Just a cute video of Frankie eating pasta 😂
There’s many things that have not changed since we have headed down this IVDD journey. And that’s how Frankie eats 😂 dances around his food. Pats and squishes it. Pretending to bury it. Always ends up eating it all. Or leaves crumbs on purpose knowing I’ll sprinkle those crumbs with a bit of cheese.
Feeding time
Horse feeding time, means plenty of barking and bouncing in the pram 😆
Someone’s very happy and content after his Bowen with Tracy Hockley
Maybe I should sneak in a nail trim while he’s out of it 😂
Don’t know if he’s had a bad experience before I rescued him at 11months. But he gets so worried about his feet being touched. Something we have been working on to gain confidence and need to be careful with obviously before trimming those long suckers. But for now… he’s dreaming of all things wonderful 💗
Considering it’s his favourite treat to eat… this does not surprise me 😂
Look what Frankie found 😬
Our resident guardian dog here in the afternoons. We call him “big boy” or “Arnie” isn’t he beautiful
Frankie enjoying his 10mins on his wet and cold cool gel pad Getting motivated to go feed the horses in the heat. Lucky for us we can feed up in the air conditioning of the car… well Frankie can. I have to get out and actually work while he snoozes and waits until the last horse is fed (which he knows when that is) cause he’s in his crate staring me down to get him out so I can sling walk him all the way back to home. That means I have to run all the way back to my car to get it. But of course I must cook him dinner before I do this.
We’ve got a great routine from sun up, till sundown. A routine he absolutely loves and enjoys. (Except when I have to do a food shop once in the week where he can’t come, but I have a little doggy cam over his pen where I can spy on him) He gets plenty of exercise and gets plenty of rest. Making for a very happy boy 💗
Christmas dinner
Thankyou to the knock in Rockingham for allowing my precious boy to join us all for dinner. Frankie was on his best behaviour 😊 beautiful dinner and yummy cocktails
9 days before struck down with IVDD
Came across this video I sent to a friend 9days before being struck down with IVDD. Frankie never liked the cold… 😂 and didn’t really want to venture out of the caravan.
Back again at lunch.. unsuccessful
Quenda hunting
Every morning at 5:15am I’m woke with a grunt and a whine, followed by a grunt with a nose poke. I’m under strict instructions that the ears and belly must be scratched. Otherwise there’s much more grunting. Then I must get him out of bed. He is very demanding. Don’t dare lay there and take your time.
Check for poops, express his bladder, put his harness on then we must go quenda hunting! This is a big must. This is his morning priority. Half an hour I spend hunting out these little critters and every morning it’s always unsuccessful. But guess what… there’s always lunch time and afternoon time. And don’t forget the next morning. It’s like ground hog day 😂
Frankie enjoying his cooling Matt that I splashed with water 💗