Fascia- tissue paper thin tissue that can make your horses body ( & ours) as happy or as unhappy as can be.
Head to tail to toes- EVERYTHING CONNECTS. Treat the body as a whole.
“Fascia is a thin casing of connective tissue that surrounds and holds every organ, blood vessel, bone, nerve fiber and muscle in place. The tissue does more than provide internal structure; fascia has nerves that make it almost as sensitive as skin.”
So when you have a trauma related injury, a bad fall, or structural damage, things move. You might bring a chiropractor in to help your athlete out, rightfully so. Well when they “don’t hold their adjustment” it’s typically because fascia has already adjusted things internally and re-learned how to be wrong instead of correct. So we have to release the fascia in order for the body to learn how to be correct again. Bring in PEMF or Laser Therapy. We can help the body do some fascia release! My chiropractors, body workers ect. Find that when I work on them before or after, things go hand in hand, and results stay put.
📸- The left side is balanced and correct.
The right side, somewhere, something (fascia) is holding/ pulling on part of the body and throwing the whole body off. Causing over compensation, soreness, ect.