Dogs have super sensitive hearing creating a fear of loud noises such as thunder, fireworks, and loud vehicles. These are the most common noise phobia triggers that create stress.
So for New Years Eve create a safe haven and ensure they can't escape because dogs have been known to keep running away from the noise of fireworks.
Fireworks - love them or hate them!?๐
New Years Eve is nearly upon us so now is the time to prepare for your pooches' safety.
Dogs can be very afraid of fireworks because of their acute sensitive hearing and the unpredictability of the noises. They can trigger a dog's fight-flight-freeze and cause them to bark, runaway or hide.
PTSD Dogs Australia tips for a happy pooch -
๐Prepare by finding out where and when your local fireworks events will happen
๐Exercise and feed your dog as a tired well fed dog may be less anxious
๐Keep your dog inside - close the windows and curtains, make a comfy hiding place (eg crate) put on music or the TV to mask outside noises
๐Reward your pooch's calm behaviour with dog treats, fav toy, and cuddles
๐Make sure your dog is microchipped and has a secure collar with ID (just in case of emergencies)
๐Talk to your vet about treatment options
๐If you can't stay with your dog organise a responsible person to keep your hound safe
And lastly, Keep calm yourself!