Best Paw Forward Dog Training

Best Paw Forward Dog Training Dog training and behaviour modification in the Greater Springfield and Ipswich region. We offer one


We hope you have been managing to stay cool with your dogs! The weather hasn't seemed to have gotten the memo that it is still winter for another few days ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Our crew has been doing heaps of water activities for exercise without causing them to overheat. They have been loving using their splash pool at home and going for proper swims at the lake and in their grandparents pool.


What did you get up to this weekend with your dogs?

Saturday was warm enough for the boys to do some water activities which they were SUPER excited about!

I CANNOT WAIT to get stuck into this book over the weekend โค๏ธThe first book "The Forever Dog" is a science based book th...

I CANNOT WAIT to get stuck into this book over the weekend โค๏ธ

The first book "The Forever Dog" is a science based book that goes through a range of different things that can be done to improve your dogs health span (not just aiming for a long life, but a healthy life) and I was a huge fan.

The newest book "The Forever Dog Life" has a bunch of different practical things like balanced food recipes and healthy food topper ideas to help dogs to be healthier. I'll for sure be trying some out ASAP!

Did you know that you can walk your dog in different ways, and no way is the "right" way? Different bits of gear mean di...

Did you know that you can walk your dog in different ways, and no way is the "right" way?

Different bits of gear mean different things to my dogs.

In this photo Hexxus is wearing his running harness which I attach to my CaniX belt and he is allowed to pull to his hearts content.

For walks when he is allowed to pull, he is on his harness or a specific flat collar (so if you see us in the wild and Hex is pinging, it is because he is allowed to at that point in time ๐Ÿ˜‚) and for walks where he isn't allowed to pull we will use something like a slip collar.

You can do the same with your dog, teaching them that some bits of training gear mean X and other bits mean Y. Dogs are smart and can easily pick up the different sets of rules AS LONG AS we are consistent.

Tongue out Tuesday!I would love for you to share a photo of your dog/s below โค๏ธ

Tongue out Tuesday!

I would love for you to share a photo of your dog/s below โค๏ธ

A question that I am often asked by clients is how I feel about dogs being allowed on the bed and/or couch. It is absolu...

A question that I am often asked by clients is how I feel about dogs being allowed on the bed and/or couch.

It is absolutely situational dependant, but if it isn't causing any issues like resource guarding furniture or people then I vote do whatever makes you and your dog happy.

In our house, the bed and couches are play free zones (only calm behaviour is allowed) but the boys are allowed to make themselves comfy wherever they like, but are also happy to get off if we ask them to.

A reminder to check your dogs teeth regularly! We have no idea how he did it, but Havoc managed to snap 3 of his top fro...

A reminder to check your dogs teeth regularly!

We have no idea how he did it, but Havoc managed to snap 3 of his top front teeth in half, exposing the pulp. He showed no signs of pain and was still eating and playing with toys like he usually would.

They needed removal, so now this is what he looks like ๐Ÿ˜‚

The top theory is that he ran into a wall or fence panel when he wasn't paying attention (classic Havoc) but we can't be sure.

I brush the boys teeth whenever I remember (usually every couple of weeks, the boys get raw meaty bones regularly so their teeth are always lovely and clean) so I know that they hadn't been broken for long, and since they were spotted quickly we were able to get him booked into the vet before they became problematic.

A huge thanks to the team at . Dr Melinda and nurse Emma took such good care of Havoc and even gave him his own room kitted out with super soft blankets for him to recover in after his procedure โค๏ธ His gums are fully healed now and looking great.

I am going to be putting together a post or video about the change of dynamics that we had/are having in our household s...

I am going to be putting together a post or video about the change of dynamics that we had/are having in our household since the loss of Hades and what we did/are doing to help the process be as smooth as possible.

If you have any questions about the things we did when we went from a 3 dog household to a 2 dog household, please put them in the comments so I can make sure that I answer them!

What do your training sessions with your dog/s look like? For me, I give my dog/s their start cue/s so they know that th...

What do your training sessions with your dog/s look like?

