Last weekend we headed west to Cobar and Nyngan shows. A last minute discussion because I’ve been out of action and now keen to get going again. It was a bit wet at both shows but we managed a few clear rounds, Day 1 Cutter placed first in the 95cm and Blue placed 3rd, Cutter then place 3rd in the 1.05m, Kanny had her first 85cm start and enjoyed jumping🥰 Day 2 after a lot of rain over night Cutter was 1st in the 90cm. Blue was clear but not fast enough for a place Cutter also jumped clear in the 1.05m but not fast enough for a ribbon just an unlucky rail for blue in both 1.05m starts.
Day 2 we packed up headed off to Nyngan which had had 40mls in 3hrs just before our arrival. Day 3 and 4 yeilded no ribbons for us but cutter was just shy of a place in the 1.05m very happy with both horses starting to step up, might be time to invest in studs and pray for no rain while Dubbo show is on😅