🦓Happy International Zebra Day! The perfect day to talk about amazing adaptations!
There are 3 types of Zebra. Plains, Mountain and Grevy’s zebras.
We have a dazzle of Plains Zebras at Sydney Zoo (a dazzle is one name for a herd of zebras).
Their most mesmerizing adaptation is their stripes! There are 4 ways stripes help zebras survive:
🪪Identification- every zebra has individual stripes.
🦁Camouflage – their main predator the lion doesn’t see in colour the way we do, the pattern of stripes help zebras blend into the long grass, but also with the herd. One moving mass of stripes makes it hard for predators to pick out a single animal.
❄️Thermoregulation – scientists believe that the black and white stripes can aid in keeping the zebras cool.
🪰Fly bite prevention – the stripes confuse biting flies when they approach. Some flies can carry disease, so this adaptation can be life saving.
People have begun using zebra striped horse rugs to protect their own horses from flies! And it works!
#amazingadaptations #sydneyzooeducation #internationalzebraday
International Zebra Day Adaptations
Zebra adaptation celebration!
Squirt the Eastern Long-necked Turtle has some amazing adaptations to share this week!
📏 A long neck to help her catch her prey
🕸️🐾 Webbed feet to help her swim through the water
🐢A hard shell to protect her from predators, it is also flat and streamlined to help her swim really efficiently.
In Australia we don’t have native tortoises, only turtles, BUT if you want to know the difference - turtles have flat shells and webbed feet. Tortoises are terrestrial (live on land) and have much higher rounded shells - they have no need for streamlining.
#sydneyzooeducation #sustainabilityeducation #amazingadaptations