📏 Why is Discipline an Important Consideration When Feeding? 🐴
Nutritional demands differ significantly depending on the specific type and intensity of exercise routinely performed. The daily feed provision should be reflective of the amount of work being done by the horse.
🥕 Adjusting Nutritional Demands by Exercise Level
Nutritional requirements may be influenced by breed (e.g., ‘good-doing’ breeds vs. those which struggle to maintain weight), but the degree of nutrient utilisation via exercise will determine what the diet should contain.
Increased exercise intensity requires readily utilizable energy sources in the form of supplementary concentrates.
Fibre-based energy sources (e.g., pasture, hay, and chaff) are often sufficient to maintain body condition of horses at rest. However, as exercise intensity increases, the rate of fibre digestion within the hindgut is often slow and insufficient.
🌾 Energy Concentrates
If the energetic demands exceed what fibrous energy sources provide, the use of an energy concentrate is required.
Starch is a concentrated source of energy contained in cereal grains such as oats, corn, and barley which can be added to the ration and rapidly digested within the small intestine.
For horses affected by starch (behaviourally or metabolically), alternatives include super fibres (e.g., beet pulp, soy hulls), rice bran, or Grand Prix Oil®, all valuable energy sources suitable for varying work demands.
💪 The Importance of Protein
Protein is deposited in areas of muscle fibre stress during exercise, making the presence of a quality protein source vital for muscle hypertrophy (building).
Sedentary horses may meet daily protein requirements through high-quality pasture and lucerne hay, though pasture protein quality varies by season, possibly requiring additional supplementation.
Protein quality and utilization throughout the body depend on the amino acid profile, with lysine as a commonly limiting amino acid. High-quality protein sources like Topline FX®, Power Formula®, and Ranvet 500 PLUS® are recommended.
💧 The Importance of Electrolytes
Electrolytes are essential for nerve and muscle function, body fluid balance, and stimulation of thirst. Exercise levels, electrolyte utilization, and loss will increase the requirement.
For horses on maintenance requirements, Ranvet’s Iodised Salt Lick® in paddock or stable access may be sufficient. However, with increased sweat loss during exercise, a supplement such as Salkavite® or Electro Paste® is required.
Insufficient electrolytes can lead to muscle fatigue, cramping (tying up), suppressed fluid intake, and dehydration. Electrolytes are water-soluble, necessitating daily provision through feed or an Iodised Salt Lick®.
Discipline in feeding ensures that diet matches workload requirements, supporting energy, muscle health, and hydration for optimal horse performance.