Horsemanship with Jayne Lavender

Horsemanship with Jayne Lavender I promise to teach you how to understand horses and achieve results beyond your expectations. I promise to do this with love and compassion.

*SPECIALS* - All Heart, over at The Heart of Horsemanship!

*SPECIALS* - All Heart, over at The Heart of Horsemanship!

Tomorrow being St. Valentines Day, and our whole movement being one of HEART, we're offering specials on all our HEART-EMBROIDERED gear!

Not only do you WEAR A HEART - The very heart that Cedar, our muse and extraordinary horse wears on her face as her birthmark, but you assist our herd, our great works and we promise, you'll FEEL the love! Take a closer look - the heart is one of hair, beautiful, natural, our symbol of the heart we have for horses, and the heart they have for us.

The prices a our online store are being slashed. Make us an offer here for any remaining items in stock. We'll check and get back to you, and arrange payment to our account - no PayPal fees.

Take a look at some of our outdoors and workwear. We have small quantities of each item in sizes 8-20 remaining, discounted, AND we will offer WEEKLY specials! This week, you're welcome to our "Heart of Burgundy" Gilet at BELOW WHOLESALE price, $25 - great for the remaining summer evenings and into Autumn.

You may contact us here on Facebook, or visit our website over the coming weekend for our ONLINE STORE with PayPal.

Our team know what we like to wear around our herd, for play and for comfort! We have been working with Australian T-Shirts, a local business, for many years, who were able to create an embroidery version of our logo - not easy, it's created from Cedar Lavender's hair birthmark!


A ripple was felt by our team at The Heart of Horsemanship when we each heard Sharks off our coast were to be baited, tortured and killed.

We have a team of volunteers well educated in biodiversity, the environment and marine, as well as our second-to-none knowledge of horses, the land and animal behaviour.

The decision by our Government to do this baiting, torture and killing is against every intelligent and heart-felt thing we stand for.

By now, thanks to similar reactions to ours within our educated conservationist community, you will know that Sharks are a threatened apex species. Much information is available for you all online. We recommend you use Google to search the many critical reasons Sharks should be protected, despite their predator status.

We're lovers of the ocean at The Heart of Horsemanship. We travel to our beaches, and reverently share the ocean with all beings. Further, we respect the Shark as much as we revere the Dolphins we often swim amongst. Our herd of horses, like us, preferring to neither be stung by Jellyfish, nor mistaken for food by a shark, are appreciative of the ocean, but know when to leave. We believe everyone can be equally appreciative and respectful of the way of ocean life. Don't swim when Sharks are sighted, unless you understand their behaviour, and desire relating with them.

In 20 years of Ocean Horseplay, we've never been troubled by a Shark. We've seen others chased by hunting Dolphins, injured by their terrified and ill-prepared flight from the water. We've all left the beach covered in stings. Back the next day! We've surfed, we've swam with all manner of fish. We've divers and sailors amongst our team, surfers who's entire group of surfing friends are equally baffled at this method of "managing" Shark threat.

We're for a lot of great things at The Heart of Horsemanship. We're also FOR Sharks.

This gathering we told everyone who shared the ocean alongside us why we're for Sharks. We were heartened by the response. Not a single person that our team have met believes the decision by the W.A. Government is appropriate, let alone humane.

Our inspired act - to take a sign, to involve our horses, in our support of Sharks, was photographed to further add to the waves of support the crews at Support Our Sharks, West Australians for Shark Conservation- WASC, Save Our Sharks WA, Largest protest against culling/baiting sharks - a cause..., Snap Your Support For Sharks, Shark Angels, Sea Shepherd Perth, Sea Shepherd Australia, Sea Shepherd Margaret River, Sea Shepherd Global, and MANY groups around the World are generating now. Please use our images. Please credit our crew of volunteers and our wonderful horses - Whiskey, Presence, Billy, Matty and Pudding. We'd have taken more, but the cost involved is enormous, as was the time, and we must leave the beach by 8am.

Our friends may also know that while we were playing, uplifted by the Ocean and our friendship, one of our vehicles was vandalised, and our photographic equipment such as chargers and accessories were stolen. Jayne's spectacles were taken - a very expensive pair for she has odd eyesight, even private health cover doesn't assist with. Pania's mobile phone and her weeks earnings (on way to bank when open, after 9am). The damaged vehicle belongs to Greener Pastures Sanctuary, who have better things to pay for than the work of thieves and vandals.

