✨ Meet Mr. Gold Coast Discus, Darren Thomson! ✨
Widely recognised as one of Australia's premier fish hobbyists, Darren has been supplying stores across the country for over a decade. For the past three months, Darren has been using AquaMunch food in his fishroom and putting our Australian Salmon Fishmeal-based formulas to the test.
An expert in fish nutrition, Darren conducted an extensive 10-week feeding trial and quickly recognised the benefits of our premium formulas. 🐟💪
22/11/2024 Facebook Post from Darren
" Hey guys
Not something I do often as you know but I was given a large box of mixed aquamunch products to trial in the fish room last 8 weeks
It's fits perfect with where I'm at just now, all fish in the room are Australian Bred just now
So food that's all Australian ingredients was def worth a try for me.
All my catfish, fry , middle size and breeders to my wide range of discus all sizes , rams whiptails and even the birchirs loved the new diet I gave them
I had quite a mix of food to try
Flake,various gels which I used single and mixed a cple together to help meet different needs
The effects on the fish has been great, they have all been vibrant, healthy,and active with great colours coming through.
I will be using these products now as a big part of the diet in the fish room
I have chatted to quite a few of you along the way with what I was trialling as I'm pretty hard to please and sceptical but easy to say I'm very happy with the outcome
So much so I'm in talks to help increase its use in our hobby..
Details with follow on how this will help you guys benefit through Gold Coast Discus."
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