For me, I give my dog/s their start cue/s so they know that the window of opportunity is open for the training session. For Havoc this is "You ready?", Hex's includes swearing so I won't share his on social media ๐Ÿ˜‚

Then we train whatever we are working on in that session. While we are training my 100% focus is on my dog, because I expect the same from them. My dogs won't be fully engaged with me if I am sitting on my phone, it works both ways.

At the end of the training session I tell them "finished" which means we are all done, and they come scurrying over and lean against me for a cuddle. We spend some time together having pats and hugs while I tell them what good boys they are.

Sometimes that is it, other times we will do something else like go for a walk around the area for them to sniff etc after the session.

If you aren't using start and finish cues with your dog while you are teaching them something new, I super encourage you starting!

This photo was from the dog training bootcamp that I recently attended. Havoc and I had just done a big training/play session then sat to chill while Havoc caught his breath for another round.

Crate training is a skill that I believe is valuable for every dog, but I know that some people give it a bad rap. Crate...

Crate training is a skill that I believe is valuable for every dog, but I know that some people give it a bad rap.

Crate training is NOT about locking your dog up 24/7. When done correctly the crate becomes a safe, relaxing spot for dogs to hang out and nap.

Crate training is useful for:
- Toilet training puppies and keeping them out of danger when they aren't actively being supervised
- Helping teach dogs and puppies independence and prevent separation anxiety
- Managing multi dog households around things like meal times to prevent resource guarding
- Keeping dogs safe and settled when they are recovering from medical things like surgery or injuries
- Providing puppies and dogs with structured switch off time if they are getting overly tired and aren't masters at self settling yet
- Plus more.

Side note, I love the crate covers from Stylish Hound. They fit my Vebo Pet crates great, are awesome quality and make crates feel especially den like. You can just chuck a blanket over a crate instead but I just love the look and quality of these.

Who else has a mud goblin ๐Ÿ˜‚I took Havoc for a bush walk to practice his listening skills in a different environment and ...

Who else has a mud goblin ๐Ÿ˜‚

I took Havoc for a bush walk to practice his listening skills in a different environment and while we were out Havoc found a creek full of muddy water to play in. It was obviously time for a bath afterwards ๐Ÿ˜‚

If you have any bush walk locations that you love, feel free to share the details! I am always looking for new places to go exploring with the dogs.

I have been away at dog training Bootcamp with a bunch of great people to continue expanding my  knowledge and skill set...

I have been away at dog training Bootcamp with a bunch of great people to continue expanding my knowledge and skill set with the guidance and coaching of Pat Stuart from

We are back now and will be caught up on all enquiries this week!

How cute are Maverick and Evie ๐Ÿ˜We had a lesson to work on loose lead walking to make walks enjoyable again, went throug...

How cute are Maverick and Evie ๐Ÿ˜

We had a lesson to work on loose lead walking to make walks enjoyable again, went through how to stop inappropriate toileting and how to greet people without jumping up.

They are both super smart pups and I am so excited to see how their training comes along!

Today I got to work with the handsome Bruno! I am super excited to see the progress that we will make together.

Today I got to work with the handsome Bruno! I am super excited to see the progress that we will make together.

Do your pets of different species get along? This is a photo of Puff Pastry (cat) and Hexxus (dog). I run a tight ship i...

Do your pets of different species get along?

This is a photo of Puff Pastry (cat) and Hexxus (dog).

I run a tight ship in regards to my dogs behaviour around our cats. I want things to be harmonious, and very importantly I want my cats to feel safe and comfortable.

For me this means that my dogs aren't allowed to approach the cats at a speed any quicker than a casual walk, if the cats walk away the dogs aren't allowed to follow and they are allowed to give the cats gentle licks but absolutely aren't allowed to mouth them or bop them with a paw.

I am not saying that this is the only correct way to have dogs and cats interact, but it is what works for us.

I don't want our cats needing to run to elevated surfaces to "escape" the dogs or feel like they need to hide away.