We're all well, and count our blessings. We love you for your offers of old mobile phones and to root around your odds and ends for chargers that may help us! We've had a few small donations for the cost involved in getting to the beach, and the stolen donation. We will create a list of devices now short of batteries! Your offers and kindness are astonishing. We're for you too...


Sunday morning, some very dedicated parents brought their children to a paddock in Serpentine to play together, with horses. Our intent - to have fun, build relationships and understand the animal they love!

Jayne Lavender coached the children and nurtured the group - horses and all, so had little time for photography. We hope you like these few captured moments. Feel free to share.

Jayne Lavender took her camera to the Festival For The Earth, where The Heart of Horsemanship, for whom she volunteers, ...

Jayne Lavender took her camera to the Festival For The Earth, where The Heart of Horsemanship, for whom she volunteers, were raising their profile and creating awareness for their advocacy.

Animal Amnesty held their inaugral Festival For The Earth at the Earthwise Community Centre, Subiaco, and The Heart of Horsemanship raised awareness for our organisation, and herd alongside Greener Pastures Sanctuary.

Jayne took some candid shots during the day, from setting-up marquee's during a gale to enjoying the company of beautiful creatures as the temperature began to soar, and the Vegan treats saw everyone through the afternoon! Tag yourself and your friends, your business, organisation or band.

Thanks to everyone for good company!


Our team of volunteers work with Greener Pastures Sanctuary as horse experts, AND brawn, for busy bee days, as the sanctuary develops, and expands. Last Sunday, 8th September, Greener Pastures held their second Busy Bee, asking for help constructing a paddock paradise for the pigs - with two more rescued factory farmed piglets to come soon, AND a couple of rescued pigs with special needs, this work is urgent. There are always a thousand other jobs to do on a property, but we took our ambassadors Bach and Whiskey to meet anyone drawn to horses but possibly a little intimidated.

If you would like to help Greener Pastures establish their housing for rescued farm animals, including goats, sheep, chickens and cattle, please drop by their page.

Jayne and the herd will be demonstrating Horsemanship at this 14th September The Heart of Horsemanship event. Visit thei...

Jayne and the herd will be demonstrating Horsemanship at this 14th September The Heart of Horsemanship event. Visit their Page!

*Exciting News!*

We're going to have a The Heart of Horsemanship Open Day!!!

Sunday 22nd September!

Our open day will be an opportunity to meet our herd, our volunteers, see how we manage a herd of horses on small acreage, how we relate to horses NATURALLY when you may only know traditional horse-keeping practices and of course MEET WHISKEY - for whom we will raise funds with this event.

We will cater - Vegan delights.

We will demonstrate Horse-Talk.

You will be introduced to happy horses, feel trust and our support.

You will expand your horizons, and help us expand ours!

Let us know in the "comments" if there is anything you would like us to incorporate into our first Open Day, and please, share with your friends, car-pool to Serpentine, and help us Create a Better World for Horses & Humans.

P.S. We can't promise Cedar and Presence will eat your clothes when you visit, but this moment captured Saturday foretells you may be lucky!


Wheat may be for eating, BUT...

Our darling Whiskey close to the start of his recent injury and wellness woes. We were recommended to help his swollen left eyelid and forehead with a soothing, heated wheat pack so we rushed to the local chemist to purchase one of a suitable size and shape for a horse head! Whiskey was in distress. Pain in his skull, pus, unable to see from his left eye, and separated from his herd, so he relaxed as we soothed him the best we could!

Nearly 2 weeks on, having consulted 4 Vet's, including a Specialist, administered an array of drugs and complimentary remedies, tended his eye, his wounds, his pain and his fear, we are confident Whiskey's suffering is nearly over!

This afternoon we visited our local Vet, Serpentine Vet Hospital. Whiskey's eyelid is healing beautifully, although the wound was so large that the eyelid is lumpy and misshapen. The trauma to the eyeball is not yet over, and treatment by Jayne and Megan continues. They have been advised to assist with anti-inflammatories, and eye cream, as well as all the extra immune-boosting treats and organic assistance Whiskey has been given of late.

We have been heartened by your generosity since we alerted Whiskey's friends and fans to his and our plight! We have received $868.26 from you - England, Rhode Island, Queensland, and of course Western Australia! These donations are a considerable help at this time. Typically our volunteers run events to raise funds for the ordinary care of our teaching herd, including Whiskey. Events that need to pay for around $1000 each week for hay, horse feed, pasture management, electricity for pumps, fuel, our telephone and internet, hoof care, and money aside for horse dental and typical veterinary costs per horse. We run a tight ship, all vehicles are volunteer's own, including our trailer. All equipment belongs to the volunteers too, and is generously shared with all comers to our events. We have not held an event since Whiskey has been unwell. We're starting again this coming weekend, and we commence with the urgent need to raise funds to pay for all of Whiskey's needs.

