Ardgaeithe Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers

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Ardgaeithe Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers Soft coated wheaten terrier page, regarding our kennel and breeding, raising , raising puppies, trai Their coat, which is their hall mark.

This page, while for our Ardgaeithe Kennel activities is also to share new and current ideas about dog/puppy breeding, health and training. Our Kennel Prefix is Ardgaeithe (height of the Wind) and we breed and Show and adore Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers, one of the oldest breeds of Ireland and uncommon. We are ANKC registered breeders aiming to breed best possible quality Soft Coated Wheate

n Terriers with the correct Irish coat, and are careful to select for optimal health and temperament and structure . We have one or two litters on average in a year and carefully select puppy homes on the basis of quality time and care available for the pup and keenness to properly train from the start.We also sometimes work with people who might like to try Showingand exhibitng their new pup when trained. We show/exhibit our dogs and participate in Obedience and Agility and other dog sports and support Breed Rescue through our Club. We affirm the need for health testing, even with healthy lines and only breed puppies with Low COI (ie not in**ed) (aiming below recommended 8 at 8 generations) chosing to use Phenotype Pedigree breeding method rather than linebreeding/inbreeding in order to support best breed health. Our usual health testing includes Renal Ultrasounds to exclude significant RD in parents and pups, Urinalysis to exclude Protein losing Kidney disease(PLN), PLN gene test to exclude the risk of inherited PLN which even one copy means a 20x risk.We also check hips and elbows and only breed A and B (Excellent and Good/Normal). Annual Vet check for eyes and other abnormalities and basic bloods and thyroid if indicated.We do not breed dogs that are close relatives of affected significant inherited diseases like RD, PLN, PLE, Addisons, etc.. In fact to our knowledge we do not have any affected dogs in our dog's ancestors back 10 generations. Wheatens are one of the oldest Native Irish breeds, in the past used as an all rounder dog in the home and then also on the farm. is single and soft and wavy, the shine discourages dirt to stick. They do not shed other than how a person does and their hair follicle is fine a lot like human hair. This may be perfect for people (like myself) who are very allergic to other kinds of dogs). Their coat can be trimmed short, still in wheaten style, or kept longer like a show dog. It requires weekly combing and brushing, ideally daily, especially when still very young.They rarely if ever have the "dog smell" even when wet.They will not leave hair on your black lounges or car like other dogs will. They are a medium sized dog, about Kelpie size, standing up to 19inches/48cm max at their shoulder and weighing 14-20 kg, the males tend to be heavier and bigger than the females once fully mature.They mature slowly, full height about 7-8 months but full development including coat not until about age 3yrs or more
They start off dark coloured as puppies, some even black, but usually by 8weeks coming home time you can see the blonde coming through at the base of the hair..The proper Irish coats tend to be coarser and sparser as pups while the American/UK coat tends to be heavier and boofier like a cute teddy bear. They are naturally good with people and adore being close and with them, not the kind of dogs to keep outside in a kennel but rather at your feet of beside your lounge.If properly socialised and trained they are very good with children once the dog is an adult, but as with all dogs, they should always be closely supervised with small children. As a puppy they can be very enthusiastic and this can be daunting for children and elderly or frail as well as tending to jump up("wheaten welcome" )however they train out of this very well. My own 81 year old mother has one of our 2year old dogs as a therapy companion and watch dog. With such enthusiasm and not a huge food drive for treats their training can be daunting but with gentle persistance and calm environment , not overstimulated and distracted, excellent early puppy training results can be had. Gentle persistance and consistancy will eventually pay :) but puppy preschool is a good start. Training is very important right from the start as they will be the best dog possible if well trained.Training is essential as with any dog and should be daily, and can be difficult in the early puppy days when they are enthusiastic but they are very trainable if consistent positive reward training used. Never use dominance/Alpha training on any dog especially a wheaten. They are an all round dog- active, intelligent and compete in obedience and agility events as well as Barn Hunt. They have a natural tendency to hunt small prey but if trained from early puppyhood this may be contained to have other feathered and furry friends in the garden with them, but don;t presume this will work. They are an excellent watch dog yet not a yappy dog. If they bark there is a reason. They are intensely loyal and want and enjoy their owner's company all the time.They are usually good with other dogs if properly socialised.We happily take ours to dog parks. Health:-generally very healthy with few problems as long as WELL BRED with usual precautions for health testing and avoiding parents with illnesses in their close relatives. Allergy to fleas can be a problem, but preventable with proper flea control, ears can get inflammed/infected if wet, dirty and left hairy-so grooming "ear toilet" important. Serious illnesses are rare and include PLN, PLE, RD.There is a gene test now for PLN so ask the breeder if you pup is clear.RD is there from birth and some breeder Renal ultrasound the pups to be sure there is none present.PLE doesn't come on until about age 4 , is rare, and seems to have some correlation to poor food so good quality food and avoiding gluten may have a protective benefit in those dogs at risk from having parents with PLE/PLN affected relatives. Few breeders would breed such dogs anyway. As a whole, the breed is a very healthy one.It had to be to survive the hardships of Ireland in the past! Exercise:
They are a fit dog that thrives with exercise, and once mature enjoys running and long walks and unleash play at parks.Half hour walk each day is necessary, and more would benefit.(within sensible limits).However their usual position is spread out at your feet asleep until you say the word "w a l k." Grooming:

