Hello everyone, hoping everyone had a lovely safe Chrissy and new year✨. Apologies for being so MIA on this page. We have had lots of exciting things happen and have been super busy so I thought I’d give a little update.
At the end of August 2022, Pine Gully Park Quilanna (first time heifer) gave birth to a stunning bull calf. She needed assistance so was quite confused as to what was going on. Regardless of many attempts for the pair to bond, we decided it would be best to start bottle feeding.
We grew so attached to the calf and so did All of our friends who would come and say hello because he was just so cute. He got friendlier by the day, and was well adjusted to a halter. For the first few days of his life he lived with my goats- Helena Pygmy Goats. He made great friends with them.
After weighing up our options We ended up selling the calf, ‘Tank’ to a lovely home outside of Melbourne. He is doing so great there, we get updated pictures all of the time which makes us so happy. Here are some pics of him then and now💙🐮😍