Animal Patrons Australia

Animal Patrons Australia Animal Patrons Australia enables the rescue and rehabilitation of animals affected by disaster.


How much does it cost for a digital donation point? 🤔⠀

Raising cash funds is essential for us to extend the impact of our kindness. Providing solutions for Patrons to donate is expensive. We have a bank account which funds can be deposited to us directly, which is almost fee-free. This means we can activate 100% of your donation in the community.⠀

Other solutions aren’t free, however essential for us to secure cash donations. Via our website, we have a Stripe payment option which holds funds for 3 business days and deducts a fee for our use. We would dearly love to introduce contactless payment options in our Distribution Centre and at some high traffic locations that are willing to support us.⠀

When visitors call in to the Distribution Centre, they are always pleased to see the high level of organisation and commitment we have to our work. We are located in a reasonably high pedestrian traffic location and we know that people wish to donate. We would like to install one Quest donation system in our Distribution Centre as soon as possible. And, when funds permit into nearby high traffic locations. ⠀

Purchasing of a basic contactless payment system has an upfront cost of $569 plus GST and shipping. The ongoing cost is $15 plus GST per month per device and $0.15 per transaction.⠀

Donation Point works by Animal Patrons Australia setting a fixed donation amount. Patrons can then simply tap their payment card, mobile or wearable to donate. The display will indicate payment success, and funds will be paid to our account within a few days. This method of donation collection has a number of benefits: fully electronic, reducing the opportunity for theft • removes the barrier of “no spare change” making it easy for Patrons to donate • maximises donations by moving Donation Point between high traffic areas • displays our kindness impact on the banner • saves time and reduces the cost of physically collecting cash Donation Tins • fully secure card payments paid electronically to our account.⠀

We hope to raise sufficient money to purchase our first Donation Point in the month of May.⠀

•kindness•advocacy•action• 🧡


Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree 🎶⠀

Merry, merry king of the bush is he.This popular Australian nursery rhyme was written in 1932 by Marion Sinclair. Here's our 5 Facts: Kookaburra edition:⠀

1️⃣ It has the nickname of the ‘bushman’s clock’ due to its dawn and dusk calls.⠀

2️⃣ All kookaburras are mainly carnivorous (meat eaters). They eat a range of animals, from insects to snakes. They use a ‘wait and swoop’ technique to catch prey. Once they see the prey the kookaburra swoops down and grabs it with its beak. Larger prey items such as snakes are hit against trees and rocks to kill, soften or break into smaller pieces before they swallow it. Kookaburras also forage through leaf litter looking for insects. Snakes, fish, rodents, lizards, chicks, snails, worms and insects are included in their diet.⠀

3️⃣ Laughing kookaburras are monogamous, which means they only have one mate that they breed and nest with.⠀

4️⃣ Australian nursery rhyme ‘Kookaburra’ (know by ‘Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree) was written in 1932 by Marion Sinclair. She was a music tutor at Toorak College, a girls school in Melbourne. Despite its "Aussieness", the song is well-known and performed around the world, particularly in the United States, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, where the Girl Guide movements in those countries have adopted it as a traditional song.⠀

5️⃣ The ‘laughing’ call made by this bird is actually a territorial call, warning other birds to stay away!⠀

Do you have the earworm ‘Kookaburra’ stuck in your head now? We do!⠀

•kindness.advocacy.action• 🧡 ⠀


$5 Friday - can you donate the cost of a cup of coffee today? ☕⠀⠀
One of our favourite daily indulges is coffee. Good, Melbourne-style coffee that's like a warm hug on a chilly Autumn morning. We're pretty sure we're not alone in our love for coffee!⠀

Today, we're asking if you can donate the cost of one cup of coffee to us for $5 Friday? $5 will help us extend a warm hug in the form of food or essential supplies to animals in need. 🥰


Kangaroos – our iconic Australian animal 🦘⠀

Here’s 5 facts about Kangaroos. Some you may know, others perhaps not:⠀

1️⃣ Kangaroos are the world's largest marsupial. A red kangaroo can weigh 90kg and grow up to 2 metres tall!⠀

2️⃣ The word kangaroo derives from 'Gangurru', the name given to Eastern Grey Kangaroos by the Guuga Yimithirr people of Far North Queensland.⠀

3️⃣ Kangaroos can reach speeds up to 80km per hour and can clear more than 8 metres in a single hop!⠀

4️⃣ Kangaroos cannot move backwards. This is the reason they're on the australian coat of arms with the emu: two animals that can only move forward as a symbol of national progress.⠀

5️⃣ They are good swimmers. Kangaroos will swim to avoid predators and can use their forearms to drown pursuers.