Our local Vet has been extraordinary, not charging for her time, many visits! We returned drugs we have not completely used, so that needy animals she heals may have them, and their bills be reduced. Instead she gave us a refund!

As an example of the cocktail of drugs we have been injecting into Whiskey recently, one, Gentam, has cost $56.42 for 100ml. We've needed 200ml! Whiskey has also been given Finadyne worth $30, Penicillin worth over $80, and multiple sedatives worth around $30 to endure his eyeball being examined!

Our Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture to assist only cost us a couple of hundred - again, Vet time and expertise was given generously!

We're awaiting our Specialist Invoice optimistically! ;)

We arranged for Whiskey to have the barn to recuperate, extra hay and an endless supply of his favourite vegetables, and Anitone. Visitors and volunteers paid for this extra care, and we sincerely appreciate you!

We are still short of paying for all of Whiskey's needs to date. We are still accepting donations with our wholehearted appreciation here - ANZ 016253 501147502 or here - OR, perhaps you would like to help us in one of the following ways;

We are hosting an event, "The Heart" this coming Saturday ( ) - The usual participants fee is $195 however we are keen to pay our generous Vet's as soon as possible, so we are offering places at $145, which will go straight to Whiskey's fund. Of course you will meet Whiskey at this event!

Buy Whiskey's video for around $5 here - EVERY little helps!

All clothing can be sold at below cost price to raise funds! Take a look, make us offers! or

Private Consults with Jayne, our herd (another opportunity to meet Whiskey!) or your horse, at Heartland are discounted to $100 u.f.n. and reduced significantly at your horse's home!

Allow us to continue CREATING a Better World for Horses & Humans.

Thank you for your support, your shares and your hearts. If you have nothing but your best wishes, your love for Whiskey, to give, we feel it, and we thank you, too!


"You're PURE, POSITIVE energy every moment you're asleep!" Abraham-Hicks

Yes you are - we all are!

Sleep is respite, not just rest and rejuvenation! Respite from your thoughts and their momentum. Like meditation!

Even better, when you wake you start fresh with your first thought. If your mind is reminding you about the trials of yesterday, dismiss that vibration as quick as you can, and think of something better - how warm you feel, how good it feels to be in bed - anything better than yesterday's momentum, or habits of thought that may no longer serve you or your desires.

We recommend sleep. Our herd watch over each other to ensure everyone receives this gift! Look for opportunities in your day to take a break. Add sleep to your list of things for which you are appreciative.

And if you happen to see your friend peacefully slumbering, as you smile and feel the beauty of the moment, remember it is because your friend is aligned with their source, our source - pure, positive energy!


While we cared for Whiskey this past fortnight, we allowed him access to the roses at Heartland, because we know the herd love to eat them and they are bursting with Vitamin C, as well as being reported to assist the body cleanse toxins.

As Whiskey's injury became septic, and the anaerobic bacteria were present in his skull, we imagine the taste and scent of pus was repulsive for him - roses are beautiful for the palette and you all know they smell beautiful.

At the moment this photograph was snapped, the morning rain which had fallen onto the rose bush was ricochet'd from the flower and leaves by Whiskey's bite, and we love the droplets surrounding Whiskey's muzzle. Don't you? There is a pink rose petal slightly protruding from his lips as he chews the flower. How carefully he needed to pluck the rose from the bush and not be harmed!

Our experience caring for our very sick team member of late has opened us to knowing without doubt, that how you decide to view any challenge is YOUR choice, and YOUR journey. There is no wrong way to perceive a challenge. How you choose to define it, how you choose to think and act every passing minute, generates momentum and the experience unfolds according to your focus.

Whiskey appears better than he has in weeks today. He may still need surgery, should the object still be inside him. He may have to endure more needles, more human fingers inside his eye, more pus, pain and swelling. At times Jayne viewed these realities with pity and sadness. At others as a relief to him, assistance, life-saving. When Jayne felt sorry for Whiskey she felt pain also. Whiskey was emotionally on his own, already suffering real pain, now held by a being emitting emotional pain. When Jayne felt hopeful and determined, Whiskey was uplifted by her emission. Feelings are infectious. Despite what you may think, feelings are a choice - generated by your thoughts, your chosen perspective...

