Peggy and Molly, a beautiful Staffy & Magpie who have been raised together on the Gold Coast for four years, share an unbreakable bond. This bond is not just emotional but also crucial to their well-being.
The special interspecies friendship has made the animals Insta-famous and garnered them a massive social media following. The pair even had a book about them published in 2023.
But after multiple complaints, Molly was recently surrendered to wildlife officers who argued the bird was allegedly “taken from the wild and kept unlawfully, with no permit, licence or authority”.
Wells said that the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation (DESI) also had “concern” the couple had benefited financially from the wild bird.
According to a study by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), animals that grow up together form deep bonds that significantly contribute to their overall health and happiness.
Birds are emotionally intelligent!
Birds display emotions - According to scientists, birds have the right equipment for emotion. They have a limbic system, a specialized portion of the brain necessary for true emotional behavior, found only in other higher vertebrates - humans and mammals.
It is important to keep bonded animals together, as separating them can lead to stress, anxiety, and even depression.
We understand that circumstances change; however, we must prioritize the welfare of these innocent beings who rely on us for care. We urge those responsible for Peggy and Molly's separation to reconsider their decision in light of these facts.
Please join us in our plea to reunite Peggy and Molly. Your signature can make a difference in preserving this precious bond between two innocent lives. Sign this petition today!
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