Because the house rules are enforced it means my high drive GSD's are super chill with the cats, will lay down and cuddle with them, and in exchange the cats feel comfortable enough to groom the dogs and rub all over them, which my dogs, especially Hexxus, LOVES!

What mix of pets do you have and do you have any specific rules or everyone just gets along naturally?

Dogs like affection in different ways and not every dog enjoys cuddles or being hugged.Although it is absolutely useful ...

Dogs like affection in different ways and not every dog enjoys cuddles or being hugged.

Although it is absolutely useful to get dogs used to being handled in strange ways by different people to set them up for success for vet visits, we should respect their preferences and what they are comfortable with in our interactions with them.

As a general rule, don't give a dog pats unless you have 1. Asked the owner, and 2. The dog is seeking out affection from you.

With my own dogs for example, I have a spectrum of personalities and they enjoy physical affection in different ways.

Hades (my big floof) will tolerate pats from anyone but only enjoys them from people that he knows well. His favourite spots are scratches under his chin and belly rubs.

He will tolerate it when I hug him but he doesn't enjoy it (so I rarely do it) but he will wriggle out of it if anyone else tries to hug him, it just isn't his thing.

Havoc on the other hand (my dog in the picture) LOVES me putting him in a head lock to give him giant hugs. It is his favourite and he will push his way in there ๐Ÿ˜‚ He is way more physical affection orientated.

Pay attention to your dogs body language when you are giving them pats and hugs and try to appreciate if they are just tolerating it for you, or if they actually enjoy it too โค๏ธ

My boys looking like abused creatures because I asked them to take a photo with some treats without letting them just ea...

My boys looking like abused creatures because I asked them to take a photo with some treats without letting them just eat them all straight away ๐Ÿ˜‚

Hades has IBD so his diet is limited, so I find it difficult to find treats that are approved in his diet that are also tasty for him.

We recently discovered and have become huge fans. Hades genuinely loves them but so do Hexxus and Havoc. They have a big range of tasty, natural treats made from healthy ingredients.

If you want to give them a try, Alfie's Kitchen gave us a discount code to share (20% off!). The discount code is "HHH20". We don't make a commission or get anything if you use the discount code. It just saves you some money to try some healthy treats for your dog.

My guys favourites so far have been the beetroot cookies and the dehydrated kiwifruit, but they have eaten every treat that I have given them from the range (including Hexxus who can be "particular" with his treat choices, especially when they are not meat based).

If you give them a crack, let us know what your dog thinks!

Side note, the bandanas from the company are also super cute! Hades is wearing an XL and Hex and Havoc are in a size L.


I see flexi/retractable leads used incorrectly a heap, but when used correctly they can be a super useful training tool.

This evening I took Havoc out for a sniffy walk at a park on a flexi so he had some freedom to walk and sniff where he liked.

It also gave us the opportunity to practice some recall training at a distance while still setting Havoc up for success (and following the law) by having him on a lead.

It is absolutely okay to rehome a dog and shaming people for doing it will keep dogs in houses that don't allow the dog ...

It is absolutely okay to rehome a dog and shaming people for doing it will keep dogs in houses that don't allow the dog or human to live their best lives.

It can be a controversial topic and I understand that some people have big feelings about rehoming, but sometimes a dog and family just aren't the right match up but the perfect home could be out there for that dog.

I disagree with not researching a breed before buying a dog on a whim. I disagree with supporting back yard breeders by buying a puppy without health testing and who's breeder isn't breeding with the primary intention of bettering the breed. I disagree with supporting puppy farms by buying a puppy from a pet shop. I disagree with rescues and shelters not being honest about a dogs behaviour before adopting them out.

Even if all the "right" steps are followed though, circumstances in peoples lives can change or a puppy/dog can end up just not being the right match.

Every dog deserves to be in a home where they are loved, enjoy life and have their needs met. Every dog owner deserves to be in a relationship with their dog that they enjoy.

Some points of tension between a dog and human can be fixed with training, but sometimes it just isn't the right match.

This is your reminder to put your dog toys through the wash if you haven't recently! Washing your dog toys can make them...

