It's an exciting time here now looking into the new season with many pairs of Pied Sun Conures and Normal Sun Conures already on eggs and already hatching, along with these three pied suns, three normal, suns and 2 Jenday Conure young already in the brooders out of this freezing cold weather
Now there are 2 little baby Sun conures with their little yellow fluffy down from some of our good, pied lines, the poor little buggers hatching out in this freezing weather we are all having, but mummy seemed to be doing an awesome job of keeping them warm for their first-ever clutch and hatching 🙂
It's said PARROTS are seed addicts and if fed seed that's all they will eat. Well, these guys were given a fresh bowls of seed and 2 baskets of sprouts all at the same time both sprout baskets are full (one not shown) and only 2 that never fitted in the sprout baskets went to the seed bowl. Just to show their more interested in their sprouts than their seed 🙂
Mix Contains, Wheat, Barley, Mung Beans, Dunn Pea, Maple peas, Safflower, Chickpeas, Corn, Pop Corn, Vetch, Sunflower Lentils, Adzuki beans, canary seed, and white French millet.
*Please Note: Seeds may vary with availability
The Health Benefits of a Natural Diet
Sprouts are a significant part of our bird's diet every day of the year as it's a living food. It contains more than 700 times the nutritional value of fruit, veggies & Greens, but it does not replace them though all a significant part of a complete diet. The health benefits of a natural diet are healthier birds and fewer health issues. Sprouts have excellent healing properties, fewer problems associated with egg production, and a higher quality of viable eggs for breeding birds. have a deeper saturation of feather colour and maintain a healthier weight level. With no obesity problems, even birds who have developed feather destruction behaviours respond well to being fed a diet rich in a blend of sprouted legumes, seeds, and grains.
Some Baby sun conures, from one of our pied pairs and a pair, that both Parents are proven split to pied :) they sure have picked a cold week to make an entrance to the world that is for sure
Baby Sun Conure
Baby sun Conure, Ready for my breakfast. Now hurry up 🐣
Baby pied sun Conure found 3 cold eggs in a nest just after all the storms and heavy rain. We checked to see if there was any activity in the eggs, and all 3 had a heartbeat, but sadly 2 of the eggs had dents in the shell and never made it but save this guy at least 🐣 it is now 4 1/2 days old and almost tripled its hatch weight 😊🐣
Apollo shared Christmas lunch with us, and then decided she wanted to change TV channels lol Season greetings to everyone hope you all have a wonderful day :)