🐾Fun Fact Friday🐾
How many of our lovely clients buy their pets gifts? We'd love to see - Comment below 😍
#petcare #christmastime #christmasgifts #petgift #presents #giftgiving #happypets
Shining a light on our awesome Vet Nurse Team!🩺🌟
This month we will show you some of our nurses in action – doing what they do to support our vet team and help your furbabies ❤
Treatment room, surgery theatre and dental procedure set-up:
Our nurses are responsible for all the hospital procedure set-ups
🌟They ensure that all the instruments are cleaned, sanitised, lubricated and sterilised ready for use
🌟They make sure equipment required is out and prepared for use
🌟They sanitise the surgical theatre before and after use
🌟They get out the surgical skin scrubs
🌟They test all the anaesthetic gas machines to ensure they are working and safe for use
🌟They gather patient monitoring charts (+ dental charts) and fill these out per patient
🌟They turn on, prime and oil the dental machine ready for use
🌟They turn the body and dental xray units on and enter the patient details into the computer
🌟They turn on the ultrasound unit and enter the patient details into the computer
🌟They turn on the labaoratory machines (blood and urine analysers)
🌟They prime and turn on drip pumps ready for use
🌟They get hospital beds ready for the days patients
🌟They re-fill and top-up items around the treatment room as they are needed
Check out this vid of Nurse Jess performing some of these duties 💪😃👍