This is your reminder to put your dog toys through the wash if you haven't recently!

Washing your dog toys can make them smell new again to help your dog become interested in toys that they have stopped caring about. That is if you have a dog who doesn't trash their toys straight away!

It is Winter!!Do your dogs wear pyjamas? Some dogs love it, some dogs hate it and not every dog needs to be rugged up. H...

It is Winter!!

Do your dogs wear pyjamas? Some dogs love it, some dogs hate it and not every dog needs to be rugged up.

Hades REALLY feels the cold so has been in his pjs almost 24/7 recently.

Hexxus gets chilly at night and likes to wear his onesie for sleeping.

Havoc isn't bothered by the cold so far so he is still naked.

How do you know if your dog would benefit from pjs? For my guys, Hades and Hexxus let me know by curling up into smaller balls then they usually would when they are sleeping and they look much for comfortable with their pjs on.

If you dog wears pj's or coats/jackets, please show me a photo in the comments!

I am not the kind of dog trainer who thinks that you shouldn't be able to say "no" to your dog, but I think it is super ...

I am not the kind of dog trainer who thinks that you shouldn't be able to say "no" to your dog, but I think it is super important to remember that dogs are living, feeling creatures.

They have emotions, they have likes and dislikes and just like people, they can also be scared of things.

When a dog is genuinely fearful of something, you cannot make them no longer scared by using aversives. You need to help them to see that situations are safe and that good things will happen to them.

An analogy. Lets say you are scared of spiders and someone throws one onto your arm. When you start freaking out, trying to get the spider off you, someone starts smacking you on the head with a stick. Is that physical aversive going to make you less scared of the spider? No. Will you stop flailing and appear to be calmer? Maybe. But you are still scared of that spider.

When we fix the emotions that are causing behaviours in our dogs, we fix the behaviours.

There are easy ways to make meal times more fun for your dog!When I am trying to be efficient and don't have the time sp...

There are easy ways to make meal times more fun for your dog!

When I am trying to be efficient and don't have the time spare to use my dogs food in training sessions and I need to just feed them from a bowl, Likimat UFO's are my go-to!

They are pretty durable (don't leave your dog alone to chew on them though!) and turn meal time into a more enriching experience for my dogs while they get to lick all of their food out of the grooves.

I have put mine through the dishwasher a million times too and they still look brand new.

Would you like to stalk my dogs on social media to get some insight into the things that I do with them? I will still sh...

Would you like to stalk my dogs on social media to get some insight into the things that I do with them?

I will still share some relevant posts on here, but the boys have an instagram account if you would like to see into their lives!

With the colder weather that we have been experiencing can come along with pain for some dogs, and this pain can be expr...

With the colder weather that we have been experiencing can come along with pain for some dogs, and this pain can be expressed by a change in personality.

Dogs that are beginning to suffer from arthritis or other medical conditions may act more normal during the summer, but when the temp drops their pain increases and some common symptoms of this is an increase in aggressive behaviours or just being a bit "snappy" or irritable.

If you have noticed a change in behaviour in your dog, it is a great idea to start with a comprehensive vet check to rule out any possible underlying medical causes. Once your dog is cleared medically then we can start working on some training to address the issue/s.

An update on our beloved Hades โค๏ธFor those who might be new around here, Hades is my 9.5yo GSD who has helped me sociali...

An update on our beloved Hades โค๏ธ

For those who might be new around here, Hades is my 9.5yo GSD who has helped me socialize countless puppies and helped to rehabilitate countless reactive dogs. He also loves showing off his tricks like taking my sock off on cue in exchange for a treat.

At the start of this year Hades had a slipped disk which required surgery to fix. The surgery went great and he made a full recovery.

A couple of months ago, he slipped another disk and has been under strict rest instructions in the hopes that a conservative approach would fix this disk. It seems to have worked!

Hades had another check up this morning with his surgeon and has been given the thumbs up to start going for small walks again and he is able to get back into physio. He will be a happy Hades indeed โค๏ธ

He is now retired from being my helper dog but we want to enable him to live his best life for whatever length of quality time we have him for.

