I think they like the box.
Puppies have been working on loose lead walking - this is session 3 for Mr Red. They've also done a couple of rounds of the collar grab game (desensitisation/counterconditioning to people grabbing at their neck/collar). A recall is also a prerequisite.
Will they have perfect lead walking when they go home? Nope! They're tiny puppies with limited impulse control, focus and stamina, it's not really possible, and with 7 of them I've only got so much time. But they'll have a start :)
Can't get anything done without puppy "help".
No Mr Orange, he was asleep.
Haven't posted many training videos, most of them are on my GoPro which takes great video but it's a pain to get things off it!
They've had:
- Two rounds of charging up the clicker - attempting to draw the connection that click = treat
- Two rounds of 101 things to do with a box - an introduction to shaping, the concept that trying different things is the path to treats
- One round on sit
- And today we worked on stand - here's Rumble (Miss Pink) giving us a demo 🥰
All just short and simple little 1-2 minute sessions, the pups are so keen and hungry to learn.
Puppies learning about tug 😁
Please excuse the high quality videography 😅
Happy mum playing with her pups.
Basil's super with them :)
Mamma Sally still keeping the kids topped up.
Working on taking treats and Puppy Culture manding (sitting to ask for things) :) We're getting there!
Missing Mr Dark Blue, he decided to go nap instead 😆