Distribution Center open Saturday 25 April ✴⠀

Today we were able to donate 500kg of food to the good folk at Pets of the Homeless. As Winter sets in and COVID-19 places additional demands on budgets, it's a privilege for us to extend the impact of your kindness and make this donation on your behalf to Special thanks to vollie Robert for his manpower!⠀

We urgently need to replenish supplies and will be opening the Distribution Centre this Saturday 25 April from 10am - 12 noon. If you're able to drop by or arrange a delivery, animals will happy dance


Thank you Patrons for your continued donations. Today, thanks to your generosity, we were able to support our friends at Pets of the Homeless Australia with a donation of 500kg of food. That's kindness in action 🧡

Food, glorious food!

We’ve recently quadrupled the number of our Community Partner organisations and that has left our Pet Food Bank rather empty so we are overjoyed with the donations we have received today from our friends at SavourLife and Animal Patrons Australia! That’s over 1.5 tonne of food that will be going straight out to the community to help pet owners who are struggling to keep their pets fed during this unprecedented crisis we are all facing.

Thank you! We are truly grateful 🙏🏻


$5 Friday 🥰⠀

$5 can make a difference. Multiples of $5 can make a huge difference.⠀

If you can support us with a donation today, please do so knowing it will be put to immediate use in the community we serve.⠀

If you need assist caring for animals, please contact us today via DM or [email protected]

Bonus pics in comments from a sanctuary recently supported through your generosity.⠀

Thank you Patrons for your support 🙏


How are you adjusting to this new, but hopefully, temporary normal? Now, more than ever we need to call on one another for support and I want to start today’s message by acknowledging the tremendous support we receive from this community. Times are hard and this might be the time we might be in a position to support you, or it might be that you able to support us. Wherever you sit in the equation, I hope that you feel kindness and support each day.⠀

Today, I’d like to thank two Patrons: Bill V and Lisa R. who have been regular and generous contributors. We thank you for your support, it does not go unnoticed or unappreciated. ⠀

Last weekend we delivered supplies directly to a sanctuary, what a thrill! It was a wonderful experience, photos to be shared soon! ⠀

This week, we’re continuing to support families affected by COVID to assist them care for their pets. We need cat, kitten, dog, puppy, rabbit and guinea pig food. For our wildlife we need blankets, rolled oats and the usual Roo pellets, Di-Vetalact and general supplies. The wish list is linked in our bio. ⠀

If you have been affected by COVID, please email [email protected] to arrange a confidential donation of supplies. Please don’t struggle with the cost of pet food, we can assist.⠀

We’ve been focusing on increasing our social media and have also started a Facebook Group for community supporters.Will you join us? The link is our bio.⠀

Also, thanks to – our long-time friends (and passionate animal advocates), we’re working on optimising the website to speed page loading times. Thanks, Ray@⠀

Yesterday, we re-opened the Distribution Centre for deliveries. If you plan to visit the Distribution Centre during any of our open times, please note we’ll be practicing strict social distancing protocols. Opening hours will be published each Monday.⠀

In closing, please know we continue to focus on all animals – whether affected by bushfires, COVID or some other emergency. Thanks to the generosity and ongoing support of Patrons, we can continue to extend kindness and support far and wide. Thank you.⠀

Stay safe, stay healthy.