Side note: Please excuse his sad expression in this photo, he had just woken from a nap ๐Ÿ˜‚

How have I been keeping my dogs entertained while I have been unwell? Yesterday I became sick the day after I was cleare...

How have I been keeping my dogs entertained while I have been unwell?

Yesterday I became sick the day after I was cleared by the doctor to start using my dominant arm again after a dislocated shoulder and torn tendon. Sometimes it just feels like thing after thing, I'm sure everyone can relate to that ๐Ÿ˜‚

I have 3 German Shepherds and 2 of them are working lines. This is relevant because my working line boys are bred to work and do a job, not to be couch potatoes with an occasional walk.

Some things that I do in my regular day to day life that I am SO thankful for in times like this when I am sick, includes that my dogs do not have a consistent daily routine.

My wake up time each day is determined by what I have on that day, so on a day off sometimes I'll sleep in until 10am and other days I'll be up at 6am. Because it isn't predictable my dogs are happy to just sleep in until I get up in the morning. This has been fantastic while I've been sick so I can get some extra (much needed) sleep.

Because my daily routine changes, the amount of daily exercise and training that my dogs get varies. Some days it is A LOT and other days it is minimal if I have a huge day of work. They don't expect to go for a walk or train at the same time every day so when I need to take it easy, they aren't stressed because they don't have expectations on activities for the day.

Another regular thing is that my dogs have the rule that they can calmly play with toys on their own inside, but they aren't allowed to run around or rough play with each other. When they are outside they can have all the fun they like, but inside is calm and quiet time, for their safety and my sanity ๐Ÿ˜‚

Now, what have I been doing while sick to give my dogs enough entertainment for them to be settled:

- This morning when I got up I let them run around together outside and have a play while it wasn't raining. They got to crack some zoomies and get their heebie jeebies out. If my dominant arm was working and I only had one dog, instead I could have played a game with them like tug or fetch.

- For brekkie instead of eating from a bowl they got a rack of emu ribs to eat. This kept them occupied for about 30-45 minutes of quality chewing time. Chewing is a calming activity for a lot of dogs so this settled them down.

- I have Likimat paste from Spot On Nutrition freshly defrosted in the fridge to make likmats up as another calming activity for the afternoon if they start getting restless.

- I have a box of new toys stashed in my office for days like today, so they can be entertained without any input from me.

- I have a packet of treats beside me on the couch so I can do impulse control training with them and get them to lay down and chill out when deliveries are being dropped off.

- I have a stash of longer lasting chews in the pet pantry including yakky sticks, bully chews and deer antlers if they need extra occupying.

- For some mental stimulation we are doing training around the necessary stuff like nail trims and brushing (things that don't involve much energy from me)

- For dinner they will eat from puzzle toys and slow feeders to make meal time more engaging and last longer

- Cardboard boxes that would be going into recycling are being sacrificed to the dogs to be shredded for fun

This kind of game plan will keep my dogs happy for a few days. If I was going to be out of action longer than that, I would organize for a mobile slat mill to come to our house so the dogs could blast out all their extra energy on the slatmill (something they love to do!)

If you have any suggestions of things you do to occupy your dogs when you are unwell, let me know!

Do you have a dog who thinks their love can cure you? โค๏ธI woke up very unwell with a virus. I have a fever, headache, na...

Do you have a dog who thinks their love can cure you? โค๏ธ

I woke up very unwell with a virus. I have a fever, headache, nausea, congestion, sore throat etc and honestly just feel like trash. I have been confined to the couch for the day with all my dogs hovering nearby, but Havoc especially seems to be very concerned about me โค๏ธ

Tomorrow I will share some tips about how you can manage life with high energy dogs while you are unwell and have things manageable for everyone in the household.

I am honoured to have a senior dog โคThis photo was taken 9 years ago when Hades was about 6 months old and I was 21. My ...

I am honoured to have a senior dog โค

This photo was taken 9 years ago when Hades was about 6 months old and I was 21.