Minimum once coat is mature is a weekly full comb and brush, but ideally daily.3monthly trim at groomer once adult.As a puppy daily brush and comb and occassional trim,Wash and condition as needed. Rarely smell even when wet. Family:

Excellent family inside dog if well trained


Intelligent inquisitive dog, so it Essential and responds well with positive consistent methods. A good all round family dog which doesnt have the shedding/wet smell problem that other dogs have. I hope you enjoy seeing our pups and find the articles of .interest and perhaps sometimes helpful.

Good article on kidney disease

Good article on kidney disease

If you’re having trouble getting your dog with kidney disease to eat, you’re not alone. Dr. Jennifer Coates gives options for feeding your dog, what to look for in a kidney diet, whether it’s okay to feed homecooked meals, and how to transition them to the new food.

In the US .

In the US .

Scientists at the University of New Hampshire may have identified a pathogen that has sickened possibly thousands of dogs and killed some of them across the country.


For fun

3 weeks old today ❤️❤️Thriving and active and Jeli enjoying time in and out with them . Eyes and hearing working and voi...

3 weeks old today ❤️❤️
Thriving and active and Jeli enjoying time in and out with them . Eyes and hearing working and voices! 🤗 wobbly walking and play ❤️ Starting solids 4 beautiful pups from our imported semen from Germany , lovely Mick . Thankyou Christine xx❤️❤️❤️,2 boys 2 girls 2 with dark ears and mask 2 with lighter ears and mask , very even litter 🤗

So after2werks to now 🤗:
“2-week-old puppy development

“Coming to their senses. By the time they're about 10 days to 2 weeks old, the puppies begin to open their eyes.
Still sleeping. As with week one, week two is filled with a lot of napping, resting and sleeping. The real action is happening behind the scenes as your puppy grows.
Keep on growing! Puppies generally gain about 10 percent of their birth weight each day.

“3-week-old puppy development:

“I can hear you! Puppies' ear canals are closed at birth, so the world is a very quiet place for them at the beginning. By the time puppies are 3 weeks old, the ear canals start to open up, and the puppies can hear their mother's voice—and yours—for the first time.
“Walking. Sure, they're wobbly and not very coordinated, but by the time the puppies are around 3 weeks old,2 they're experimenting with getting up on their paws and walking (stumbling?) around.
“Tooth time! At around the 21-day mark, puppies start to develop their tiny—and very sharp!—puppy teeth. These teeth won't stick around and will be replaced by the pup's more robust adult teeth by the time they're about 3 or 4 months old. By the time the puppies are about 8 months old (sometimes less), they should have a full mouth of adult teeth.” No little teeth yet, watch that space Jeli 🤣🤗and wobbly but determined🤗❤️

Happiness is an 8 day old puppy feeding ❤️and a soft Irish coat to nestle into 🤗Wk 2 what to expect: “2-week-old puppy d...