There are over 30 different species of possums in Australia 😲⠀

The two common species of possums you’re likely to see around your home are the Ringtail possum and Brushtail possum. The Ringtail Possum has a long, slender tail with a white tip. And, as the name suggests, the Brushtail possum has a long, thick, bushy black tail (like a feather duster).⠀

Both Ringtails and Brushtails are nocturnal and mostly arboreal (tree dwelling). You will hear them in your garden chattering away and sometimes squabbling, especially during mating season.⠀

Possums have the ability to use their prehensile tails like a fifth limb. Prehensile means capable of grasping, so it makes sense their tails can be used like a limb!⠀

Possums can live up to 13 years but some of their major predators are domestic cats and dogs. If you find a possum on the ground during daylight hours, something is wrong. If you do find an injured possum use a large towel or blanket and gently wrap the possum up and then transport it to the nearest vet clinic, noting the exact location where the possum was found. The vet visit will be free, and no appointment is necessary. Or, contact your local vet or wildlife service to seek specific instructions.⠀

Consider installing a possum nest box (or two) to trees in your back yard, so they have somewhere safe to nest other than potentially your roof or shed. Possum nest boxes are fairly easy to make if you have some handy skills, otherwise many wildlife and other organisations, like Mens’ Sheds have these for sale.


Distribution Centre open Wednesday! 🙏

This Wednesday, we’ll have the Distribution Centre open from 10am – 12 noon. If you are planning to do your grocery shop on Wednesday, and are able to drop by on your way home to deliver, hurrah! Social distancing protocols will be strictly in place, which sadly means *no hugging* (😭) and we'll limit any time spent in the Distribution Centre.

Our current wish list of items available from supermarkets includes:
Dog, puppy, cat and kitten food – kibble and canned
Rolled Oats – home brand and please not instant (for kangaroo joeys)
Bird Seed
Eucalyptus washing (machine) detergent
Antibacterial Wipes
Baby Wipes

We also need clean blankets. Winter is all but here and already carers are in desperate need of blankets.

Our full wish list, including wildlife supplies is posted in comments. And remember, deliveries can be couriered or posted to us any time to PO Box 3064, Auburn, VIC, 3123 or 443 Swan St, Richmond, Vic, 3121.

Thank you for your continued support. Check comments for bonus photo of BTS from a delivery we made to wildlife carers today. It's animals like these who are in desparate need of your support 🧡


Subscribe to stay up to date with our Kindness Impact Reports, news of how Patrons are supporting the rescue and rehabilitation of animals affected by disaster and how you can extend our impact. 🧡


Navigating difficult times ☣

What terribly challenging times we are facing. It's difficult to imagine our planet, people and animals face greater challenges than what we saw with fire and floods just a couple of short months ago.

Now, more than ever we need to press on. And, so we shall.

Thank you to all Patrons who so generously donated funds and supplies to us this week. Karan will provide a video thanks to each kind-herated individual and a fuller update Monday or Tuesday. With this post we send our hope for you to remain strong and healthy in uncertain times.

Our focus this week once again is on food.

General Supplies - available from most supermarkets and pet stores
Dog and Cat Food - kibble and canned
Rabbit and Guinea Pig food
Fruit baby food squeeze packs
Bird Seed - Finch, Small Parrot, Wild Bird and Rainbow Lorikeet mix
Metal food bowls
Batteries - assorted sizes
Torches - preferably ones which can be worn on head

Animal Supplies - available from most pet stores and online

[URGENT] Di-Vetelact - readily available, search online for best price
[URGENT] Wombaroo Kangaroo Pellets (any size - readily available, search online for best price)
[URGENT] Macropod Pellets (any size - readily available, search online for best price)
[URGENT] Crittacare (any size and variety - readily available, search online for best price)
[URGENT] Herbivore Pellets (any size and variety - readily available, search online for best price)
Animal feeding bottles and teats

Full supply list is now on the blog

CORONAVIRUS UPDATE: in order to minimise risk to Patrons, the Distribution Centre will be closed week commencing 16 March. We will monitor advice from health officials and government and update our operating hours accordingly.

With this in mind, we’d appreciate if donations this week can be delivered via post to Animal Patrons Australia, 443 Swan Street, Richmond, Vic, 3121. Goods will be diverted to our local post office for collection.

Carers: please contact us directly to arrange a suitable time to pick up any supplies.

We appreciate your continued support as we extend our resources to help those in desparate need. 🐨❤


Fiver Friday 💰

Patrons, we need your help! Are you able to spare $5 to donate to us today? What might be loose change, a cup of coffee, a takeaway sandwich or half a glass of wine (how expensive is vino these days?! 🙄) for you, will make a H U G E difference for us.

