Wheat may be for eating, BUT...
Our darling Whiskey close to the start of his recent injury and wellness woes. We were recommended to help his swollen left eyelid and forehead with a soothing, heated wheat pack so we rushed to the local chemist to purchase one of a suitable size and shape for a horse head! Whiskey was in distress. Pain in his skull, pus, unable to see from his left eye, and separated from his herd, so he relaxed as we soothed him the best we could!
Nearly 2 weeks on, having consulted 4 Vet's, including a Specialist, administered an array of drugs and complimentary remedies, tended his eye, his wounds, his pain and his fear, we are confident Whiskey's suffering is nearly over!
This afternoon we visited our local Vet, Serpentine Vet Hospital. Whiskey's eyelid is healing beautifully, although the wound was so large that the eyelid is lumpy and misshapen. The trauma to the eyeball is not yet over, and treatment by Jayne and Megan continues. They have been advised to assist with anti-inflammatories, and eye cream, as well as all the extra immune-boosting treats and organic assistance Whiskey has been given of late.
We have been heartened by your generosity since we alerted Whiskey's friends and fans to his and our plight! We have received $868.26 from you - England, Rhode Island, Queensland, and of course Western Australia! These donations are a considerable help at this time. Typically our volunteers run events to raise funds for the ordinary care of our teaching herd, including Whiskey. Events that need to pay for around $1000 each week for hay, horse feed, pasture management, electricity for pumps, fuel, our telephone and internet, hoof care, and money aside for horse dental and typical veterinary costs per horse. We run a tight ship, all vehicles are volunteer's own, including our trailer. All equipment belongs to the volunteers too, and is generously shared with all comers to our events. We have not held an event since Whiskey has been unwell. We're starting again this coming weekend, and we commence with the urgent need to raise funds to pay for all of Whiskey's needs.
Our local Vet has been extraordinary, not charging for her time, many visits! We returned drugs we have not completely used, so that needy animals she heals may have them, and their bills be reduced. Instead she gave us a refund!
As an example of the cocktail of drugs we have been injecting into Whiskey recently, one, Gentam, has cost $56.42 for 100ml. We've needed 200ml! Whiskey has also been given Finadyne worth $30, Penicillin worth over $80, and multiple sedatives worth around $30 to endure his eyeball being examined!
Our Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture to assist only cost us a couple of hundred - again, Vet time and expertise was given generously!
We're awaiting our Specialist Invoice optimistically! ;)
We arranged for Whiskey to have the barn to recuperate, extra hay and an endless supply of his favourite vegetables, and Anitone. Visitors and volunteers paid for this extra care, and we sincerely appreciate you!
We are still short of paying for all of Whiskey's needs to date. We are still accepting donations with our wholehearted appreciation here - ANZ 016253 501147502 or here - http://www.theheartofhorsemanship.com/index.html OR, perhaps you would like to help us in one of the following ways;
We are hosting an event, "The Heart" this coming Saturday ( https://www.facebook.com/events/608197462533824/ ) - The usual participants fee is $195 however we are keen to pay our generous Vet's as soon as possible, so we are offering places at $145, which will go straight to Whiskey's fund. Of course you will meet Whiskey at this event!
Buy Whiskey's video for around $5 here - http://www.theheartofhorsemanship.com/video.html EVERY little helps!
All clothing can be sold at below cost price to raise funds! Take a look, make us offers! http://www.theheartofhorsemanship.com/store.html or https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.557864384232701.123712.195586707127139&type=3
Private Consults with Jayne, our herd (another opportunity to meet Whiskey!) or your horse, at Heartland are discounted to $100 u.f.n. and reduced significantly at your horse's home!
Allow us to continue CREATING a Better World for Horses & Humans.
Thank you for your support, your shares and your hearts. If you have nothing but your best wishes, your love for Whiskey, to give, we feel it, and we thank you, too!