📦 Box Feeding Day 4 with Pyra 📦 She lifted her head out of the box on day 2 and 3 therefore ending the session, she has since learnt the repercussions of that action and is now completely focused. Distractions are being added and it was raining during this session. #gsd #puppylove #puppy #puppies #dogtraining #learning #fun #food #love #life
A stroll down the street continuing to exposing Pyra to everyday things.
Pyra hasn’t been overly “socialised” to what’s considered normal when you get a puppy in this day and age. She doesn’t meet random people, other dogs or anything when she is out and about but she is extremely stable, she isn’t reactive in anyway to anything and is happy to watch the world go by which is always the expectation when out in public.
#gsd #puppy #social #exposure #learning #germanshepherd #fun #dayout #sundaystroll #puppies #gsdpuppy
Easter weekend training with the pups 🐣🪺 🐶 Echos heeling is really starting to take shape and be ready for her appearance at nationals in June. #dog #puppy #gsd #germanshepherd #fun #love #life #dogsofinstagram #dogtraining #funny #dogtrainer #gsdpuppy #learning #cute #sportsdog #gsdpuppy #easter #echo #alsation
Pyra continuing to learn tracking and article Indication foundations from the very best @lentzlars
Absolutely incredible seminar from Lars, extremely well orchestrated by @sanne.pedersen.969 and the location and hosts were amazing like always @pantatheang_s_d
Can’t wait to see what level Echo and Pyra get to with this new knowledge
#IGP #tracking #dogsports #dog #igptracking #love #seminar #learning #dogs #gsd #puppy #gsdpuppy #germanshepherd
Competition heeling work with Echo 🐕 🐾 ♥️
#dog #puppy #GSD #germanshepherd #fun #love #hot #life #dogsofinstagram #sunrise #dogtraining #dogtrainer
One of the very rare moments both dogs are completely relaxed ♥️ . . . . . .#hypo #calm #relax #relaxing #fun #dogs #love #dog #germanshepherd #highdrive #pra #echo #dogstagram #dogoftheday #рирру #puppylove #dogsofinstagram #alsation