Microchip Pet Registry company, HomeSafeID, will cease to operate online on the homesafeid.com website.
This means if your pet’s (dog, cat etc.) microchip has been registered with HomeSafeID, your details will no longer be viewable when their microchip is scanned.
So, if your pet goes missing or is found, vets/councils/animal shelters will no longer be able to view your pet’s ownership details listed on their microchip.
If you know your pet is registered with HomeSafeID, you will need to change your microchip registration to another company. How to change your pet’s microchip registration
1. To find out where your pet’s microchip details are stored, visit petaddress.com.au
2. Log in and confirm the details are correct
3. Apply to register your pet with one of the following Microchip Registry services
Microchip Registry Details:
Central Animal Registry: car.com.au 03 9706 3187
Australasian Animal Registry: aar.org.au 02 9704 1450
Global Micro Animal Registry: globalmicro.com.au 02 8338 9063
If you don’t know your pet’s microchip number or have lost their paperwork with their registration details, please contact us on 074633 1733 so we can scan your pet and find out which database it is registered on.
This is also a great time to check your details are current and up to date.