Did you know our client horses that are in for training attend our clinics!?
Here we have Casper. A beautiful quarter horse that in his time with us has shown me he has a sensible and willing mind. With a spot on the float I felt this was a great opportunity to get this boy out to see what he would do in a completely different environment. Very proud of this fella!
Here is a small video of some of our client horses that are in.
All these horses are building confidence in some way. Whether it’s through new outings, noises or even being head shy.
We live with a railway one side of us, a airport down the road, our neighbours have big trucks and machinery coming in and out at all hours of the day and night , developments not that far away, burnt out boats do the road , a dead end road on one side of us that gets constant burn outs going on, people that play light up darts on the neighbouring fence and not to mention our beautiful kids that run around constantly.
I am such a big believer in building a horses confidence one step at a time from the ground up. Here you can see me standing next to teddy while a freight train comes past. It’s big and loud and I could’ve walked away but I wanted to build his confidence with that so I chose to stay with him while it went past.
We also have Hai-Lee. Hai-Lee is broke and as much as I can do the ‘just jump on and go ‘ theory , I don’t feel that would’ve needed great for anyone . This mare is green so I felt that taking her down the road, outside her comfort zone in hand gave me a lot more control of her reactions , Aswell it gave her a sense of security and calmness being able to see me. People could say it was pointless , useless etc but I’ve known this horse for a while now, and I felt this was a great step to having a more confident horse under saddle.
Our other is Oaky. This boy is incredibly talented. Has a mindset to get a job done and keen to go for as many hours as he is asked. But unfortunately this boy has had a little head issue. Whether he has had a heavy hand or not, we will never be able to tell. After a fix up at the dentist with his teeth up to date , we’ve been working on trust. I am very happy that I trusted my gut initially and looked more into the issue which is now creating a very smoochy horse!
I am all about building the confidence the rig
There is no denying that today was a hot one!
But so grateful that every horse on our property gets to have a splash in the dam for a cool off before a hose down!
We do have 1 agistment spot avaliable !
Don’t wait for moments to come to you to create memories. Create them while you can 🩷
Took advantage of a beautiful morning ride before sunrise the other day !
One of our client horses . A beautiful yearling filly.
Yesterday we couldn’t get near her, this morning she was running at me and this afternoon we got right near her!
Getting those client horses out!
Getting our client horses out by themselves and in groups !
At the end of the day we all want the same horse. Something that is quiet , soft , responsive etc. But every horse is an individual and sometimes , you have to do things a little different to reach the full potential of that horse.
Building remi’s confidence at the beach today !
Beautiful Markona growing like a weed and having a good run around with Mickey!
It’s hard to believe 4 months ago this horse was miss behaving. I had worked with Connie previously and her owners reached out to me again to help. They were at the point of selling her, but Tom absolutely adores Connie. With Kate facing her fear after what Connie did and weekly work from me, this pair went out today at their event and absolutely nailed it. Tom, Connie and Kate Mirow, beyond proud of you all 🩷
Our little Mickey doing a nice walk to canter. Just love this little guy, has been worked in months ❤️
Markona’s first swim in the dam!
Girlfriend, you give me more strength then you’ll ever know, light the fire in me that can be put out from multiple aspects of life and make the sadness fade for a second or so 🩷