Proven on multiple patients on many different injuries, we consistently see 30-50% increase in the RATE of tissue healing.
Nothing beats a belly full of fresh green grass, along with the choice to graze wild forage, to help the body heal.
Welcome to our Vet Clinic and farm!
Post work rehydration- molasses water and Recharge. Especially important in this weather, after work, transport, just a hot day.
Depending on your horses type of work (endurance vs racehorse) will determine the exact type of electrolytes your horse should receive on a regular basis.
This drink, however, will go a long way towards electrolyte replacement.
Nothing beats a spell and foraging as you please!
The Laws of Physics dictate how deep photons of light penetrate. Red light at 640 nm can only penetrate up to 1 cm under skin. (Red light tools) Lasers with infrared light at wavelengths up to 910 nm can penetrate up to 10cm (through subcutaneous, thru fat, thru muscle and done to bone)
These tools are Therapeutic Lasers - Class One (safe) lasers that combine red and infrared light of different wavelengths & used to produce Photobiomodulation in tissue cells. (This cannot be done with Class IV lasers- they would literally cook the tissue)
Every horse loves Myofascial Release therapy!
Sunshine for morning hill work!
Nothing beats Body Work with long fingernails!
Whether your horse is in training or rehabilitation from injury, work on a variety of terrains and ground slopes is vital to develop strength. Alternating surfaces develops proprioreception - 'surefootedness' on different terrain.
Soft tissues (muscle, tendon, ligaments) need to develop tensile strength, especially after injury, in order to maintain load carrying capacity, maintain speed and strength when ground surfaces change.