. Huge thanks to the amazing vet team.

Such sadness. Huge thanks to the amazing vet team.

Here's a story for everyone who felt it was terrible that Molly the magpie was taken away from the family who had built ...

Here's a story for everyone who felt it was terrible that Molly the magpie was taken away from the family who had built a huge social media following over the interactions between their staffordshire dogs and the bird. While that bird was actually being taken ok care of - here is a recent example of the more common result I see when people try to make this happen...

"I wanted it to be a pet with my dogs"

This magpie was admitted this week to our wildlife hospital. She was found in someone's backyard being harassed by pet dogs, and she's very lucky to be alive.

However, on assessment, it's clear someone had caught her and cut her wings and tail to eliminate any chance of this wild adult bird from flying away.

Keeping wildlife as pets is not only illegal but it denies wild animals their right to professional care and return to the wild.

If anyone finds magpies in need of care, PLEASE call a licenced wildlife rehabilitator IMMEDIATELY for advice. Do not put them with your pets, and do not mutilate them (including feather clipping).

If you want more information on wildlife legislation in WA, please see Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions' wildlife act and regulations:

To all our amazing community wildlife rescuers, please don't stop rescuing wildlife! Amazing work to you! But do continue seeking immediate professional advice and assistance.

Wildcare Helpline: 94749055

A face only a parent could love? We love bats!International Bat Appreciation Day is observed on April 17, every year. Th...

A face only a parent could love? We love bats!

International Bat Appreciation Day is observed on April 17, every year. This day is dedicated to bats - the nocturnal mammals that play a crucial role in our ecosystem. Let's take a closer look at these fascinating creatures and appreciate their importance:

1. Remarkable Animals:
- Bats are the only mammals capable of flight. They use echolocation to hunt and find their way in the dark.
- There are over 1,100 species of bats worldwide, making them the second most common group of mammals after rodents.
- Bats play a vital role in pollinating and dispersing seeds across Australia.
- They can consume up to 1,200 mosquitoes per hour—a handy skill for pest control!

2. Challenges and Threats:
- Unfortunately, climate change and extreme heat pose a huge threat to bats. Unlike humans, bats cannot regulate their body temperature, and heat stress can be fatal.
- In 2019, between 3,000-5,000 bats died during a heatwave in Victoria, plummeting out of trees in a mass dying event.
- The grey-headed flying-fox, native to Australia, is particularly susceptible to these mass dying events.

3. Conservation Efforts:
- In Sydney’s Inner West, passionate community members are fighting to protect the grey-headed flying-fox. They campaign to secure council commitment to meet the Greater Sydney target of 40% canopy cover, which provides food and shelter for these animals.
- To protect bats and other animals, we need strong nature laws that consider climate impacts on nature.

Let's celebrate International Bat Appreciation Day by learning more about these fascinating creatures and supporting their conservation efforts! 🦇🌿⁴⁵

Photo: Gould's wattled bat, taken by Dr Gary Beilby in 2013 at Kanyana Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 17/04/2024
(1) International Bat Appreciation Day - Australian Conservation Foundation.
(2) International Bat Appreciation Day – April 17, 2024.
(3) International Bat Appreciation Day 2024: Date, History, Significance & Facts.
(4) Bat Appreciation Day: Unveiling the night guardian’s enigmatic world.
(5) Night's Guardians Unveiled: The Enigmatic World of Bats.
(6) International Bat Appreciation Day.


For our vet nurses attending the VNCA Conference in Adelaide, make sure to hear VfCA volunteer Terry George speak on "Effective action to beat climate change – emissions reduction in practice".

Terry will be in Room E2 on Friday, 19 April at 10:30am - 11:30am.

Terry is an experienced vet nursing lecturer from Perth. Her interest in climate change and sustainability was initially piqued in the 1980’s when climate first became a thing!

Her care comes from a belief that living sustainably is an extension of animal welfare. Since then, she has rolled up her sleeves and volunteered for grass roots organisations, attended lectures by environmental advocates, read widely and undertaken formal studies - ‘Education for Sustainability’.

Terry is a member of our Climate Care Program Advisory Committee where her expertise in educational development comes to the fore. She is the perfect person to be speaking on how you can reduce emissions in practice and beat climate change!

Check out this incredible documentary on the iconic Tasmanian devil...

Check out this incredible documentary on the iconic Tasmanian devil...

In a wild and windswept corner of Australia, acclaimed film-maker Simon Plowright spends a year living with the iconic but endangered marsupial, the Tasmanian Devil.

Wonderful inspiring work!

Wonderful inspiring work!

❤️😢Here's a hug for everyone out there who's lost a loved one.

Here's a hug for everyone out there who's lost a loved one.

Sometimes our lives are touched by gentle friends who only stay for a while, but remain forever in our hearts. 💙🐾

Love hurts

Love hurts

Too good 😂

Too good 😂

Awesome information post from the RSPCA on understanding your dog and improving happiness...

Awesome information post from the RSPCA on understanding your dog and improving happiness...

FREE guide. FREE delivery.


Looking for a trustworthy source of information on poisons and your pets? Click below...

An animal welfare charity that provides a FREE service to Australian pet owners between 9AM-5PM AEST (AEDT during DST) 7 days/week

This is such a useful article for bereaved pet owners from the caring people at Passing Paws...

This is such a useful article for bereaved pet owners from the caring people at Passing Paws...

Fill your empty time with things that bring you joy 🌼

Pets take a lot of time and attention. After the loss of a pet, suddenly you’ll have a new schedule that includes more time on your hands. This is a drastic unwanted change that no longer includes daily feedings, walks, playtime, cuddles, and all the rituals you and your pet shared. Knowing that the time you normally fill with your pet is now empty, try to fill them with things that bring you joy or even projects to distract you from the pain. Think about the things you’ve wanted to do or accomplish that you didn’t have time for and see which ones you can do. 💙

If you are struggling with your loss and having trouble coping, please reach out to our caring customer support team. We will be able to put you in touch with some excellent grief support resources to help you through this difficult time. 💔


133 Manning Road
Perth, WA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 6pm
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 6pm
Saturday 9am - 4pm


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The Happiness Story

Unhappy pets, unhappy home! Welcome to Perth’s only vet practice completely focused on your pets’ happiness! Seeing dogs, cats, birds and all exotic pet species, Animal Happiness is a vet with a difference. We welcome all your animals - no matter how scared or bitey they are - and are committed to ensuring as fear-free a process as is possible. Addressing both medical and behavioural disorders you are assured happier, healthier animals without all the traditional veterinary stress levels. We have a fully equipped and centrally located hospital, a home visiting service and the most glowing reviews you’ll find anywhere!

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