Perenti monitor require extreme high amount of heat and UVB in captivity. Smart H**p lighting equipment is a perfect fit for their needs.
Newly hatched bearded dragons
Equipment list:
Smart H**p 2ft wooden enclosure
Smart H**p LED UVB V1 10.0 5W
Smart H**p energy saving basking Kit 20W
Smart H**p large Screen timer
Smart H**p SH-112 thermostat
Smart H**p incubator
The egg guard. Smart H**p multi-function incubator.
The depressa enjoys its life basking under the Smart H**p LED UVB 10.0.
Smart H**p SR120 4ft enclosure
White Het Anery Male
Het White Female
This cute Lava enjoy its breakfast.
Smart H**p 80 Bluetongue Enclosure
Energy saving basking light 20W
#smartherp #bluetongueskink #bluetonguelizard #lava #reptile #lizard #uvb
Good lightings reward good results
#smartherp #reptile #mating #bluetonguelizard
SR80 Enclosure, designed for hatchlings and junior Bluetongue Skinks. Use with HO UVB and normal basking light.
Smart H**p LED UVB V2
The V2 indeed received immediate response by the bearded dragon when turned on.
Your enclosure is now in your mobile phone. Smart Panel V.1 smart habitat system
Introducing the game-changer
A short video for our new model, the SH LED UVB V1
Coming this September
Smart H**p Newly development, SH90 v1 for bearded dragon and medium size reptiles.
90cm x 50cm x 70cm