Happiness is an 8 day old puppy feeding ❤️and a soft Irish coat to nestle into 🤗

Wk 2 what to expect:
“2-week-old puppy development
* Coming to their senses. By the time they're about 10 days to 2 weeks old, the puppies begin to open their eyes.
* Still sleeping. As with week one, week two is filled with a lot of napping, resting and sleeping. The real action is happening behind the scenes as your puppy grows.
* Keep on growing! Puppies generally gain about 10 percent of their birth weight each day.”

The senses week : “At one week old, puppies' eyes are still closed. Their eyes will begin to open in the second week of life, usually between 10 and 16 days of age. However, they won't be able to see clearly at first. The eyes will gradually open wider, revealing grayish-blue eyes with a hazy appearance. Puppies' eyes will continue to develop over the next several weeks, reaching full vision around eight weeks of age.”

“.. Puppies' ears begin to open around the time that the eyes do, generally around 12 to 14 days old. Their hearing will continue to develop until the puppies are around five weeks ..”

7 days old. Thriving and mum very well .Doubled birthweights .still blind and “Deaf “but powering around with sense of s...

7 days old. Thriving and mum very well .
Doubled birthweights .still blind and “Deaf “but powering around with sense of smell and heat to find her when she comes in to feed. She loves digging up everything down to the floor boards 🙄🙄. And rearranging 🙄🙄. So needs close watching .
Jeli is well , eating and drinking like a piggy and enjoying breaks away from them ,when she wants🤗. In the wild that would be hunting time but here it is lounge on /under the bed time and bowls of food served 🤗

Why are puppies born deaf and blind?

“…The gestation period in dogs is short, only about two months at 58 to 63 days on average; however, the trade-off is that the puppies are quite helpless. Biologists refer to species that produce immature dependent offspring as altricial and the word is derived from the Latin root meaning "to nurse, to rear, or to nourish." It refers to the need for the young of these species to be fed and taken care of for a long period of time.

Many of the puppy's critical organs, including its brain, are not fully formed and they will spend several weeks developing rapidly. The same is true of the eyes. So the reason that puppies are born with their eyelids tightly shut is that the eye itself is still developing and is extremely fragile. It needs the protection of closed eyelids that provide a barrier, protecting the immature optical system from potential damage from foreign objects—dirt or grit or even pathogens. Also, exposure to very bright light at this time might possibly damage the still delicate photoreceptors and optic mechanisms.

“Most puppies begin to open their eyes at about two weeks of age. However, even then the eyes are not fully developed and functioning perfectly. It will take several more weeks before their eyes mature and their eyesight begins to approach normal.

In the same way that the puppies are born with their eyes closed, they are born effectively deaf because their ear canals are closed. The relative silence is important for developing ears because sounds involve changes in pressure that mechanically move structures in the mature ear. If you force the pup's ears to respond to sound inputs before the puppy's fragile auditory machinery is fully developed it could cause great damage to the basic apparatus needed to hear.

The ear canals begin to open at about the same time that the eyes open. However, when they do open, the ears are much more fully formed than the eyes are at this point in time. Usually, within a week or so the puppy's hearing will be fully useable and quite acute.

Safely ensconced in their den, with a caring mother present, except for a few hours every day or two, even though they are blind and deaf the pups are still safe and will develop quickly enough so that within a few weeks they will be exploring their world….”

