How bloody awesome is this! 😆
Such a memorable and heartfelt Christmas gift from my wonderful student Tilly 💕
Smiling from ear to ear - this is just such good fun!
Big fan of Boyd’s, what a top bloke ! 😅
Wishing all my students and friends a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year 🥳 thank you for all your support throughout 2024.
Narelle Schreenan
🔹Training tip 🔹
Teach new skills and work through problems by breaking things down, making steps easily achievable for the horse, focusing on building their confidence, rewarding them and teaching them to win.
Example - Liverpool/tarp training
- Striker here was initially very worried about the liverpool in the arena
- We placed the liverpool in a spot that he had to pass consistently throughout the ride however wasn’t in an imposing position
- When come time to actually train him over the liverpool, he was already happier to present to it than what he was when he first entered the arena
- We originally presented Striker to the question under saddle, however after a bit of persistence we decided it would be a better option to regress further and work on it from the ground
- The liverpool we also folded to a size that allowed him to step over it and not on it
- We gradually opened its width back up until he was walking over it in a relaxed manner and didn’t doubt himself when the question was presented
- Then it was taken to riding again, repeating steps of making the liverpool smaller before slowly progressing up to be able to jump over it 😁
Regression when a horse is lacking relaxation, confidence or understanding of the situation is super important.
Build and progress slowly and reward your horse to build confidence and try within them
Happy training 🐴☺️
Tonimbuk International Horse Trials 2024
Tonimbuk International Horse Trials 2024
Bentley put in another solid and consistent performance in his 3rd event at 2*.
Super proud of our recent improvements in all phases which we were able to bring together on the day.
The highlight being jumping our first clear round of showjumping since 80cm! 🤩 it’s been a long time coming that’s for sure 😅
Certainly is a good feeling when those 1 percenters start to pay off 👌🏻
Now to keep looking ahead at our next lot of improvements to make.
Ruby and Linx
Young, enthusiastic and highly motivated Ruby welcomes her new horse Linx.
Ruby is very excited about her new team mate and new venture and for good reason! Linx is a lovely type with plenty of ability, good education which Ruby can learn a lot from and a super kind and trainable temperament. Having only started together three weeks ago, Ruby has already improved so much and they have made great strides towards building a partnership together. I look forward to helping and watching this combination learn and grow.
As Ruby progresses with Linx I have no doubt that it will be as a result of her ambition, work ethic and above all her love for the animal and the sport.
Here’s a short clip of Linx’ lovely canter and Ruby learning to move and go with the movement with good timing and rhythm ☺️
February jumping clinic
A big thank you and well done to all those who came to my jumping clinic on the weekend!
This was my best support yet and I am immensely grateful for the new riders who came along as well as those who keep coming back 🤗
A supportive and welcoming community is starting to develop amongst the regulars as well which I love.
Thanks to Julie Telford 🙏🏻 small snippets were taken of almost every rider. I do apologise that a couple of you were missed as I’m often too busy yelling 😜 and Jules wasn’t around for everyone.
Please enjoy this great clip, also created by Jules, showing a small section of everyone’s wonderful efforts of the weekend 👏🏻
Thankyou and happy riding 😀
Looking forward to the next one
- Ash