August is Pet Dental Month!
Did you know that 80% of dogs and 70% of cats develop dental disease by the age of 3? Bad breath, discoloured and/or loose teeth, changes in appetite and behaviour are all signs of pain and discomfort caused by dental disease.
So, what is dental disease?
Bacteria and food in your dog or cat’s mouth accumulate on teeth, which forms plaque. Saliva within the mouth then causes this plaque to harden into tartar, which becomes firmly attached to the surface of the tooth, causing discolouration, bad breath and infection. Bacteria then make their way into the adjacent gum tissue, causing inflammation and infection, referred to as gingivitis. The bacteria can eventually travel below the gum line to the root of the tooth, destroying the root, and eroding the bone of the jaw. This is referred to as periodontal disease.
Dental disease also put’s the animal at risk of developing infections elsewhere in the body,
as harmful bacteria in gum tissue can enter the blood stream, potentially causing problems with the heart, liver, and kidneys. Gingivitis can be treated, and the teeth saved, but periodontal disease is an irreversible process.
What can be done to prevent dental disease?
We recommend regular dental check ups for your animal. At these check-ups, we are able to give you an update on your pet’s dental health, pick up on any early signs of dental disease and give you some further information regarding what ongoing dental care your pet may need.
We also recommend regular use of dental chews, as well as a prescription dental food for select patients.
During the month of August, we are offering free dental check ups with our experienced Veterinary Nurses, as well as a free Greenies Dental Chew.
Please call the clinic to book your appointment!