End of week 1:”1-week-old puppy development
* The quiet life. At birth, newborn puppies are incredibly vulnerable. Besides being unable to walk or move around much, newborn puppies are blind and deaf—all they're able to do is feel, taste and make small vocalizations. Puppies' eyes stay closed because the light-receptive nerves are still developing. But don't worry, it's happening—literally—behind the scenes.
* A hungry litter of puppies. At this stage of their development, puppies spend time doing the one thing they are good at—nursing!
* Sleeping. Newborn puppies spend most of their time sleeping. They also need assistance in staying warm with the help of their mother or a heated pad designed for whelping puppies like the Deluxe Lectro-Kennel Heated Pad
* Growing. Wow! In just one week, puppies weigh twice what they did when they were born!1”

Arrival on Sunday of 4 beautiful bouncing baby pups , 2boys,2girls. All around 310gm birth weight.  Clever maiden bitch ...

Arrival on Sunday of 4 beautiful bouncing baby pups , 2boys,2girls. All around 310gm birth weight.
Clever maiden bitch Jeli did very well although a footling breach presentation for her first big boy was an interesting start to the whelping. 🤗❤️. She managed without problem as most good bi***es do but you never know . Touch wood , we have never had to do a Caesar in our breeding bi***es but wheatens are generally healthy girls in this area even though Jeli is much older than we usually wait for their first litter( COVID time delayed) . Thankyou to wonderful Michelle and all the family , who loved , trained and exhibited her to her Champion title and kept her in our breeding program .

Thankyou to the very kind Christine Dormuth who allowed us to use beautiful Mick , living in Germany , another lovely Irish type fully health tested wheaten which are so important to our breeding program . Our AI timing was difficult as Jeli decided to have a split progesterone rise ( high anovulatory spike) with drop on the day AI was planned ….so rather than give up we then did daily testing and caught the LH surge and did AI 6 days later . We worried we would get none and so are over the moon to have these 4 beautiful pups .
They will be carefully assessed for a lovely show home already promised and preferably two breed guardian homes if they all turn out well at8 weeks deciding time . Planning to keep one , home dynamics allowing.

We are looking at the applications this weekend when we have had some good sleep and make the guardian home decisions . Such are living homes with lots of time and care for them growing up and training well ,delay desexing until health testing, have free vet care and grooming here and of course our usual full post puppy support. Our breed is small in number especially proper health tested Irish Type and keeping healthy strong beautiful genes going in the breed for diversity is important (or one day there will be none !) and we all work towards healthy preservation of this beautiful unique Irish breed for future generations ❤️🤗


Now THATS when you want “masculinity “.
“I’m coming nana” kappow!

He loves dogs, she loves humans . Perfect combination 🤗❤️  newest family member, 14 months old ,  with our original whea...

He loves dogs, she loves humans . Perfect combination 🤗❤️

newest family member, 14 months old , with our original wheaten ,Aoife ,our nearly 15 yr old GGGrandma

Consider the all important food .we recommend a variety different each day or so . We avoid grains especially gluten due...

Consider the all important food .we recommend a variety different each day or so . We avoid grains especially gluten due to a number of reasons and expect the protein level to ONLY Be made up from animal source ideally quality not meal .

𝗦𝗼, 𝘄𝗵𝘆 𝗱𝗼 𝘄𝗲 𝗳𝗲𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺 𝗵𝗶𝗴𝗵-𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗯 𝗱𝗶𝗲𝘁𝘀?

👉 Carbs are cheaper than animal protein
👉 Carbs are needed to find kibble together
👉 We've been conditioned to think kibble is healthier than real food

Adding real food to kibble is a great way to start feeding a healthier diet:


Don’t chase your dog 🤗


FinalTemperament of an adult dog is thought to be a combination of genes/epigenetics, puppy rearing with the breeder, and their first 12–24 months with their new home , especially early months . About a third contribution for each according to behaviouralists . .

Our Puppy testing plus Volhard temperament testing for this litter, due in 2 weeks or so ,is Usually done at 49 days to help ascertain best home suitable for placement and which would make good service /performance dogs and which are better for inexperienced dog households or with children .
It will ve interesting with lots of intelligence in the make up of these little guys with their grandfather a Delta dog agility and show dog and their mum is a show dog family dog, and dad enjoys agility and obedience and lively family dog .

