We created this Page Beaks & Feathers Aviaries to help you, the bird owner, to give your bird/pet the best care and life possible, from the hands-on experience and the extensive research we have done into mainly Conures & Caiques! While I do breed birds, the primary function of the page and what we do on Facebook is to educate fellow bird caregivers here and in the groups we have. Bird behaviour t
heir instinctive needs is completely foreign to most people, and it can lead to a lot of miscommunications & understanding. Most people grow up with a kitten or a puppy or both and have at least a general idea of how to care for them properly. Dogs and cats have been domesticated for hundreds of years; it is easier for us to “read” them and while parrots have been domesticated to some extent, their instinct is to act first think later. As prey animals, parrots react very differently to situations than dogs and cats. We strongly believe that education is key to providing parrots with safe and happy and loving homes that readily cater for more than just their basic needs. We also believe that educating the new & existing bird owners of their needs and understanding them makes for a much happier parrot & owners bond, and in turn, there will be way fewer parrots up for rehoming or adoption hopefully. While Avian Veterinarians are an especially important part of our bird’s health, some seem to put all birds under the same big umbrella as that is what they have been taught, but different birds have different needs like Conures & Caiques are instinctively cavity sleepers and not perch sleepers like a lot of others are as well as their diets are all different as well This site Beaks & Feathers Aviaries Exotic Parrots has a sister Page Beaks & Feathers Aviaries we will be updating and transferring files our website https://www.beaksandfeathersaviaries.com/ also into our bird pages and is largely an educational site with the files that we use quite often in our groups
Some of the Parrots we have, Alexandrines, Amazons, Caiques, (Conures:- Sun, Pied Sun, Jendaya, Peach Fronted, Golden Capped, Crimson Bellied, Black-Capped, Pearly, Rose Crowned and most of the Green Cheek Conures also in blue and Jade