Uno and Laura bringing in 800 crossbred lambs tonight. They were pretty wild for a start but they have them walking nicely now. #bordercollies #workingdog
Lady and Uno bringing in the culls to be shorn along with the lambs tomorrow. Nice place to be except for the wind. #BorderCollies#workingdogs
Belle is a bit more cautious but still keen to have a go. #bordercollie #workingdogs
So Doug is 7 weeks old today. We wondered if he was showing any interest in sheep.
Uno and Lady
Uno and Lady back on the job today bringing in 600 ewes for shearing.
Echo Park Dan having a training run with Tony Jackson in the middle of Queensland. Looks like he’s going well. #bordercollies#
Echo Park Billy running through a few training drills with Lyn-Marie Smith. Billy is by Bazza out of Spot. Those with Echo Park Dogs keep sending 30 second videos and we will put them up.
Echo Park Billy running through a few training drills with Lyn-Marie Smith. Billy is by Bazza out of Spot. Those with Echo Park Dogs keep sending 30 second videos and we will put them up.
This is Echo Park Ruffy penning up. Ruffy belongs to Dean Richardson who sent this short video. If anyone has any videos of Echo Park dogs that are less than 30 seconds send them on messenger and we will put them up.
This is Echo Park Ruffy penning up. Ruffy belongs to Dean Richardson who sent this short video. If anyone has any videos of Echo Park dogs that are less than 30 seconds send them on messenger and we will put them up.
A big day for Laura on Wednesday, 700 sheep mouthed and drenched. Finishing up with a 7km walk to a fresh stubble.
Here is Uno about 30 minutes later. Sometimes I’m surprised how quickly dogs learn.
Took the opportunity while filling the crutching trailer to teach Uno to work the side. This is her first attempt
Uno shifting ewes and lambs through a wheat crop today. Not ideal but if you let them make their own way through they don’t do too much damage.