Nichola Calvani, Emily Francis, PhD students Rose Power and Phoebe Rivory, along with AVBS honours student Chelsie Uthayakumar represented team para from Veterinary Sciences, University of Sydney at the annual Australian Society for Parasitology conference. The theme of this years' conference was "Parasites in the Pacific" and was held in conjunction with the New Zealand Society for Parasitology and the 7th International Conference for Anaerobic Protists in beautiful Auckland, New Zealand.
While Jan held down the fort back on home soil, the team did a fantastic job showcasing the diversity of research conducted in our lab; from heartbreaking heartworms to pesky rat lungworm, their talks were engaging, entertaining, and visually spectacular (although, we might be biased)!
A special shoutout to Chelsie for doing an amazing job presenting her honours project work to date to an audience larger than our lab for the first time ever. No one knew she had never been to a conference, let alone presented, before. Well done Chelsie! Chelsie was supported by an ASP student travel grant as well as an Australian Wool Education Trust scholarship.
It was a fabulous opportunity to catch up with old colleagues and friends, while making new and lasting connections. Emily even won the NEB lab lego set!
Now, it's back to the lab as PhD students Rose and Phoebe finish writing up their theses, Emily returns to teaching, Chelsie cracks on with lab work, and Nichola does... something with liver fluke. More about our next adventures soon!