How do you view what has happened to our team this past fortnight?

When you consider the injury, Whiskey, our volunteers, how do you feel when you settle on your viewpoint?

The closer you are to feeling loving, appreciative or joyful, is your body signalling to you that you have thoughts that resonate with wellness, that heal, that uplift.

If you feel fearful, despairing, powerless; even pessimism, irritation, worry or anger, you have been alerted to your frequency dropping due to a viewpoint that does not serve you.

Our thorn bush has roses! How fortunate are we!

We have created an array of opportunities for you to assist us with our care of Whiskey!Visit our Home Page, and try pur...

We have created an array of opportunities for you to assist us with our care of Whiskey!

Visit our Home Page, and try purchasing the video filmed by Whiskey from just $5!

Donate via PayPal from $10 (click "Add to Cart" several times if you wish to donate multiples of $10).

Jayne Lavender is volunteering her time to teach entirely to raise funds for The Heart of Horsemanship, and Whiskey. We are discounting PRIVATE CONSULTATIONS with Jayne to $100 until further notice!

We have also added our temporary ANZ Account number to the Page, for donations without PayPal charges, and directed individuals to contact one of our Vet's direct to contribute, with our utmost thanks!

We have received some donated items to sell and raise funds as soon as we have enough volunteers to administer this effort, AND we will be selling all our clothing items at less than cost price to pay Whiskey's bills. Take a look at our "Store" Page on our site, or "Clothing" photo album here on Facebook, and browse, make us an offer!

Please share our Page, our Website, Whiskey's story, and we will wholeheartedly continue to Create a Better World for Horses & Humans!

Welcome to The Heart of Horsemanship - Creating a better World for Horses and Humans

Donations of love and/or cash appreciated!

Donations of love and/or cash appreciated!

We have been glancing through the photographs of Whiskey taken since he was first introduced to Jayne when she was teaching in the late 1990's, and he belonged to a student and was troubled.

There are thousands!

Each photograph conveys his personality, because he is not only photogenic, but his love for people is greater than any horse we've ever known - this shines as often he is looking right through the lens and straight into the soul of the person trying to photograph him!

There are horses in many photographs that Whiskey has befriended when they were rescued, assisted, and it has been many years since he last saw them, as they are happily living in transformed situations with people he also helped to transform. Hundreds of you. Thousands of moments with hundreds of humans he gave himself to completely. We can't remember all your names, but all of you have been uplifted, meeting Whiskey.

Today, and yesterday, he grew tired of the constant injections and his condition. He finally reacted, refused to be jabbed any more, and took himself far away from us. We cannot falter as his carers, but we all still have some way to go - his surgery which we are told will cost thousands, and unfortunately necessary or we would not go ahead with more pain to him, is scheduled tomorrow.

We have woken this morning to see donations to our temporary account ( ANZ Bank Armadale, Western Australia 016253 501147502 ) for which we feel blessed, and sincerely appreciate whole-heartedly. Our Vet opened at 9am Perth, Australia time - Serpentine Vet Hospital +61 8 9525 2197 and we hope we don't make the job of the receptionist difficult, having asked you to contribute directly toward Whiskey's account. We will make it up to them. Their support, particularly the work of Dr Donna Colvin, has been tremendous.

We have Dr Bruce Ferguson giving his time for free to assist Whiskey more today.

Tomorrow we visit Baldivis Vet Hospital to meet the eye expert, Dr Robert Harris.

Whiskey is in good hands, because Whiskey has always given himself to humans without expectation or limitation. Please continue to share Whiskey and his team of friends, his family, all volunteers, with your friends, so that we generate wellness for him.


We know that the hundreds of humans who have met our team member Whiskey, know how unique and what a gift to humans and horses he is. As he has been unwell, with a mysterious injury to his eye, we have asked for assistance with restoring him to health, and we must ask more of you than have been positively influenced by his presence.

Perhaps we can illustrate something of Whiskey's gift here. Perhaps you will see why this amazing horse deserves the maximum care and support we can give him, and a little of your time - your well-wishes, perhaps even a dollar, a euro, a Tatooine druggat or a Potteresque galleon!

We assure you that our team of volunteers have given all their time and care and labour for free, he has a home for which we work tirelessly, and we care for him holistically, for which we work to afford. We still have to pay for medicine, and the discounted and extremely generous time of the Vet's.

