I recently had the incredible opportunity to attend the Bain Fallon Equine Veterinary conference last weekend as a student volunteer.
Although I was only able to stay for the weekend ultrasound workshop I was able to learn so much and it was amazing to connect with student and vets from all around Australia! Day one consisted of lectures from vets around the world on correct ultrasound technique and new research findings. My favourite takeaway was that researches have found that a Doppler signal (a special ultrasound signal that picks up blood flow) in a tendon is directly related to damage which helps us monitor sport injuries over time. The second day consisted of holding horses (and sometimes having a go at ultrasounding) at the new state of the art Scone Equine Hospital! My personal highlight definitely was ultrasounding a larynx (back of a horses throat) which can be used in conjunction with endoscopic exams (the camera exam thinngy) to get a better idea of a wide range of performance limiting conditions (such as roaring)
Thank you again to the EVA for awarding me this opportunity. Here's just a preview of the dozens of dozing horses I held and a few of many weird concentration faces I pulled while trying to understand all the information presented!