Deposits can be made directly to our bank account our hit the DONATE link in our bio for more payment options.

Animal Patrons Australia
BSB: 06 3000
ACCOUNT: 13502362

Thank you for your support! 🤗

@ Animal Patrons Australia


Hello from Edgar's Mission 🖐
We're out booping snoots today but I'll be at the Distribution Centre Sunday 1 - 2pm and hope to see you then!
"If we could lead happy and healthy lives without harming others, why wouldn't we?"


Meet Lara and Mary 👩‍🦰👩‍🦱
Lara {} has been a generous and regular Patron since January. Each week Lara takes a screen save of our requested supplies and allocates part of her budget to purchasing those supplies. From fresh fruit, puppy pads, fruit squeeze packs, hay, feeding bottles, kibble and everything between. Lara visits us regularly with supplies she's purchased and she also works with her community to source additional supplies.
Like Mary does! Mary supports by sourcing supplies from our list and co-ordinating her community to donate also.
Thank you Lara and Mary! We were so happy to have you visit on Sunday. Perfect timing as you were able to see your donation of last week in action: packed up, ready to be shipped out to NSW.
Cheeky photo bomb from Graham and Lesley {} 🙊
Animal Patrons Australia need your support to continue our impact. Please consider making a once off or recurring donation via the link in our bio. Or donate supplies from our wish list, also linked in bio.
Thank you Patrons for your continued support 🐨❤


Distribution Centre open Monday, Wednesday and Sunday 🐨

We urgently need fresh fruit 🍎🍉 (red apples, pears, rockmelon, honeydew melon, watermelon grapes) for delivery to a sanctuary on Wednesday.

Other urgent and general supply requirements are on the blog

Graham and Lesley {} have their last couple of days at the Distribution Centre before heading home to NSW. They'd love to see you!

Thank you for your support Patrons 🐨❤


Today at the Distribution Centre ⤵️

🚚 Packed orders for courier dispatch

📦 Packed orders for collection by sanctuaries

➕ Received inwards stock

✅ Counted inwards goods

🤗 Hugged Patrons (separate post to follow)

🐑 Liaised with three sanctuaries for urgent requirements

🥳 Met with our Events Manager to plan our first Patron event
Our supply list for Week 9 is on the blog. We have a number of urgent requirements, which we hope you can help us with

We also urgently require fruit for a sancutary delivery on Wednesday 🍉🍎🥭
Distribution Centre open hours this week
📍 Mon 24 Feb 11am - 1pm
📍 Wed 26 Feb 9 - 11am
📍 Sun 1 Mar 1 - 2pm
Thank you for your support Patrons 🐨❤
@ Animal Patrons Australia

Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation Supplies - Week 9 2020 | Animal Patrons Australia

We have LOTS of orders going out this week and at least four sanctuaries picking up directly from the Distribution Centre between now and Thursday. Can you help replenish our stocks for those caring for animals? Our latest wish list is on the blog ⤵️

Donation List of goods required, as requested by sanctuaries, shelters and carers for Week 9, 2020.

Spotlight: Animal Patrons Australia Volunteers | Animal Patrons Australia

Where kindness, talent and determination collide you'll find our Volunteer team:

🤸‍♀️ Monique, Patron Services - Volunteer Manager

🐨 Melanie, Sanctuary Co-ordinator

🥳 Anna, Patron Engagement - Events Manager

💟 Luci, Patron Engagement - Marketing Manager

Learn a little more about Mon, Melanie, Anna and Luci on today's blog.

Patron Volunteers work tirelessly behind the scenes. Fielding calls from people in distress; co-ordinating volunteers, logistics and donations; meeting and greeting visitors to the Distribution Centre; administration; fundraising and so much more.


Animal Patrons Australia needs your financial support for our campaigns to succeed.

We are 100% community funded and you can be confident your financial or goods donation will go directly and quickly to sanctuaries, shelters, rescues and primary carers of animals affected by disaster.