In this image, Whiskey is assisting Jayne with a pony she rescued from slaughter with some volunteers. They travelled south of Perth for several hours, caught the pony who had been frightened and subsequently hurt a child, and cared for him over many months at Heartland, and with foster carers, until he was placed with a family who were willing to take him on, with his special needs.

Whiskey was instrumental in transforming Rocket, as he was nicknamed, into a trusting and friendly horse, post trauma. Whiskey guided and guarded Rocket when he railed against all humans, attacked Rex the Kelpie (then a pup) and shattered Rex's leg.

Whiskey, who likes people, sees the good in us, despite our inconsistencies, showed Rocket how to interact with us and benefit himself.

Whiskey gave Rocket courage by enjoying his surroundings, playing at every opportunity, and trusting Jayne, so that Rocket could too. Jayne knew the ocean would heal Rocket, as she discovered deeper traumatic memories. Whiskey taught Rocket to enjoy the beach, the ocean, and to swim!

We are bursting with stories of how Whiskey is integral to The Heart of Horsemanship. Tales of how he is special and extraordinary. Whiskey wants to be with us, work alongside us, Create a Better World for Horses & Humans...

Donations may be made directly to Serpentine Vet Hospital, mention The Heart of Horsemanship - Whiskey when you call 089525 2197 during business hours. We have a temporary account with ANZ Bank Armadale 016253 501147502, or simply admire our boy and your thoughts, your energy, uplifts us all! Every glance at our images, every thought of appreciation you feel, is welcome! Share our Page too, delight others, harness their positivity!



Bach, the wise elder gentleman of our team was born this day in 1991.

Everyone who befriends Bach knows he is an extraordinary being. He imparts wisdom and leadership like no other horse Jayne has met. Jayne feels fortunate, actually unworthy, of having met and become human guardian, for Bachelor Boy!

He may have been born on the 2nd August via his Dam, Sweet Go Pass (here's a scan of a photo Jayne was given, of Bach the day he was born. AWWW! ) but Bach wants you all to know that you are reborn, after slumber, every single day!

When you open your eyes, returning to consciousness after spending your sleep aligned with pure positive energy, you may retain the gift of peace as you re-start your life. Practice revelling in the feeling of being reborn with perfect energy after every nap! Practice noticing the first thoughts that come to mind - "I'm late." or "Oh yeah, I had an issue yesterday..." they dilute you. You've been given the opportunity to start over! Remind yourself instead, "It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life FOR ME!..." The song, by Lesley Bricusse and Anthony Newley, is genius! Find a recording, a cover by a singer you love - there have been MANY, and set it as your alarm! Here are some lyrics - replay in your mind as your earworm!

"Birds flying high you know how I feel
Sun in the sky you know how I feel
Breeze driftin' on by you know how I feel

It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good

Fish in the sea you know how I feel
River running free you know how I feel
Blossom on the tree you know how I feel

It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good

Dragonfly out in the sun you know what I mean, don't you know
Butterflies all havin' fun you know what I mean
Sleep in peace when day is done
That's what I mean
And this old world is a new world
And a bold world
For me

Stars when you shine you know how I feel
Scent of the pine you know how I feel
Oh freedom is mine
And I know how I feel

It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good

I'm feeling good"

We promise you that as you perfect your practice, return after every sleep or meditation, to the intent to feel good, the realisation that you have been reborn, you will appreciate the new life you are generating, the momentum of your small thoughts supported by big love, Creates a Better World for Horses & People...

Bachelor Boy - We Adore You! Happy Birth-Day...


Heart of Burgundy, or Cedar, our cover-girl, lives with our herd and is teacher, guide, mother to all. She does not need a heart-shaped birthmark for anyone to see she is all heart, but she was born with her white heart and became a guide for all who meet her, toward their heart, toward enlightenment.

Cedar has a patron who funds her needs, for she is a former racehorse, a journey that took a heavy toll. In return for the care and love we give her, Cedar continues to meet and relate to humans journeying toward their heart. We do not ask that Cedar does this work, she finds those who seek to know themselves, and through her experience with anyone, leaves them wiser.

Come and meet Cedar, Heart of Burgundy, at her home, Heartland. All proceeds tend her family, and permit us to share The Heart with those of you searching.

PHOTO - Houndstooth Studio


We've heard thousands of definitions of the word "friend," but experience is the greatest teacher, so we've spent our time FEELING friendship instead. We've learned that our horses, all animals, every human drawn into our lives, FEEL a part of us, so Aristotle, and all of you beings who feel this too - we are your friends.


Serpentine, WA


+61 414 221 302



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