CHF-funded investigators are collaborating with Canine Companions for Independence to explore the cognitive characteristics of young puppies

Almost all wheatens are like this

Almost all wheatens are like this

Puppy Cognition – the Making of a Brilliant Canine Mind: Ground-breaking research has explored the cognitive abilities of our canine companions, particularly those that work closely with us as detection dogs, service dogs, assistance dogs, and more. Read more about this work at

RD webinar

RD webinar

This month we have a very special speaker, Shelly Vaden DVM fro NCSU speaking to us on the subject of Interpreting Lab Values in Your Dogs bloodwork and Renal Dysplasia. This webinar is brought to you by SCWTCA Health Committee and is sponsored by the SCWTCA Endowment Inc. Please share on your timeline so other breeders can attend. It is open to everyone.

We know you have many questions on these topics so to be sure you get your questions answered submit them to [email protected] ahead of time and we will forward them to Dr Vaden. Read more about Shelly here:

The Webinar presenter this month is Dr. Shelly Vaden, DVM, PhD, DACVIM. She is Professor Internal Medicine (Nephrology and Urology), Chief of Staff, Small Animal at North Carolina State University, College of Veterinary Medicine. She will speak on Renal Dysplasia and Interpretation of Lab Values for the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier.
She has been involved with our breed for many years. Bring your questions or submit them to me ahead of time to present to her before the Webinar. Her specialty is Urology. If you have questions about RD, PLN, Polycystic Kidneys and how the labs results particularly might differentiate one from the other, please ask them.
Zoom details to follow
Susan Ratliffe

Susan Ratliffe is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Dr Shelley Vaden Webinar
Time: Sep 19, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 820 3823 7041
Passcode: 673638


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Ours seem to

Ours seem to

There's no evidence they do. So why do many people think they do?

Excellent article on puberty in dogs 🤗

Excellent article on puberty in dogs 🤗

Dog puberty occurs between 7 months to 2 years old and can be bring a wealth of behavioural and physical changes. Find out more with Purina.

2 weeks to go ! Next week she will have an X-ray to check on the puppies . Ultrasound suggested at least 5 .  After deli...

2 weeks to go ! Next week she will have an X-ray to check on the puppies . Ultrasound suggested at least 5 . After delivery we will take applications Thankyou to those who have waited so very patiently 🤗🤗

Jeli owns the bed! And she knows it!

Getting ready for puppies at the end of the month!!  Changing work times, cleaning out rooms and getting excited Lovely ...

Getting ready for puppies at the end of the month!! Changing work times, cleaning out rooms and getting excited

Lovely Jeli ! From Dara and Eric . Irish and Swedish imported Grandsires, Aubrey and Snorre. Jeli’s Father was Puppy of breed at Royal and now retired. Her mum was BISS Dara. Both confident happy terriers as is she . Temperament is always important .

Jeli and Mick . Expecting puppies.
Mick lives in Germany and over the last year we have been organising importing his semen and checking health testing and getting permissions and through this getting to know his lovely owners better . A beautiful boy .
Jeli has been enjoying shows post COVID isolation to successfully gain her Australian Champion title with her owner as a new talented exhibitor .Both fully health tested of course 🤗


Interesting info on training and the video explains much of this

Initiative for force-free dogtraining - spread knowledge about non-aversive dog training

“Dogs show greater brain sensitivity to the speech directed at them than to adult-directed speech, especially if spoken ...

“Dogs show greater brain sensitivity to the speech directed at them than to adult-directed speech, especially if spoken by women, according to a new study in Communications Biology.”

Dogs show greater brain sensitivity to the speech directed at them than to adult-directed speech, especially if spoken by women, according to a new study in Communications Biology.


Hunter Valley Coast


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