Our dedicated Sanctuary Co-ordinator works directly with carers in the field to identify specific requirements, which are then sourced from our community and Distribution Centre and dispatched via our network of transport volunteers or couriers. The team of Animal Patrons volunteers support our Sanctuary Co-ordinator by arranging logistics; receiving, sorting and stocktaking inward goods; packing orders; greeting visitors and Patrons to our Distribution Centre and engaging this extraordinary community for support.

We manage all the administration and logistics so primary carers can focus all their efforts and energy to the rescue and rehabilitation of animals in the field.

If you can spare a once-off donation or a recurring contribution we can immediately widen our reach and impact. Please donate now by clicking the link in our bio.

Photo used with permissions and thanks to 🐨❤


Happy Valentines Day, Lovers | Today, we are inspired by this quote from Ghandi: “In doing something, do it with love or never do it at all”. Today, as in all days, may the things you give and that you receive, come from a place of love. 🐐❤

Animal Patrons Australia needs your financial support to assist with campaigns. We can’t do it without you and we won’t succeed without support from our Patrons. If you can spare a once-off donation or a recurring contribution we can immediately widen our reach and impact. Donations can be made to:

Animal Patrons Australia
BSB: 06 3000
ACCOUNT: 13502362

ABC Melbourne

Belly rubs are the best! 🐨❤

How cute is this? 🐨😍

Defence Australia's Lieutenant Colonel Amanda McLune has been captured giving this koala tickles at the Kangaroo Island Wildlife Park

It's great to see rescued wildlife feeling so comfortable around Defence personnel & volunteers following the Kangaroo Island bushfires ❤️

🎥: via Twitter


CRISIS Situation | We are working with a co-ordinator from the town of Bemboka, NSW (36km west of Bega). Their story, like so many others, is achingly sad. Devastating.

Members of this community had just seven minutes to gather as many mobile animals in cages and stack them in their cars before driving out of the oncoming “freight train” that was the fire front whist looking in the rear view mirror at the animals they couldn’t possibly save. Many felt they had failed their families and were devastated to return after the front passed to find the carnage of incinerated bodies of sentient beings. Residents left with horses on lead ropes and pets in cars to return to nothing left but the charred, molten remains of all of their possessions, homes and infrastructure.

This community has had very little assistance from organisations, despite the impact the bush fires has had on their town. Such is the horror of the loss they have experienced, it’s simply too much to share in this post. The pain is unbearable. There is high su***de risk in this community due to the utter devastation and despair faced at every turn.

So Patrons, we’re calling on you. We URGENTLY need food for cats and dogs. Go to any pet food store and buy a 20kg bag, canned food or what you can. We will be open on Saturday between 8am – 10am at 443 Swan Street, Richmond (Victoria). If you can’t deliver to us during that time, please DM us and we’ll find a time on Sunday to meet you.

Animal Patrons Australia are now Registered Fundraisers and can legally collect donations. We are working to have payment gateways integrated in our website early next week, however you can donate to our bank account in the meantime:

Animal Patrons Australia
BSB: 06 3000
ACCOUNT: 13502362
Proudly a CommBank Business customer.

South Coast Animal Rescue (SCAR) desperately need help. If you would like your cash donation to go to the purchase of hay and general supplies for farm animals in Bemboka, please note SCAR on your deposit details.

Thank you for your support, Patrons. 🐶❤

@ Bemboka, New South Wales, Australia

Vets For Compassion

There are so many people working tirelessly in response to tragic events. Kudos to everyone who steps forward to play a role to help the helpless. We applaud you. 🐨❤

The number of koalas rescued from Cape Bridgwater in Portland was astounding.
All those needing care and treatment were transferred to local wildlife carer Tracey at Mosswood Wildlife Rescue in Koriot and her amazing team of volunteer carers.

This mass rescue was more than what Tracey and her dedicated team had experienced before so thanks to everyone that donated supplies and their time to help Mosswood with unique situation.

and VFC’s vet Dr Paul Ramos gives you a quick glimpse behind the scenes Our Vets spent many sleepless nights on site treating those sick and injured and all the orphaned little joeys 🐨

Thank you to other organisations such as Animals Australia and IFAW, this work is a team effort!