My big fuzz has been with me through so many changes and challenges throughout life and I feel so deeply lucky that he has stuck around with me long enough for me to support him through his senior stage.

The amount of time that we have with our furry family members is never guaranteed so make sure to let your dog know how much you love and appreciate them.

Knowing when to cut dogs some slack. On Thursday afternoon one of our dogs, Hades, collapsed. He underwent spinal surger...

Knowing when to cut dogs some slack.

On Thursday afternoon one of our dogs, Hades, collapsed. He underwent spinal surgery about 3 months ago and on Monday we should be finding out if he needs to go in for another one.

With all the current stress in the household while we wait to find out what is going to happen with Hades, our youngest GSD Havoc, has had sudden behavioural changes.

Havoc has had periods of reactivity throughout his young life particularly when he has gone through fear periods, but we had successfully worked through those stages and he has been wonderful.

Since Hades collapse on Thursday, Havoc has had a drastic leap backwards. He is acting nervous when he sees other dogs while on walks, barked at a dog on TV for the first time ever and has been wanting to bark and grumble at foot traffic going past our house which is something that hasn't been an issue.

Something that I feel is important to note is that Havoc is extremely in tune with our emotions which makes him such a loving and comforting dog during times of sadness and turns him into the most fun loving, hilarious clown when life is normal.

Because we are stressed about Hades current condition, Havoc is feeling stressed too.

So, what are we doing about it?

We are cutting Havoc some slack. We aren't abandoning all of our usual rules and expectations but we are putting focus on particular aspects of life for Havoc at the moment to help him cope, because I just can't relax at this moment.

Some things that we are doing:

- Making sure that Havoc is getting plenty of exercise. Exercise is always important for dogs but is especially crucial when dogs are dealing with stress and/or anxiety.

- Giving him his exercise in the least stressful way possible for him. We are playing with him at home where he is most comfortable and are taking him on his walks in areas where we have good visibility (like open parks) so we can reduce the risk of being surprised by another dog. His walks have also been on his longline so he can sniff and explore as much as he wants to help him decompress.

- We are giving him tasty long lasting treats and bones to chew on if he is having trouble settling down for a nap or if it is a time of the day with a lot of foot traffic past our house. Chewing releases calming hormones so helps dogs to chill out along with keeping them occupied for a while.

- We are doing short, fun training sessions working on random tricks that we both enjoy. Little training sessions boost dogs confidence when they learn to do something new as well as provide much needed mental stimulation.

- We are still having cuddles, but we haven't increased it. If I became super clingy with Havoc it would likely cause more stress and anxiety issues at the moment.

- If I am feeling particularly irritable I am putting Havoc in his crate for about half an hour, giving him a tasty chew to enjoy. He is crate trained and voluntarily goes into his crate during the day (it is set up in the living room and we leave the door open) so it isn't stressful for him, but it avoids him accidentally frustrating me which prevents me from getting crabby at him unfairly.

- This is something we always do but is super useful for dogs with behavioural concerns, which is feeding them the best quality diet that you can afford. Havoc has been on a balanced fresh food diet since we got him at 8 weeks old. Our usual go-to is Spot On Nutrition which the boys LOVE.

- We are using the topical and diffuser blends from Shy Tiger to use pet safe essential oil blends to help the entire household to relax.

In short, he is getting plenty of fun exercise, activities to relax and decompress and we are having time away from each other so we can both unwind.

I think it is pretty likely that as soon as our household settles down to a new normal Havoc will go back to his usual, awesome self. If there are any blips I will absolutely work with him through training to stop this bout of reactivity and help him be calm and confident again.

Now is not the time for training though. I need these couple of days in limbo to focus on Hades and when I am working with Havoc through his current issues, he needs and deserves for me to be performing at my best.

I am obviously very in support of training dogs, but it is also absolutely okay to have moments where you are just getting by day to day the best you can together. This is one of those times for us.

I hope this (long) post will be useful for someone and we will absolutely give an update on Hades once he has his specialist appointment on Monday.


Springfield Lakes, QLD

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm


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