So many of us have followed this catastrophe. Below is an informative, yet devastating update from Animals Australia 🐨❤

Last week, many of you would have heard the distressing news about koalas being killed and others left to languish after their homes were bulldozed outside of Portland, Victoria. We know that many of you were rightly concerned about this troubling situation, so we wanted to provide you with an update on what we know, and what we’ve been doing to support the efforts to not only help these animals, but also to assist authorities with pursuing a formal investigation into the matter.

Late last month, we became aware of a dire situation involving a property in Victoria where many koalas and their joeys were dead and dying after the trees they were living in were cut down. Initially there was some speculation about this being a bluegum plantation, and while that was once true, it appears that the land was handed back to a farmer who then made the decision to cut down the trees so that he could use the property to graze sheep or cattle. In addition to removing the trees, the landowner had already installed a tall fence around the property, which prevented surviving animals from escaping to seek alternative shelter and food.

What resulted from this situation can only be described as an animal welfare disaster. More than 200 koalas needed rescuing, with around 40 found in such poor condition that the kindest option was for them to be euthanised. Carers at one point had around 60 animals in care, though many have now been treated and released.

After being advised of this situation, we were able to fly vets from Vets For Compassion into the area who wasted no time in helping local carers and caring community members to save as many animals as possible, and to alleviate the suffering of those who sadly were too badly injured to survive. We also supplied an expert tree climber who was able to safely access and retrieve surviving koalas who were clinging on for life in difficult-to-reach places (felled trees and the few remaining trees that were overloaded with desperate koalas).

We also had our Legal Counsel and other support staff on site within that important initial period, to capture and preserve evidence which was then handed over to authorities mid-last week with the view of supporting legal action against those responsible. We have also filed a formal complaint with authorities and followed this up with the chains of evidence painstakingly collected by our team. It is our position that, in addition to breaches of wildlife legislation, the strongest action should be sought under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 due to the sheer scale of suffering inflicted upon koalas and their joeys on this property.

Despite the distressing nature of this case, we hope that it brings you some comfort to know that the surviving animals are receiving the very best of care. This situation would have been far worse had it not been for the incredible response from volunteer vets, carers, and locals who acted swiftly and professionally, and, during such a difficult and stressful time, put their lives on hold to help animals as part of a collaborative effort of tremendous compassion and courage.

As far as what happens next, the rescued koalas who remain in care will continue to be rehabilitated until they are healthy enough to be released into an area that is as safe as possible. The property has been declared a crime scene, and we understand that a thorough investigation is underway. We will report back with any more updates on this specific case, but as we’ve mentioned in previous posts, this situation has highlighted the very real and ongoing threat to species like koalas whose habitats are becoming increasingly scarce every single day. Koalas’ homes are still being logged for paper and cleared to make way for animal agriculture. Species like flying foxes (who are vital for regenerating forests) remain existentially threatened by an increasingly volatile climate and government-issued shooting permits.

Unless governments step in to protect wildlife and their homes, soon there simply will be no safe place left for native animals to go.

But for now, these koalas and their babies are safe.


Animal Patrons Australia Update 2 🐨❤

Hello from Karan 👋

🌟 We are delighted to annouce we have been granted Fundraising Registration by the Victorian Government. This means we've satisfied all due diligence requirements to legally collect donations for rescue and rehabilitation efforts for animals affected by disaster. We hope to have our website ready to receive cash donations early next week

😻 We are thrilled that street-facing signage has been installed at the Distribution Centre thanks to .world

🚛 Supplies this week will be going to East Gippsland and two NSW regions this week. These supplies will support over 100 primary animal carers

💌 Each order dispatched will include our contact details so sanctuaries can find us quickly to place repeat orders.

🚨 We are in urgent need of some basic supplies this week such as puppy pads, Eye cream, bruise creams, warming blankets - all details on previous post.

🙏 Thank you to our friends at for their recent feature on (link in comments)

🎁 Your donation is a gift to us, which we gratefully appreciate. If you'd like to make an in-person donation this week, Kate and Lisa will be at the Distribution Centre 11am - 1pm today (Wednesday) and Karyn will be there 8 - 10am Saturday. The Distribution Centre is at 443 Swan Street, Richmond, Victoria.

Thank you for your continued support, Patrons 🐨❤


Richmond, VIC


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